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Sowing and Reaping 12-29-2021

As 2021 nears an end, the two previous messages, “If God is for you, who can be against you?” -“Who your enemy?” and “The consequences of Building Gallows and Digging a Pit” were written for the readers to think about the past year and if they have been guilty of doing these things to others.


Today, I am writing about “Sowing and Reaping,” the consequences and the benefits. The principal of sowing and reaping started with Adam and Eve. God told them to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth (Genesis 1:28a). It means to bring forth, grow, and fill or populate the earth with people, animals and so on.


So, when something is sown, something is reaped, whatever it may be. And the reaping produces more than what is sown. 



 If an apple seed is sown in the ground, many apples will be produced from that one seed.


• Tithing is a principal of sowing and reaping. Remember this, principals do not change. Bring all your tithes to the storehouse that there may be meat in My house…. When one works the principals of God, the principals work for them. God said test Him and see if He would not open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing there you will not have room enough to receive it (Malachi 3:8-11).


I am a living witness that God’s Word is true. It is happening to me right now! Praise God! 


And God goes on to say He will rebuke the devourer for our sake. When we do what God tells us to do, the enemy cannot take it from us.


• Giving is a principal of sowing and reaping: Give and it shall be given to you, good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give unto your bosom, for with the same measure you give, it will be given back to you (Luke 6:38).


Whatever is sown must be sown on good ground for satisfactory results. For instance, when you sow into a fruitful ministry then you will reap blessings.


If the Word of God is sown effectively on good ground it will produce a bountiful harvest of people; Salvation will come to many people.


On the other hand, if the Word is sown on bad ground, there will be bad results. The Word of God tells us not to cast our pearls to swine nor give what is holy to dogs (Matthew 7:6). This means to give something valuable (the Word) to those who do not understand or to those who do not want to hear it; they will make you look foolish.


Brothers and sisters, before 2022 comes, please consider things that can be done better in the new year and purpose in your heart to grow more intimate with Christ, by sowing bountifully with whatever resources you have been blessed with (2 Corinthians 9:6-11).


Be blessed ~ Betty A. Burnett

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The Consequences of Building a Gallow and Digging a Pit 12-28-2021

Yesterday, you read “If God is for you, who can be against you?” Hopefully, you understand who your real enemy is, and that we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood. When we look at what people are doing it becomes personal; we target the person and that is what the enemy wants.


Today, I am continuing to share why you don’t have to take anything personal. In the Old Testament God took care of the peoples’ enemies, but in the New Testament the Holy Spirit empower us to defeat the devils (Ephesians 6:10-17).


However, the concentration today is on the consequences of building gallows, which means to hang someone on. Let’s talk about a Jewish woman who became queen in Persia. You will not see God’s name in any of the ten chapters of Esther, but in reading this book, there is no doubt that God was in it.


Esther became wife and queen of a Gentile king; she kept her Jewish identity hid. With her being queen, she would do whatever possible to set her people free. Mordecai, Esther’s cousin who was like a father to her, was gatekeeper at the king’s palace.


Haman, a minister of the king wanted to annihilate (destroy) the Jews. King Ahasuerus advanced Haman and his seat was above all the princes that were with him. And all the king’s servants that were in the king’s gate bowed and reverenced Haman for the king had commanded that they do so, but Mordecai refused to bow to Haman and reverence him (Esther 3:1-6).


This reminds me of the three Hebrew boys who did not bow to the king’s image (Daniel, chapter 3). No matter how high one may fly, how great they think they are, or how much prestige, or influence they may have because of their status, they can be brought down.


This also references to “If God is for you, wo can be against you?”


Back to Haman who had a gallows built to hang Mordecai on. Guess who hung on the gallows. Haman did!

Another scripture reference is, “He who digs a pit shall fall into it (Proverbs 26:27).


Many people do not realize the danger of coming against another person. My advice is to be careful how you treat others, run them down, belittle and bad-mouth them. It will come back to haunt you.


The bottom line is this, if you understand what Love means, then you will understand that Love works no wrong to his neighbor (Romans 13:10).


Who is your neighbor? Your fellowman (another member of the human race). This is not just someone who lives close by.


Loving my neighbor as myself ~ Betty A. Burnett

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Word For Today  - Who is Your Enemy? 12-27-2021

If God is for you, who can be against you? (Romans 8:31).


No matter how many darts are fired at you, no matter who or where the darts come from, God is in charge.

Since we have been given power over the devils (Luke 10:19).


It is a must to remember that people are not our enemies, but we are in spiritual warfare against evil forces all around us that are constantly shooting fiery darts at us (Ephesians 6:10-18).


Now that we know that our enemies are the devils, what do we do when it comes to people?

We take care of the devils, and God takes care of the people that the devils use against us. Read Romans 12:17-21.


Why do you think the Word of God tells us to love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you? (Matthew 5:44)


As some say: "The Word of God for the people of God"


Can I get an Amen?


God bless ~ Betty A. Burnett

After Christmas Greetings! 12-26-2021

Now that all the excitement of being with family and friends and sharing gifts of love, what is next?


In all the excitement of Christmas, I hope Jesus was not left out.


After all, the reason for celebrating Christmas was and is about Christ, even showing love to others would not be possible without Christ.


When Christ was born more than two thousand years ago, there was great joy!


People had been told about this wonderful Savior who would come to redeem people from their sins.

They were waiting for the new-born King. In other words, they were looking forward to His coming.

We are rejoicing as we look back at what Jesus Christ did for us. He shed His precious blood for us to live with Him throughout eternity.


That is truly some something to rejoice about.


Let's not forget about our wonderful Savior who is the reason for every season!


I am so grateful to all of my family and friends who showed your amazing love to me. I truly felt the love of Jesus Christ through each of you.


God bless you! Betty A. Burnett

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The Church at Laodicea – Neither Cold nor Hot 12-19-2021

Greetings! As I conclude the letters Jesus told John to write to the seven churches, this is to be reemphasized, there is no new thing under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9b). As was stated in a previous message, the message was for churches of all times.


The norm is to save the best for last, which was the church at Philadelphia. However, the church at Laodicea was the worse than all the other churches. This church as a whole was apostate because they fell away from the truth by allowing more ungodliness to creep in; nevertheless a few in the church were saved. 


Although they started off right, as a whole they were not saved. The few or remnant was still there who did not compromise their spiritual values.


When Jesus had John to address this church, He said: 

I know your works, you are neither cold nor hot. I want you to be one or the other. Because you are neither, I will spue you out of My mouth. Have you ever been so sick on the stomach that you puked or vomited the food up, and it left a bad taste in your mouth? That is the way Jesus felt about this lukewarm church.


Let’s see what it means to be cold or hot. If you are cold, you put something on to make yourself warm and if you are hot, you can take something off to cool yourself. Hot or cold promotes change. When someone is lukewarm, they do not see a need to change, therefore they think that whatever is done is okay.


Jesus goes on to say: Because you say, I am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing; you don’t know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.


Listen! The church as a whole thought they were okay, but Jesus put them in their place. They had a light at one time, but they allowed worldly and ungodly doctrine to come in and they became apostate because they rejected the doctrine of Christ. Although there was a remnant in the church who held on to the doctrine of Christ.


Example of apostacy

Judas Iscariot walked with Jesus and the other eleven disciples they did not know that Judas was not saved, but Jesus did: Jesus called Judas the son of perdition (John 17:12). He also said one of them was a devil and the disciples asked Him: “Lord is it I?” (Matthew 26:21-25).


Let's continue with: 

Jesus counselled the church as a whole pertaining to salvation in different phrases

1) to buy of Him gold tried in the fire: That your faith being more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tried with fire might be found unto the praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Christ (1 Peter 1:7).


2) that you may be rich and in white clothes; for our sake, He became poor that we would be rich (2 Corinthians 8:9), and we are clothed in His righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21).


Jesus said: Behold I stand at the door [your heart] and knock and if anyone hears My voice, I will be with Him, and He shall be with Me.


Remember this, God established all seven churches, but everybody was not saved, just as everybody is not saved in the churches today.


Note: Example of apostacy

Judas Iscariot walked with Jesus and the other eleven disciples they did not know that Judas was not saved, but Jesus did: Jesus called Judas the son of perdition (John 17:12). He also said one of them was a devil and the disciples asked Him: “Lord is it I?” (Matthew 26:21-25).


I hope you do not live as though you are a Christian and end up in hell. This is what Jesus said about Judas; it would be good for that man if he was not born (Matthew 26:24).


On fire for the Lord ~ Betty A. Burnett


Philadelphia, The Church of Brotherly Love (Revelation 3:7-9) 12-18-2021

Like the church at Smyrna, this church had no warning. In fact, the name alone was outstanding. Have you ever heard about a name and how names are meaningful? 


Many people were given names that fit their personality. For instance, Jacob’s name meant deceiver or trickster and that is exactly what he did to his father Isaac when he stole his brother Esau’s birthright (Genesis, chapter 27).


Well, the name Philadelphia means brotherly love, taken from the Greek word “Phileo.” The church of Philadelphia was characterized by love. Even though it was an imperfect church, it was still in order because the common denominator was “Love.”


Except: According to the history from, the church of Philadelphia was not large, and it didn’t have a worldly influence in society. Instead, it was pure, holy, and faithful to God’s Word. 


The members of the church of Philadelphia devoted themselves to the study of scriptures, especially of the prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation.


In addition, the members experienced personal victory over sin. Thus, this church was faithful and pure before God.


These are some characteristics of the church at Philadelphia


• They did not use gimmicks to get people to join the church; they were in tune to the Spirit of God, and it was God who added to the church those that would be saved (Acts 2:47).


• The five-fold ministry office was functioning in the church. Although you don’t see it written like this, I am sure it is true because Jesus was pleased with them, and He gave these gifts to the church (Ephesians 4:11), and when one is operating in love, everything listed has to be true because the five-fold ministry leaders grew the church up in love (Ephesians 4:16).


• They were in harmony with each other (Psalm 133); therefore, the Spirit was not grieved (Ephesians 4:30) and there was a great move of the Spirit that destroyed yokes.


• This was a Matthew 5:13-16 church. Their light was well lit for everyone to see. It was a brotherly love church that was exemplary of 1 Corinthians, chapter 13. They didn’t have to toot their horn; they were real!


• They were also led by the Spirit, in that they did not have anniversaries and any form of entertainment, they studied and prayed, and whatever did not line up with the Word of God they did not accept it.


• They did not look down on people, and there were no cliques. LOVE was the common denominator; Their Love covered a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8). Jesus said, because you have been faithful, I am going to use you more, and no man can stop you.


God was pleased with the church of Philadelphia, and if we do not compromise our beliefs, God will be pleased with us too.


Brothers and sisters, the characteristics of a Philadelphia church is the kind of church all of us should have a desire to be in.





Loving God and others are what I love ~ Betty A. Burnett


The Jezebel spirit in the Church in Thyatira (Revelation 2:18-25) 12-16-2021

As you have read and continue to read, it is obvious that there is no new thing under the sun. This is the fourth church Jesus had John to write a letter of commendation to for its works, love, service, faith, and patience, and their latter works exceeded the first.


However, Jesus said, I have something against you, that you allow that woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess who is teaching and seducing My servants to practice sexual immorality and to eat foods sacrificed to idols. 


Jezebel in the Old Testament was a wicked woman who had enormous influence over her husband and the people (1 Kings 21:25-26). This same kind of spirit was allowed in the church at Thyatira.


Jesus even gave her space to repent, but she refused to repent of her sexual immorality. This is a strong message and warning, to stop allowing evil to prevail in the church. 


It is apparent that many people in this church were not saved, because Jesus said: If you do not repent of your works then I will strike your children dead; I will cast her onto a sickbed and those who commit adultery with her will be thrown into great tribulation.


And all the churches will know that I am He who searches the mind and heart, and I will give each of you according to your works and to the rest of you at Thyatira who do not hold this teaching, who have not known what some call the deep things of Satan, to you I say, I do not lay on you any other burden. Only hold fast what you have until I come.


Jesus commends the church, then He warns the church, and He encourages the remnant to hold on until He returns. Throughout history there has been a remnant that would not bow to Baal or let that Jezebel spirit influence the church.


The northern kingdom began to backslide because of Jezebel’s influence, they worshipped other gods (1 Kings 16:31-32), called the doctrine of Baal.


Some of the churches today are no different, they are allowing new doctrines to come in, to influence the church and take them further away from the truth. 


The Word of God speaks about damnable heresies. But there were also false prophets [like the prophetess Jezebel] among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you who privily [secretly] shall bring in damnable heresies [self-chosen opinion] -(1 Peter 2:1).


Stop right there! The Word of God is not based on anybody’s opinion, it is based on facts. So, if you say “In my opinion” that is wrong!


In continuing, remember this, they started off with good beginnings, but they fell further and further away from the truth.


A pastor of a large well-known church started off on the right track, he said the Lord told him that everybody was going to be saved and nobody was going to hell. Eventually he crossed all the way over by believing that lie from the devil. It is called the All-inclusive doctrine, which is contrary to the scriptures. 


These scriptures talk about hell: Everlasting punishment (Matthew 25:46), Payment for sin is death (eternal)-(Romans 6:23), Whoever is not found in the book of life will be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:15).


Brothers and sisters, this is serious and something to think about! If you have gotten off track, I pray that these messages will open your eyes and that you will get back on track.


Concerned about my brothers and sisters’ spiritual welfare ~ Betty A. Burnett


A Believing Remnant in the Church of Sardis (Revelation 3:1-6) 12-17-2021

God also called this church, and they started off right, but the church started to die because they began to practice some of the rituals of the Roman Catholics. Remember they were called Protestants because they opposed the teachings of the Catholic church.


They had the knowledge of the truth, but they were not practicing it. The church was not what it pretended to be; so, to the hypocritical church Christ sent this message. I know your name; you say you live but you are dead. Be watchful and strengthen what remains, and is about to die, for I have not found your works perfect before God.


This is proof that everybody who is in the church is not saved. Jesus had seventy disciples and all of them left Him but the twelve (Luke 10:1, John 6:60-66), and of the twelve, one was a devil (John 6:67-71).


Who is he that overcomes? He who believes that Jesus is the Son of God (1 John 5:5). It was apparent that everybody in the church was not saved.


Presbyterians, Lutherans, Episcopalians were among the ones founded by leaders who came out from Roman Catholicism. Yet, some of them still held to the rituals.


Example: They believe in sprinkling babies with water symbolizing water baptism. Jesus Christ covers all children until they are old enough to understand the Gospel. Sprinkling with water nor does being baptized (immersed) in water has anything to do with salvation. 


When David’s baby son died, he knew his son would not come to him, but David knew he would go to his son when he died (2 Samuel 12:22-23).


Jesus did not get sprinkled with water, He was dedicated to God (Luke 2:21-22); years later He was baptized by John (Matthew 3:14).


When David’s baby son died, he knew his son would not come to him, but David knew he would go to his son when he died (2 Samuel 12:22-23).


Water baptism is an open show to others that you have been identified with Christ’s, burial, and resurrection; that you are born-again. That means, you are saying you died with Christ, and you also were resurrected with Him into the newness of life (Romans 6:4).


When David’s baby son died, he knew his son would not come to him, but David knew he would go to his son when he died (2 Samuel 12:22-23).


Let’s go back and compare the church at Sardis with some of the churches today. Many churches are saying one thing and doing another. 


For instance, they say they are not interested in numbers, but there is evidence that they are. They use numerous ways to draw the people, like entertainment or they publicize how much money they give to missions, to the community and so on.


What does the Word of God say about telling others what we have done? The pharisees bragged (tooted their horn) about their good works. Scripture: So, when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets to be honored by others. Truly, I tell you, they have received their reward in full (Matthew 6:2).


Do not get me wrong, there are ministries who do good works, and it is announced to the public. The food banks, churches or pantries make public announcements so others will know when and where to go to get the food.

There are many organizations that do good works, but they are not saved. Praise God for whoever He uses to bless His children.


On with the scripture: Remember what you have received and heard and hold fast and repent. If you don’t watch I will come as a thief in the night. Jesus is referring to the Rapture and those who rejected the gospel will go into the tribulation.


These people who did not receive Jesus when times were better, will not receive salvation in the tribulation period. Scripture: And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved. 


And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion [departure from what God says is true] that they shall believe a lie (2 Thessalonians 2:10-11). It will be too late; this is doomsday for them.


Scripture: You have a few people in Sardis who have not defiled their garments and they walk with me in white [purity], for they are worthy.


Those of you who are walking right before the Lord, keep pressing toward the mark of the high call of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14).


Pressing forward ~ Betty A. Burnett


Xtra, Xtra, Read All About Him (Christ) Versus Satan 12-15-2021!

Dearly beloved saints? Of the Most-High God. My heart is sad because of the way some people who profess to be Christians (born-again) are embracing this Santa Claus thing, which is the spirit of the devil. There is a saying: “If you play with fire, you’re going to be burned”. Watch Out for the Santa/Satan deception.


I paused from writing about the seven churches in the book of Revelation to caution all of you who are delving into and playing the dangerous Santa Claus game.


How in the world are you going to make a difference if you are doing the same thing the world does? It is time to really consider how serious this is. I wrote about Santa Claus before and who he represents. 


Apparently, some people didn’t get it, or they just ignored it because they think there is nothing wrong with Santa Claus. There is going to be a day of reckoning; we must give account of what we have done whether it is good or bad (2 Corinthians 5:10).


Somebody needs to read the history of Santa Claus and compare it with the Word of God. Santa Claus is the world’s way of putting Satan on a pedestal. Many children are told lies about Santa Claus and how he brings gifts. 


Tell your children the truth and when older they will respect you for not lying. If you lie about one thing, it leads to another lie. When will it end?


The Gift that we celebrate on what is called Christmas, is Jesus Christ who came into the world as a human being to save us from our sins. For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).


It is fine to give gifts as an act of love, but to commercialize it and put emphasis on Santa Claus is evil. God said He would not share His glory with another (Isaiah 42:8; 48:11). Christ is to be glorified, not to be imitated. There are so many scriptures in Isaiah alone that tells us who this Mighty God our Savior is.


Therefore, if you don’t know by now that Satan does not know everything and he cannot be everywhere at the same time, and he certainly is limited when it comes to being powerful, I strongly suggest that you get an understanding about your enemy who seeks to devour you (1 Peter 5:8).


Does Satan know when you are sleeping, he knows when you’re awake? Certainly not! That is the reason he has demons (Santa’s helpers, like elves).


Only God knows everything, God only is everywhere at the same time, and it is with all surety God is The All-Powerful One. If you would think it through and process this Santa thing, it seems like it would be questionable as to who is behind this and why he is supposedly bringing gifts at the same time of year we are celebrating the Greatest Gift of All.


Please be mindful that Lucifer, called the son of the morning wanted to be like the Most-High (Isaiah 14:12-14). Lucifer fell from heaven (Luke 10:18), and became Satan, God’s enemy.


If you are into Santa Claus and profess to be born-again, it shows your level of maturity. A double-minded person is unstable in all his ways (James 1:8). If you have been saved for a few years, by now you should know how Satan imitates Jesus (2 Corinthians 11:14). You should have grown in grace and knowledge (2 Peter 3:18).


By the way, anything, whether is it wearing clothing or believing in Santa’s helpers is against the Word of God.


Worshipping King Jesus, Glory to God in the Highest ~ Betty A. Burnett


The Deception!


The Church at Pergamos  (Revelation 2:12-16) 12-14-2021

The church at Pergamos, the third of the seven churches was also surrounded by worldly influence. In fact, each church that has been written about so far has been amid much evil. Wouldn’t that make sense? How are the children of God going to witness and be lights unless they are among unsaved people?


Even where Satan’s seat is they held fast Christ’s name and has not denied His faith, in those days where Antipas was My faithful martyr and was slain among you? How many of you would have been able to endure a situation like that? Remember how Peter denied Christ (Matthew 26:69-75) and all the disciples left Him and fled because they didn’t want the people to know they had been associated with Christ? (Mark 14:50).


Jesus commended those in the church of Pergamos for not denying Him. But! Jesus had something against them: You have some there who hold the teaching of Balaam who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel so they might eat food sacrificed to idols and practice immorality (Numbers 31:15-16; 22:5; 23:8; 2 Peter 2:15). Also, you have some who hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans (Revelation 2:6).


Posted by New Vision Ministries: Roman Catholicism is also considered the universal descendant of Nicolaism. Today the name is used to refer to both Catholics and Protestants whom, going by the name of Bishop, Priest, Leader, Pastor or Minister, use practices designed to conquer the people and bind them to their person or their church.


Remember the message two days ago how Nicolas, the Christian went back into being involved in paganism and the cult. His name meant to conquer which meant he held some people under his domain. In Roman Catholicism, the pope is their god, also in some Christian churches the pastor has power over the people. This is evil, for there is only one supreme or sovereign God.


What did Jesus mean when He said repent, or He would come again soon and war against them with the sword of His mouth? This is important to remember. Because the church did not correct these that Jesus told them about, over the years they began to drift into spiritual darkness, and they became worldly like a country club instead of glorifying God.


They stayed with the ways of the world, and they grew dead. If they did not repent Jesus was going to judge them. Many churches today have drifted into spiritual darkness. They allow any and everything to go on.


There is a lot of worldly influence in the church, it started off very subtle and as time went on, things became progressively worse; just as it did with the church of Pergamos. Example: Someone comes in with an idea that is appealing, saying this will attract more people to the church, and the church accepts it without seeking God and allowing the Spirit to guide them.


Anything that takes the focus from Christ is not of God. Jesus Christ did only as the Father told Him to do (John 6:38), He did not come to attract attention, Jesus was not even handsome (Isaiah 53:2).


There are many people in churches today who profess to be saved, but they are not saved. What about you? Are you what they call “Playing church” or are you truly born-again? Jesus is not only going to judge the ones written about in this message, but He is also to judge everybody who is not born-again with the sword of His mouth.


Drawing closer to the Lord ~ Betty A. Burnett


The Church at Smyrna (The Suffering Church) 12-13-2021

In continuing with the seven churches in the book of Revelation, the next one is Smyrna. There was no warning given to this church, only commendation.


This church was situated in the Roman empire surrounded by all kinds of evil; it was a demonic system dedicated to Roman gods. It must have been difficult to hold up under what they had to endure. Yet, during all this, the church at Smyrna had a testimony to God’s glory!


Since this church was known as the suffering church, for those who are always speaking prophecy of all the blessings that God is going to send somebody’s way, that does not always happen.


The Word says that those who live godly shall suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12)) and those who suffer with Christ will also reign with Him (2 Timothy 2:12). There are so many scriptures that tell us about suffering. It builds our character and mature us.


If you do not suffer, something is wrong with the picture. So please stop giving people an illusion (wrong perception) and balance the scales. God is a God of blessings, but He also made us, and He alone knows what is best for each one of us. 


As for me, there has been much suffering and lack, yet my intimacy with God is more important than all the material things. Beloved do not be surprised at the fiery trial that is come upon you to test you as something strange were happening to you. 


But rejoice in as much as you are partakers of Christ's sufferings, that when His glory shall be revealed, you may be glad also with exceeding joy. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you (1 Peter 4:11-13).


Back to the suffering church:

They may have been in poverty and looked down upon, but Christ said they were rich because of their steadfastness despite the suffering. They realized that the earthly suffering could not compare to their eternal gain (Romans 8:18).


In addition to being impoverished, some went to prison, and some were martyred. They were also blasphemed (slandered) by those who said they were Jews, but they were not, they were of the synagogue of Satan.


Brothers and sisters, there are many people who say they are one thing, but their talk does not match their walk. That is why the Bible tells us to pray for those who revile us, persecute us, and say all manner of evil against us falsely for Christ’s sake, we are to rejoice and be glad for great is our reward in heaven; for they persecuted the prophets before us (Matthew 5:11-12).


Just as the church at Smyrna had the words from Jesus to stand on, so do we. Glory to God! Remember this, no cross, no crown. We must pick up our cross and follow Christ daily (Matthew 16:24-26). The cross is not easy to carry, but it is worth it! The cross represents unspeakable pain, humiliation, and suffering. It also refers to withstanding persecution by the Lord’s power (Mark 8:34).


The church at Smyrna represented those who suffered pain, humiliation, and suffering.


How much are we willing to give up for the sake of the Gospel? Remember what Jesus told the church at Smyrna: Be faithful and I will give you a crown of life, and regardless of what they went through Jesus was always with them, as He is with us (Matthew 28:20, Hebrews 13:5)


Suffering joyfully ~ Betty A. Burnett


Breakdown of the letter to the Seven Churches (Revelation, chapters 2-3) 12-12-2021

Breakdown of the letter to the Seven Churches (Revelation, chapters 2-3) 12-12-2021

This message is to open the eyes of God’s children as to what was going on in the seven churches in the book of Revelation, and for the readers to see that there is no difference in the churches today. When Jesus told John to write to the churches, notice that He commended them before the warning. Let’s remember how Jesus told John to address the churches and use it to model how we address each other.


• Ephesus

Ephesus was known for idol worship, especially to the goddess Diana.


The church at Ephesus was commended for doing a good work. They also recognized there were false apostles among them who were liars. The church had remained faithful since its many years of being established. Through difficult times and persecution, the church endured and stood strong.


Yet, something happened, their fervor and passion for the Lord had grown cold and they were told to return to their first love. They were warned to repent, or the Lord would remove their lampstand.


To remove the lampstand meant the light of the church would go out and the Spirit of God would not be moving in that church. It would be a dead church; it would be like a clubhouse/nightclub where there is entertainment. The lampstand has the candle on it that brings light. If the lampstand is removed, what is the candle going to be on?


At the end of John’s letter from Jesus to the church at Ephesus, He says some more words of encouragement. Yet this you have, you hate the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. Who were the Nicolaitans? They were followers of a deacon in the early church named Nicolas (Acts 6:6).


Please take notice of this, when the apostles told the church to look out among them and choose seven men who were filled with the Holy Spirit and of good report, Nicolas certainly fit that description. Plus, the apostles would have known if he was not of them; they were sensitive to the Spirit.


However, Nicolas like all of us needed to have a new mindset. But he returned to his past involvement in the occult and paganism. He compromised and some others followed his beliefs. There are two things I want to share with you to think about.


Ephesus was part of the Roman empire, a place known for paganism and Greek mythology. If you had a history of drug addition, wouldn’t it be dangerous to associate with your old drug buddies? The Word tells us to come from among them and be separate (2 Corinthians 6:17).


Also, think about the name Nicolas and how it is the same as Santa Claus or St. Nicholas (St. Nick). I do not have proof that there is a connection, but it certainly raises my eyebrows.


Nicolas’ name meant to conquer or people of victory; the name lines up with the influence Nicolas had on some of the believers in the church.


Since Jesus said He hated the deeds of the Nicolaitans, we should hate the deeds. There are many churches compromising their spiritual values by allowing the ways of the world to invade and influence the church.


Are you in a church that is not compromising and is living according to God’s standards? If so, you are blessed because this pleases the Lord.


Next: The Church at Smyrna


Grace and Peace ~ Betty A. Burnett


The Seven Churches 12-11-2021

Messages have been written about the denominational differences which saddens God, and it is sinful. I am continuing in comparing the seven churches in the book of Revelation with the church today. Once I started searching the history of the churches in Revelation, it was amazing to find out that the same thing is happening in many of the churches today.


Christ told John to write to the angels who were messengers/pastors of the seven churches because of the spiritual state each one was in. It is important to know that each one of these churches was comprised of saved people. I will write in the order that they are listed in Revelation, chapters 2-3. These are the topics that will be broken down starting with the next message.


• Ephesus

1) They were commended for their deeds, hard work and they persevered despite opposition

2) Criticized because they left their first love

3) Warned to repent and do what they did at first - their love for Christ had grown cold

4) Another commendation because they hated the deeds of the Nicolaitans


• Smyrna

1) They were commended for enduring tribulation and poverty

2) There was no criticism for this church

3) Encouraged to be faithful until death and receive the crown of life


• Pergamos

1) Commended for remaining faithful

2) Criticized because some of them committed idolatry and sexual immorality

3) Warned to repent


• Thyatira

1) Commended for their deeds, love and perseverance

2) Criticized because of idolatry and sexual immorality

3) Encouraged to hold on to what they had


• Sardis

1) No commendation or praise for this church

2) They were criticized for being a dead church

3) Encouraged to wake up and repent


• Philadelphia

1) They were praised for their deeds and their faithfulness

2) This was the second church that did not receive any criticism

3) They were encouraged to hold fast to what they had


• Laodicea

1) No praise for this church

2) She was a lukewarm church that Jesus said He would vomit them out of His mouth

3) The church was warned to be earnest and repent


Next: Breakdown of the letter to the Seven Churches


Searching for more truth ~ Betty A. Burnett


How to recognize what kind of church you are in.


Tis the Great Season to be Delivered from Denominational Differences (Part 3) 12-10-2021

I am going to share that no church is perfect, and why they are not perfect. No one church will be pointed out, however, you can determine what is lacking in your church when it comes the church not embracing the fullness of God’s Word.


In my experience, this is what I learned about various churches and what they believed.


• Five-Fold Ministry

Only one church that I was affiliated with believed in the five-fold ministry (Ephesians 4:11). And what is the five-fold ministry for? These gifts have been given by Jesus Christ to the church to mature the children of God (Ephesians 4:12-16).


• The Gifts ceased

Some others believe the gifts ceased after the book of Acts. If that were true, why are the gifts listed in several books after the beginning of the church age? Ephesians 4:11, 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, Romans 12:6-8


Why did Jesus say, Occupy until I return? And a certain Nobleman went to a far country and receive for Himself a kingdom and to return. And He called His ten servants and delivered to them ten pounds and said, occupy until I come [return] – (Luke 19:12-13).

Does that mean to take up space, be a pew warmer or work meaningless on some kind of board in the church? What were all the gifts for? The gifts are for us to encourage each other. If the gifts are not utilized, how is the church edified?


• Elders and Deacons

Some believed in elders and deacons as leaders, but they never mentioned the five-fold ministry. They were correct when the deacons took care of the physical matters in the church (Acts 6:1-6). The deacons in that church did what the trustees do in many churches today.


• Off-shoot from Roman Catholicism

Some churches use rituals that the Roman Catholic church practice. Although some professed churches were off shoots from Roman Catholicism, they became what is called protestants because Martin Luther protested against the Roman Catholics’ beliefs. He discovered that they had “95 Theses” or errors that were contrary to the Word of God.


Mainly the focus was no longer God but was on men. Another main focus was that people didn’t think they had a direct link with God, but there were middlemen whom they had to approach to reach God. The truth is anybody that goes to God has to go through Jesus Christ (John 14:6), who is the only advocate or go between man and God (1 Timothy 2:5).


You will learn more about the Roman Catholic’s false religion when I post messages about the seven churches.


• Eternal Security

Some of these denominations believe one can lose their salvation. Many people think they have to do something to get saved and stay saved. There are so many scriptures to prove that you did nothing on your own to get saved, and you can do nothing to lose your salvation (John 10:28-29). You did not seek after God (Romans 3:11); it was God who predestined you to be saved before the foundation of the world (Jeremiah 1:5, Romans 8:29-30). 


Our destiny had been established and determined before we were formed in our mothers’ womb. This should really make some people humble in knowing they didn’t do one thing on their own to get saved (Ephesians 2:8-9). No one can come to Jesus unless God draws them (John 6:44). Whoever calls upon the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13), or whoever comes to Me I will not cast them out (John 6:37). 


These verses mean you did this because it was already ordained by God. Even when you confessed with your mouth and believed in your heart for salvation, it all happened because it was ordained to be (Romans 10:9-10).


Called by God ~ Betty A. Burnett


The Cause of Denominational Differences (Part 2) 12-9-2021

Yesterday’s message was an introduction to denominational differences. Today I am sharing my experiences over the past thirty-nine years of either being a member of some of the churches or my affiliation with them.


First of all, there is not one perfect person, therefore, there is not one perfect denomination. Although some may think they have more knowledge, or they may even think they are closer to God than others. Let’s nip that lie in the bud right now. If any of us were perfect, we would not be here.


So, all of those who think they are one hundred percenters need to thank God that they are what they are because of His grace (1 Corinthians 15:10). Although we are complete in God from His perspective, we are still flawed from our human perspective.


Backing up, to people like the pharisees, who were always criticizing others as if they were the only ones right because they were Jews and they knew the law.


Being born-again makes the difference, even though all of us still fall into sin, our Father forgives us and cleanses us from all of our unrighteous acts (1 John 1:9). Those who say they have no sin are lying and the truth is not in them (1 John 1:8).


How did all this craziness with one group of people thinking they are better than the other happen? And who is behind this whole denominational thing? The devil is, of course! His influence on people can be strong, yes even with the children of God. The devil wants to keep the church divided and he is doing everything possible to cause havoc. Satan influences people to do what he did, he got puffed up with pride (Isaiah 14:12-14).


 Regardless of how much havoc the devil causes he cannot destroy the church, because the church was built on Jesus Christ the Rock, and the gates of hell shall prevail against it (Matthew 16:18).


Why don’t we let LOVE be the common denominator, (1 Corinthians, chapter 13) and stop being divided. A divided church is an immature church.


My experience:

I was a member of a Methodist church, four Baptist churches, one non-denominational, and affiliated with several Pentecostal churches.


Churches I Visited:

Seventh Day Adventist, COGIC (Church of God in Christ), Assemblies of God, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Mennonite, DOC (Disciples of Christ), Quaker (Friends Meeting) of which all claim to be Protestants.

Also visited: Roman Catholic (false religion), Jehovah Witness (Kingdom Hall), Church of the Latter-Day Saints (Mormon), The House of Prayer (Daddy Grace) - cults.


Question: Why do you think the Lord had me visit or be a member of all these churches? Remember how we are the called according to His purpose? This had to do with the call on my life. I needed first-hand knowledge along with my research about cults and Christianity. The Word of God and my experience were necessary to bring correction and warning to the children of God. That is why it is necessary to know about the gifts.


Warning: Please do not think it is okay to go to different churches unless the Spirit of God leads you, He certainly would not lead an immature Christian anywhere that would confuse them. As was said previously, I was led because of the call on my life. I became more familiar with the churches I was a member of because of regular attendance when I wasn’t traveling.


Come back tomorrow, you will see what was wrong with each church.


Grace and Peace ~ Betty A. Burnett


Denominational Differences (Part 1) 12-8-2021

Before I share my experience about the several denominational churches, I have either been a member of, or had some affiliation with them, I will present this challenge to you.


This is connected to barriers when it comes to denominations. Some of the best-known scholars have missed it when it comes to proper interpretation of the Bible. How do I know this? It does not line up with the Word because I studied for myself (Acts 17:11, 2 Timothy 2:15), and I had a five-fold ministry teacher in my life for thirty years. I had a desire to attend seminary, but the Lord never opened that door for me to go.


When it comes to Seminary or the School of Theology, all of the people I know who attended these schools do not teach principles. I wonder what they went for, especially when they use the Word theology which means to study God; in essence it should mean to dig deep into the Word of God and learn principles so they can help others to grow.


How do I know these people were not learned when it comes to principles of the Word? I was around pastors before being licensed and ordained into ministry, and I learned a lot, but I was not taught principles that would help me to grow. Someone might challenge me on that one, but when I see people still in a carnal state after professing to be saved for years, immaturity or carnality speaks for itself.


I am talking about learning the culture and language of the people and what it actually means in today’s times. Language differences and cultural differences make a world of difference when it comes to getting an understanding of the people. Example: When one of my Hispanic friends speak in their language, because I don’t know Spanish, I am lost and have no idea what they are talking about.


This is what the Spirit of God gave me to use as one of the ways to grow. When I took Biology, the teacher dissected a frog which meant the frog was cut open so all the insides could be properly identified. One could not know what was on the outside of the frog if it was not cut open and dissected (research the internal parts). Biology is a scientific study of natural life, whereas the Word of God is the study of spiritual life. 


This is the challenge. How can anybody know and understand the Word unless they dig deep into it by opening it up and asking the Spirit of God to help, as well as being taught by someone God has called to teach? The Holy Spirit will give us some understanding, but teachers also get special illumination from God because they have been graced with the anointing to help others grow deeper into the Word and come into maturity.


Let’s get to the correction in case someone has a problem with what is written. You should never be offended by the truth even if it hurts; if so, it shows that you are still in a baby state in your walk with Christ. There is a saying: “If the shoe fits, wear it”. This is my take on that phrase: “If the Word is speaking what you need to hear, accept it”.


Children of God, this is to help you grow. If you don’t like or receive what I am saying, there is going to come a day that you will be sad when you stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ for not taking heed when God sent His servants to tell you the truth.


Knowing and accepting the truth sets you free (John 8:32, 36) and it will take you to levels beyond your comprehension.


Lastly: Regardless of what you have learned in the past, if it did not line up with the Word of God, be willing to let it go and be open to the truth. I learned many doctrinal errors, but eventually I was open to the truth. It was not easy, but I have such a love for the Lord that whatever He says, that’s what it is.


Desiring God more and more ~ Betty A. Burnett


Dissecting the Word of God is like Biology


Gifts Given by God Our Father (Part 2) 12-7-2021

As I move forward with the remainder of the gifts, the next one is the gift of giving. It is interesting how many people say they love to give, but they also love to tell what they give. If a person is mature in the gift, they will not tell what or who they gave to; the recipient should be the one to testify about the blessing if they choose. Although all of us should give (Acts 20:35), as with the other gifts there is an anointing that goes beyond normal giving.


• Give (with simplicity) - it does necessarily mean the person is well-off and has the resources, the best way to give is out of your own need. You are more concerned about the well fare of someone else. This does not mean that every time you see someone who looks like they have a need, you are pulling money out of your pocket.


The person with the gift of giving is sensitive to the Spirit and obeys His voice because the Spirit knows what the need is, and He even knows the motive of the one with the need.


• Rule –This is another gift of leadership; the five-fold ministry are the ones in authority when it comes to the growth of the church and they also operate with the grace in this anointing, but there are other persons with this gift who are anointed and graced with organization abilities within the church and he or she is putting forth every effort to serve with diligence, to the fullest.


The persons with these abilities can be over groups, but they are under the authority of the five-fold ministry leaders.

• Mercy – The person with this gift is compassionate and empathizes or feels what someone else is going through (show it with cheerfulness). But as with the other gifts, they must be balanced



A person with the gift of mercy can be overly compassionate and this will happen to any of us if we are not yielded to the Spirit of God.



• Helps – There are different aspects of helps of which comes hospitality, the deacons and deaconesses serve under the gift of helps, intercession is a part of helps. Much harm and catastrophic things are stopped when people began to intercede and stand in the gap on behalf of people and situations.


This concludes the gifts and God is pleased with all of His children who operate in their gifts which causes them to encourage and build each other up for His glory. God will not accept what the church does unless it lines up with His Word.


Warning: One cannot walk in love without doing God’s will. The Word of God says this, If you love Me, keep My commandments (John 14:15). Let love be without dissimilation (hypocrisy).


Loving the Lord and mankind ~ Betty A. Burnett


Your gift is precious! You are a rarity!!!


Gifts Given by God Our Father (Part 1) 12-6-2021

A couple of days ago, I posted the introduction to the gifts given by God our Father. Today, each of these gifts will be broken down. You will see how the gifts that are distributed by God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit are connected and sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish one from the other.


That is the importance of studying and rightly dividing the Word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15), even when it comes to the gifts. For instance, you will see prophecy in the gifts given by the Spirit as well as in the gifts given the Father. You will also see teacher in the gifts given by the Father and teacher in the office gifts given by the Son, yet there is a distinction.


As everyone has received the gift, even so, minister the same one to another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God (1 Peter 4:12). Whatever the ministry is, we are to wait on it – every child of God is a minister (Romans 12:5a-8)


The Gifts

• Prophecy - This gift in Romans is to preach, whereas all of God’s children are commissioned to proclaim (preach) the gospel of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). As with all the gifts, there is an anointing with the call which gives one the ability to serve in that capacity. We serve according to the proportion of faith (level of maturity). So please do not try to minister on a different level than you are on.


The prophet also prophesies; just because the person who operates in the gift of prophecy, it does not mean that he or she is a prophet. The person with the gift of prophecy in Romans 12:7, is not necessarily stationery in the church, this person goes out to different places to bring forth (forthtell) a message of the Gospel.


• Teach – The teacher gift in Romans, is different than the office of the teacher in Ephesians 4:11, who is graced with an illumination from the Spirit of God. The teacher learns and study diligently, because they recognize the call of a teacher to convey what the Spirit of God gives them, and they are careful not to pass on erroneous doctrine. He or she is guarded and makes sure that whatever is said lines up with the Word of God, otherwise they do not receive it.

• Exhortation – This gift has to do with encouraging or edifying others; the person with this gift lift up those who may have a situation going on in their life that causes them to feel down hearted and the Spirit could use the person with the gift of exhortation to say something that will be an encouragement. Also, the gift of exhortation can be used in different ways.



A person who is an usher/greeter can have the gift of exhortation that can be used while they are functioning in that capacity. The usher/greeter and office of the deacon are not gifts but these people can utilize their gifts while serving in certain ministries. I know a deacon who is called to teach, and it is evident that the gift is there.


There is more, so come back tomorrow and see if one of the next gifts is yours.


Serving others to glorify God ~ Betty A. Burnett


Unwrap your gift.


Love Expressed with Action! (John 13:35) 12-5-2021

Today, I am veering away from the “Gifts” to share and thank all my friends who are my brothers and sisters in Christ, whose love was revealed in a way that was over and above what I could possibly imagine.


My prayer partners wanted to give me a “Send-off” (farewell fellowship) which was a tremendous blessing, and I am eternally grateful for the love that has abounded to us from each other for nine-teen years.


As the days wind down for my relocation in the next few weeks, there will be some obstacles and challenges for me to face but thanks be to God for His all-sufficient that helps me to overcome whatever comes my way. And thanks be to God for my prayer warrior sisters who have been and still are interceding and standing in the gap on my behalf.


After all the speeches were made last night, and when it was my time for me to say some words, I told them that my ministry will still be based in Greensboro and there are people in place that God will use to locally assist in whatever it takes for the ministry to continue being a success. 


Since the ministry will be in Greensboro, I will travel back and forth, but thank God for technology that helps us not to always be physically present with each other. “An Hour of Sharing” with Betty and Burnett Ministries blog messages will continue to flourish and be even more widespread.


Thanks for your attendance at the Farewell fellowship:

The Poole’s, Cathy, Dianne, Gaynell, Pat, Pam, Jasmine, Shelly, Kelly, Odessa, TaSheka, Bertenia, Patricia, Albert, Jeff, Thelma, Tammy, Gail, J.W., Brenda, Jaquari, and of course, Susan who served magnificently in pulling the whole thing off to God’s glory.


My friendship with those in attendance has been since my teen age years, and thirty-years and about twenty years for most of them. These were divine connections. I did not choose them, God did! It was for His purpose, and it worked out for the good of all of us because we are the called according to His purpose.


If I would pick and choose my friends, it could be for the wrong reason, but when God chooses those people to be in your life, it always works out for the good. Even if you do not want certain people in your lives, it works out for your good and theirs too. We need rough edges to be made smooth; iron sharpens iron, and it builds our character.


In my closure, Brother Jeff used this scripture: By this will all know you are My disciples, if you have LOVE one for another (John 13:35).


True Love is Action!


Lovingly submitted ~ Betty A. Burnett 


Introduction to the Motivational Gifts Given by God the Father 12-4-2021

Before writing the last few messages, it did not dawn on me as to how many scriptures are written about people being equal when it comes to God. There are also numerous scriptures about humility and pride. Paul also cautions us in this chapter about humility and pride, and he reminds us that no one is better than the other.


In Romans 12:4-6, these are called the motivational gifts given by our Father. We should feel motivated in whatever ministry we have been called to serve in. We also should consider it an awesome privilege that God loves each of us so much that He gave us these gifts to benefit one another and to glorify Him. Actually, when we know that someone else is blessed when we serve them, it is also a blessing to us.


As an introduction to the gifts in Romans 12:1-5a, Paul starts off telling us what is required of us from God. Presenting ourselves a living sacrifice means to do all we can to please the Lord. We must not let the things of the world take precedence in our lives, because we are born-again, and we are to have a new mindset. Presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, takes prayer, Bible study and fellowship.


The next step in our walk with the Lord is humility and pride. That is, we are not to think of ourselves more highly than we should. Everybody got saved with the same measure a faith. I want to put emphasis on the word The- in some Bibles you will see the word A, which is not correct. The reason is, The means the same measure and A can mean any measure. Example: The chair is a specific chair; A chair could mean any chair.


So, with everybody starting off on the same level (baby state), no one can brag or think that they are better than the other. However, it is up to each of us how much we choose to grow in our walk with Christ.


AND, how much we post things about ourselves in the public indicates the level of maturity we are on, especially when we are trying to show others how attractive we are. The pharisees dressed to impress and the attention was focused on them (Matthew 23:5). Be careful, it is not about you but what you do should be Christ centered. When one is secure in Christ, all the worldliness becomes meaningless to them.


Now that this is understood, let’s continue. Even though each of God’s children has one of these gifts, no one is better than the other, because we all are one in Christ, but have been given different abilities.


As everyone has received the gift, even so, minister the same one to another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God (1 Peter 4:12).

Whatever the ministry is, we are to wait on it – every child of God is a minister


These are the list of gifts that will explained in the next message.


Prophecy - Teach – Exhortation – Give - Rule - Mercy


Helping my brothers and sisters to know what their gifts are, to understand them and to walk in them.


Praising God for serving in this capacity ~ Betty A. Burnett 


The Purpose of the Gifts 12-3-2021

You have read about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and in addition to those gifts, I am sharing with you what the Word of God says about the purpose of the gifts (1 Corinthians 12:12-31). It may seem like this is not in the right order, but that’s the way it is written in the Bible.


I believe God wants you to be open to the truth as to why you are on this earth. You are not here just to be here, but you have a purpose to fulfill to reach your destiny.


The Word of God is full proof that no one gift is better than the other. If one gift was better, then why would we all be baptized into one body, and we all have been made to drink of one Spirit? God made us so we would have need for one another. Does God consider one member less honorable than the other? Does God show respect of persons (Romans 2:11)?


What about God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit? Is one part of the Triune God better than the other? The Trinity is not three separate gods, but one God in three persons. Did Jesus think it robbery to be equal with God?


With that being so, the scriptures say: Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God did not think it was robbery to be equal with God. But made of Himself of no reputation and took upon Him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men and being found in the fashion of men, He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross (Philippians 2:5-8). If that does not tell us something, I don’t know what will.


Doesn’t the Bible say the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one (1 John 5:7-8), and the three persons of the Godhead are co-equal? There has always been an order in the Godhead: The Father initiated the plan, the Son carried out the plan and the Holy Spirit was the power behind the plan. When God said, “Let Us”, He spoke it, Jesus created it (Colossians 1:15-17), the Spirit’s power moved upon the face of the waters (Genesis 1:2).


With the gifts there is order, but the ones in authoritative positions are still no greater than those God has placed in their care. Even though we are equal, we are different when it comes to our roles. Adam and Eve were different, but one was not considered lesser than the other.

We all should have the same care for each other, no cliques, Big I’s or little you’s. Brothers and sisters, our Father wants His children to get into the Word and study for themselves (2 Timothy 2:15), rather staying ignorant and allowing the devil to continue to deceive you.


Love is more important than all the gifts, therefore, operating in a gift without love is useless. Read the Love chapter in 1 Corinthians 13; it is the meat between the two slices of bread in 1 Corinthians, chapters 12 and 14. Love shows equality to all. It is not puffed up and selfish and it does want to be looked up to nor put on a pedestal. Agape love is exemplified through serving humbly.


Since you know that in God’s sight you’re just as good as the next person (Psalm 139:14).

Please remember that whatever your gift is, use it to the best of your ability so others can be encouraged, and that God our Father will get all the praises, honor, and glory.


Joyfully serving God and mankind ~ Betty A. Burnett


You are destined for greatness; unlock it!


The Third Group of Gifts Given by the Spirit of God 12-2-2021

In concluding the nine gifts given by the Holy Spirit, my question is, why would anyone go to church Sunday after Sunday, and no one is functioning in a gift but the pastor? Preaching a sermon is edifying, but how far does a sermon take a person. If people were taught how God gave us gifts to utilize, to encourage others, it would make them feel like they are as important to God as the pastor is.


The reason I use the office of the pastor is because in most denominational churches the focus has been solely on the ministry of the pastor. And that has been done purposely by the devil to weaken the church. Every gift is important, if that were not true, why would they be there? The fivefold ministry gifts are to mature the children of God (Ephesians 4:11-16). One person cannot function as a stand-alone office.


The gifts will continue until that which is perfect comes, then prophecies will fail, tongues will cease, knowledge shall vanish away (1 Corinthians 13:8-10). Everything except love is done in part, but when Jesus the Perfect One comes, there will be no need for tongues and prophecies. But until then, we are expected to operate in the gifts.


The children of God need to be trained to reign. How do we reign? By learning what we have been assigned to do on this earth. If we do not use our gifts, they are still there but that’s all there is to it. The gifts are lying dormant, not benefitting anybody, not even the one who has the gift.


Why am I saying this when it comes to tongues, interpretation, and prophecy? Because tongues are highly misused in the church, and some denominations put more emphasis on the gift of prophecy.


Group Three - Utterance (Vocal) Gifts

• Tongues - The gift of tongues is an unknown language given to edify the church; along with the interpretation, it can also be a sign to unbelievers (1 Corinthians 14:18-28) who are gathered in an assembly. The person speaking is getting the words directly from the Spirit of God. This gift is not accepted by many, because of the wide misuse by those who are immature.


• Interpretation of tongues – Whatever is spoken by another person in the gift of tongues comes directly from the Spirit of God. There must be an interpretation, in order for the people to understand what is being spoken in a different language. All of the gifts given by the Holy Spirit can be used in the church or outside the church, except tongues and interpretation which can be used in any assembly of people.


• Prophecy – This gift is foretelling future events. When tongues and interpretation are used concerning future events, it equals to prophecy.



Moses prophesied that the Lord would raise up a prophet like himself (Deuteronomy 18:15). Jesus was the prophet Moses was speaking of.

Jesus prophesied about many things and especially about the times we are living in, pestilences - one variant after the other, wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes in different places (Matthew, chapters 24-25). Moses’ prophecy was fulfilled, Jesus’ prophecy is fulfilling right in front of us, truly these are the signs of the time.


Occupying my time to glorify God ~ Betty A. Burnett


It's time to dig up the treasures you've buried in the ground.


The Power Gifts Given by the Spirit 12-1-2021

I pray that the readers’ understanding has been opened and as we move forward, the desire to know what your gifts are will increase. I want to remind you not to forget that God placed us on the earth as His family to glorify Him. 


Each of us is unique, and no two people are exactly alike, not even twins. With that being so, in the natural, most of our pursuits are different. We even choose different careers; if everybody chose the same career, don’t you think that would be boring? 


Let’s use the medical profession and see what happens if a doctor did not have various staff members. Could he handle all the person’s needs by himself? Of course not! The same thing is with the gifts, it takes all the gifts to make the body of Christ complete. This is what is so awesome about the gifts, they are given for us to encourage others and God gets the glory.


The Power Gifts

• Faith - The gift of faith is given by the Spirit of God to believe one hundred percent, without a shadow of doubt. When the gift is in operation it is impossible for you to doubt. It is given for a specific purpose to bring about God’s will.


I have operated in various of gifts at different times. Remember, I said the Holy Spirit will use any of us at any given time to function in a gift; it doesn’t mean that was/is my permanent gift.


My experience: 

I was lying on the bed and the Spirit told me to pray for ten thousand dollars for a ministry. On a Monday night, after the service I told the director what the Spirit told me to do, and this came out of my mouth: “The Spirit [He] said you will have it in seven days.” During that week, I continued to remind the director what the Lord was going to do.


I did not know what the money was for until it came in; I was just obedient to what the Spirit said, and He gave me the faith to believe it would happen. Remember this, everything comes from and through God, we cannot do anything on our own. So, where did the one hundred percent faith come from? It came directly from the Spirit of God.


• Gift of healings - various kinds of healings can be done through the power of the Holy Spirit. It happens through a person operating in the gift of healing at a specific time for a special situation. Peter and John were at the gate beautiful, and they saw a man who was lame from birth begging.

Peter said silver and gold I do not have, but what I have I am giving to you. He said in the name of Jesus Chris of Nazareth, rise and walk. And he took the man by the right hand, lifted him up and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. And he leaping up, stood and entered with them into the temple walking and leaping and praising God (Acts 3:1-11).


• Working of miracles – This gift suspends all natural laws. It is known that no one can walk on water without sinking and drowning. It would be a miracle for an amputee’s leg to grow back. And yes, people are still being raised from the dead.


The reason we don’t see the manifestations of the gifts is: 1) Unbelief 2) Many people are being taught that the gifts are no longer operating 3) They are relying on other resources, rather than believing God. Do you think God is going to change His plan because you don’t believe in the gifts? Whoever does not believe is robbing themselves of abundant blessings.


Believing that  every Word of God is true ~ Betty A. Burnett


Continuation of the Gifts of the Spirit - Word of Knowledge and Discerning of spirits 11-30-2021

As I continue to share about the gifts of the Spirit, there is no doubt in my mind that many of you have already experienced manifestations of the gifts. The next gifts are the word of knowledge and discerning of spirits. As with the word of wisdom, some writers call the word of knowledge, knowledge. The word of knowledge and the word of wisdom are gifts; wisdom and knowledge are not gifts but are developed as we continue in the word of God. 


Also, there is no such thing as the gift of discernment.


• Word of knowledge opposed to knowledge. Everyone who is born with the right faculties have some knowledge, but the word of knowledge is knowledge of a person, place or thing that does not come from you. It comes directly from the Spirit of God.


The word of knowledge comes more than one way. The Spirit can reveal facts about someone through dreams or visions, or it can come directly from the Spirit. Whatever way the word of knowledge is given, it does not come from the person.


Knowledge is obtaining information about something. The word of knowledge is something that is supernaturally imparted by the Holy Spirit, and it is not obtained by natural means. The person that the word of knowledge is intended for, knows that it had to come from God because it was knowledge that was not revealed through natural means.



When Jesus asked the disciples who He was, and they answered, some say John the Baptist, some say Isaiah, others say Jeremiah or one of the prophets. But Jesus said who do you say I am? Peter answered and said: You are the Christ the Son of the living God. Jesus told Peter that flesh and blood did not reveal that to Him, it was revealed by God (Matthew 16:13-16). This was a word of knowledge given to Peter.


A man and his wife lied and kept part of the money that was promised to the church from the sale of their land. Peter asked them why they had lied to the Holy Spirit. The man came first, and he died after he lied, three hours later his wife did the same thing and she died - read Acts 5:1-10). Fear came on all the church and to others who heard what happened to Ananias and his wife Sapphira. How do think Peter know they were lying? He received a word of knowledge from the Holy Spirit.


• Discerning of spirits opposed the gift of discernment. It is sad enough to hear someone call the gifts of word of wisdom, wisdom and the word of knowledge, knowledge, but for someone to call discerning of spirits, the gift of discernment, that is pitiful. Discernment is not a gift. When the word discern is used, it means to be able to understand (discern) both good and evil (Hebrews 5:14). For one to discern good and evil, they must be mature, therefore whoever is calling discernment a gift, is an immature person.



Discerning of spirits is supernatural and it has to do with detecting evil spirits. This gift has to do with the five senses picking up on demonic spirits. One may sense a spirit through a foul smell (odor), see images, hear various sounds that others cannot pick up.


Excited to be sharing about the awesome gifts ~ Betty A. Burnett


The Gifts of The Holy Spirit 11-29-2021

Yesterday, you read the introduction to the gifts given by the Spirit of God. I want you to know that every child of God has at least one gift. The five-fold ministry offices given by Jesus and the motivational gifts given by God the Father are for specific people in the body of Christ. But the gifts given by the Holy Spirit can be used by any child of God at any given time.


This is for every child of God: Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, minister it to one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God (1 Peter 4:10). I want to reemphasize that all the gifts are important and necessary, if one is put above the other, the focus or attention is on that person. This is to caution the children of God about putting more focus on the office of a pastor than the other gifts; he can get puffed up with pride. 


Someone may use this as a challenge. For instance, they could say this “What about obeying those in authority or the ones who rule over us”? What about “They must look out for the souls of others, not lording themselves over the people; bringing them under their power” (Hebrews 13:17, 1 Peter 5:3)? Balance is the key! Everyone is to respect one another; we all have been called to serve each other.


Many writers categorize these gifts in three groups – I will also categorize them in groups so the readers can understand.


The Spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:6-8)


1) The revelation gifts [Group one] - they reveal something in the supernatural: Word of wisdom, word of knowledge, discerning of spirits


2) The power gifts [Group two] - these are the action gifts: Working of miracles, faith, gifts of healing.


3) The utterance gifts [Group three] – something is spoken in the supernatural: Tongues, interpretation, prophecy


I want to explain how these gifts are misunderstood. I am going to take it slow because of the importance of the gifts and how you may discover that you operate in these gifts.


• Word of wisdom opposed to wisdom. Some people call the word of wisdom, wisdom. There is a big difference in the two. God has given all of us wisdom if we ask for it (James 1:5). This kind of wisdom is to make the right choices pertaining to things in life.


However, the word of wisdom is given supernaturally to help with problem solving in someone’s life or direction as to which way to go, or the best decision to make in each situation.



Suppose you had two options pertaining to a job, one was to take an early retirement, or the company was going to pay you double to stay on. The Spirit of God sent a word of wisdom through someone telling you to take the early retirement. Many other people stayed on, and later the company was brought out by another company who had their own people/employees. Even though the word of wisdom that was given to you didn’t make sense, you accepted what the person said, and this was not only confirmation, but it was encouraging, knowing you had made the right decision. The whole purpose of the gifts is to encourage/edify others and God will be glorified.


​Caring for my brothers and sisters’ spiritual welfare ~ Betty A. Burnett


Introduction To the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:6-8) 11-28-2021

You have read about the five-fold ministry gifts and that their purpose is to mature the children of God. You also learned how Jesus Christ functioned in all five-fold ministry gifts. I am moving forward to the gifts that are given by the Holy Spirit. 


Since we are approaching the Christmas holidays and all the gift giving, this certainly is an appropriate time time to write about the gifts. Giving of ourselves through the spiritual gifts is more important than physical gifts. Why? Because our gifts were freely given and we are to give freely. 


I want to point this out, even though there are different functions, and the gifts are given by God the Father, God the Son, and the Spirit of God, they are always in harmony with each other as the Triune God, and they are never independent of each other (1 John 5:7-8).


This is what I want to say to those who do not believe that the gifts, or that certain gifts are not for today. These people are treading on dangerous grounds. In fact, when one grieves or quenches the Holy Spirit, they are denying His power. The Holy Spirit is the power behind everything! One cannot be born-again without the Holy Spirit (John 3:5-7).


Have you ever heard the saying, “There’s a thin line between love and hate”? Well, there is a thin line between truth and error. One cult (Jehovah Witness) calls Jesus Christ who was the Word, a god (John 1:1). These people have a form of godliness, but they deny the power (2 Timothy 3:5). They say the Holy Spirit is a force, that He is not the third Person of the Godhead.


So, to those of you who are grieving the Holy Spirit, you are sinning, and it makes Him sad. This includes any kind of sin. One minister said it like this years ago. When you are having sex (committing adultery or fornicating), it is like you are having sex with the Holy Spirit, after all He lives in you (Ephesians 4:30).


Remember what the Bible says: Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but the sexual immoral person sins against his own body (1 Corinthians 6:18).


Those who do not accept the gifts also quench the Holy Spirit. It’s like putting a fire out when you want to stop it from burning. I am not talking about emotions or like the people who say, “It makes you shout; It makes you cry”. First of all, the Holy Spirit is not an It. That is the same as saying He is a force, and that is an insult. I am talking about suppressing the fiery power of the Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19).


When anyone will not accept the gifts being used, like the gift of tongues and interpretation in the church, they are quenching the Holy Spirit. For your information, it is not proper for people to speak in tongues in the church without an interpretation (1 Corinthians 14:27-28). Maybe that is the reason people are turned off, nevertheless, we are not to allow an immature Christian to stop us from being open to tongues and interpretation. That’s what the devil wants us to do.


God wants you to locate your gift so you can be a blessing to others. No gift should ever stand out more than another gift; there is a reason for each  one. If one gift stands out above the others, the attention is drawn to the person. Who is edified? Nobody! Who is glorified? Not God!


Grace and peace ~ Betty A. Burnett


The Christ-Mass Lie 11-27-2021

While searching out historical facts about the last message “Who is the church going to celebrate for Christmas,” the name Christ-Mass came up. The World Book Encyclopedia defines “Christmas” as follows: “The word Christmas comes from “Cristes Maesse”, and old English phrase that means “Mass of Christ” used by the Roman Catholics which is a ceremony commemorating the death of Jesus Christ.


Christians also commemorate the death of Jesus Christ, but the problem with the Roman Catholics is, the bishops, priests and deacons spoke in Latin and the people did understand what was being said. Therefore, they were not benefitted by the mass.


Plus, the Catholics were eating the bread and drinking the wine literally. In their minds they thought they were eating of Jesus’ body and drinking His blood. This was totally contrary to the Word of God. It was forbidden for people to eat the blood from the flesh (Leviticus 17:13-14).


That is not all!

They believe Mary is superior to Jesus The Hail Mary Prayer: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen


Grace and truth came by Jesus (John 1:17), not by Mary. Although Mary was highly favored (Luke 1:28), she was no different than any other human being; all humans were/are born in sin (Romans 3:23).


They had a nerve to call Mary the mother of God. How could that be? God did not have a mother; Mary was the mother of Jesus in His humanity.

Sin came through the man (Adam), not through Eve (Romans 5:12). Mary had to offer turtledoves as a sin offering (Leviticus 12:8, Luke 2:24). Jesus never offered sin offerings because He did not sin (Hebrews 4:15).


The pope holds himself out to be equal with God, he is called holy father, which is papal worship, meaning they worship the pope as God, instead of worshipping God. In various places where the pope visits, some people bow down and kiss his feet. Isn’t that worshipping him?


The Roman Catholics also confess their sins to the priest, and he forgives them. Jesus Christ is the high priest who stands between us and God and only he can forgive sins (1 Timothy 2:5-6).


Holy communion is what the whole mass is centered around. Communion is a service commemorating the last supper (Matthew 26:26-29); different words meaning the same thing.


I am not sharing this message as an attempt to stop people from celebrating the birth of our Savior, although it was not December 25Th. This message is being shared for the readers to know that the focus of Christmas or any other day should be on Jesus Christ; not on Mary, Santa Claus of buying children toys.


I will continue celebrating the birth of Jesus and I also will celebrate His death, burial, and resurrection. It is the meaning of why He is being celebrated that is most important to me.


As you give gifts out of your love for others, do not forget the Greatest Gift of all, that was done out of the greatest love for all.


Ps. Since Christmas is still a few weeks away, this will give you time to process the messages and let them sink in. Something to ponder “What does Christ mean to you?” Is He being carbon-copied by Mary, the pope, priests etc.?


Falling more and more in love with Jesus ~ Betty A. Burnett

Who Is the Church Going to Celebrate for Christmas? The Double Standard 11-26-2021

I am starting this message to say to my brothers and sisters in Christ, that each time a message is posted, it is to help open your eyes to more truth. It takes time to search information pertaining to messages that are written. Each time I search the internet for historical context, there are new nuggets that were not seen before; it is the same with the Bible. Since I have been writing about the gifts, it is questionable to why they are not functioning in certain churches.


In writing about the gifts, I feel it appropriate to inform those who do not understand about the Greatest Gift (Jesus Christ) and how Christmas time should be centered around Him. This is being written before Christmas, so those who are already pre-celebrating Santa Claus will change your ways. 


A good scripture for this is: 

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14).


The reason I am writing about this before Christmas is for people to find out the truth about Santa Claus and stop playing Russian roulette (a dangerous game) with your faith. Those who are playing with fire will get burned. Some bad things have already happened to people who played with fire, and they do not know why. The church has been committing spiritual adultery by putting another god before God our Father. The Word says, You shall have no other gods before Me (Exodus 20:23).


Many children of God are selfish, and they are self-absorbed. They are living like unsaved people. Paul called them carnal (Romans 8:5-8, 1 Corinthians 3:1-2); it is difficult to distinguish them from the people of the world.


What is even worse, they say they love Jesus, but how much is He being honored when they are dressing like Santa Claus, taking their children to see Santa Claus to tell him what they want for Christmas?


Some people have already started wearing clothes like Santa Claus wears. Let me tell you about Santa Claus and how he imitates God: Satan is an anagram for Santa (unscrambled). Quite interesting, huh? It is said that he lives in the North Pole. Although God is not confined to time or space, the psalmist says: Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised, in the city of our God, in the mountains of His holiness. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is Mt. Zion on the sides of the north, the city of the great King (Psalm 48:1-2).


Didn't Lucifer say in his heart, I will will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will sit also in the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north (Isaiah 14:13).


The devil is not everywhere at the same time, even if that were the case, he would be equal with God who is everywhere at the same time (Omnipresent), God is all knowing (Omniscient); God is all-powerful (Omnipotent). Satan has limited abilities, so he has his fallen angels working on his behalf. So, how can Santa/Satan know if every child is sleep or awake?


Satan is a master deceiver; he transforms himself into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14); he even deceives some people in ministry. How are those in ministry going to help the younger people to know the truth when they are wearing the same kind of clothes Santa Claus wears?


And why are you telling children these lies? Please don’t think it is innocent or cute. The Word of God tells us to train them (Proverbs 22:6). If you instill this in them at a young age, no damage will have been done. If you tell them what is true, it might escape them temporarily or others might influence them, but they will eventually come to their senses (Proverbs 3:3-4, Proverbs 6:21, Deuteronomy 11:18-19).


I have seen and heard some outlandish things in the ‘quote-on-quote’ Christian community that dishonors the Holy Spirit, like calling Him an It. Did you know that God is being dishonored when Christians are agreeing with this Santa Claus thing (another god)? How is that so?


Doesn’t the Bible say that God is the Giver of all good and perfect gifts (James 1:17). There is a non-denominational group that is called “Back to the Bible”. That’s where a lot of Christians need to go! It saddens my heart to know that people who profess to be born-again are playing into this Santa Claus/devil trick.


Anything connected with Santa Claus is forbidden by the Word of God.


Next: The Christ-Mass Lie!


Called to open the eyes of the blind ~ Betty A. Burnett


Thanksgiving 11-25-2021

O' give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for  His mercy endures forever.


Grace and Peace from God my Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior.


As we celebrate Thanksgiving, let us remember that even though this is a special day set aside for families to gather in the United States and commemorate this wonderful Thanksgiving Day; let’s remember all the blessings that have been bestowed upon us, and that every day is truly a day of thanksgiving.


While enjoying your delicious meals, pray for those who are without. There are many who are destitute.


The killer pandemic Covid-19 virus that struck globally in 2020, still has an impact. That deadly disease was recorded as the worse pandemic in United States history, surpassing the death toll from the 1918 Spanish Flu. Therefore, this catastrophic left more people destitute, but many ministries and organizations are still reaching out to those who have lack of resources, by providing meals and other essentials.


Whatever the Spirit of God leads you to do, wherever He leads you, or whomever He leads you to; just be in tune to what He is prompting you to do. Thank God for those of you who are sharing your blessings unselfishly in various ways.


The Word of God tells us to be hospitable to strangers; for in doing so, you may be entertaining angels and you do not know it (Hebrews 13:2-3); this means to extend ourselves beyond our biological family or the family of God.


Jesus was the perfect example of ministering to the hungry (Matthew 14:13-21).


The emphasis is to be a blessing to someone during this Thanksgiving holiday.


I pray that you will have a very fulfilling day and weekend, and that you will be thankful for all your blessings (Psalm 107:8-9).


Grateful ~Betty A. Burnett



Greetings, and thanks to all you wonderful friends and family who prayed for me and sent well wishes for my surgical procedure. The surgery went well, and I believe the recuperation period will also go well (1 Peter 2:24).


I was having problems with my left foot, especially during my walks on asphalt/cement. The podiatrist gave me shots at two different intervals to no avail. One night I looked at my ring toe, it had popped up, and it was painful.


A couple days later I made an appointment with the podiatrist and thanks be to God, they scheduled an appointment for the very next day. They x-rayed my feet and discovered the problem was a hammertoe.


I told the doctor I was relocating, and he scheduled the surgery for six days later, once the final move (December 29, 2021), appointments for new doctors will take some time. Since the pain was getting progressively worse, it was necessary to have the procedure ASAP. God divinely orchestrated this, and all praises, honor and glory belong to Him. All I can say is “GOD DID IT”!


That’s not all, God had an assignment for my god-sister Brenda Murphy and her husband J.W. (my long-time friend) to be in place to assist me at the last minute. “God is an on-time God, yes He is”!


Excerpts from song:

“I need you and you need me, we’re all a part of God’s body.”

“I pray for you; you pray for me.”


I love you and I know you love me! You proved it through your prayers and well wishes. And I will never forget my almost twenty-year prayer partner sisters.


Giving thanks with a grateful heart ~ Betty A. Burnett


The Five-fold Ministry Offices Given To The Church 11-22-2021

In yesterday’s message you learned what our Savior did for us. Not only did Jesus Christ come to live, die, and be raised from the dead for us to be set free, He also left some awesome gifts for the church to occupy the time (Luke 19:12-13), and be a blessing to each other. From that message, there is no reason for any child of God to reject or not accept the gifts. This is the assignment of the Five-fold ministry administrators.


• Apostles establish churches. Today, the term missionary is used, but the function of the missionary is that of an apostle. Paul’s travels are called missionary journeys (not listed in the Bible as missionary). Definition of missionary: Person/s sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country.


Apostles are sent to different places all over the world, and they can be a husband/wife team. The apostles operate in multiple gifts. The apostles performed many signs and wonders among the people - read Acts 5:12-16. How many missionaries do you hear of operating in the supernatural (miraculous)?


• Prophets are with the apostles in establishing churches. The Spirit of God gives them the ability to detect evil and this helps the apostle to stay on track. The prophet usually functions in multiple gifts, such as the gift of prophecy where he foretells, forthtell, warn and corrects. The gift of discerning of spirits is evident since there are many evil spirits that need to be detected. Also, the person with the gift of prophecy is different from the prophet, the person with the gift of prophecy foretells future events (1 Corinthians 12:10).


• Evangelists travel extensively and they operate in signs and wonders, as well as carry the Gospel. It is said that the evangelists have the longest finger because their ministry extend the furthest. Philip is an example of an evangelist -read Acts 8: 26-40. There is a difference in the office of evangelist who has the anointing to destroy yokes off peoples’ lives than it is for every born-again believer to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20).By the way, there is no gift of evangelism.


• Pastors have the lead role in the church, and unlike the apostle, prophet, and evangelist whose ministries are outside the church as well as in the church, he is stationery and watches over the sheep, feeds and nurture them. He has the greatest responsibility to the flock – read 1 Peter 5:1-4.


• Teachers have a special illumination to expound on the Word of God simply and is concerned about the children of God be enlightened to the truth (1 Corinthians 12:28).


I am not finished with the messages about the gifts; they will be continued after Thanksgiving. In the meantime, after reading this message, one of the five-fold could be what Jesus has given you to help grow the church.


Ps. Check out your church and see if it lines up with the Word of God.


Obeying God ~ Betty A. Burnett   


The Five-fold Ministry Office of Christ 11-21-2021

We are going on a journey from earth to heaven, our temporary dwelling place until we will eventually rule and reign with Jesus Christ in the New Jerusalem. On this road, we have been given assignments that will determine our rulership in the eternal realm.


Before getting into the gifts/assignments which are part of our stewardship, meaning what we have been given to manage on this earth, I am going to tell you who started this journey for us and how He is the example we are to model. Jesus had the Spirit without measure (John 3:34)), and we as one body of Christ function to make us whole and complete in Him (Colossians 2:9-10).



Jesus came from a far country; He was on a journey, and He gave assignments to all the children of God who are called into the five-fold ministry offices. Jesus Himself operated in all five-fold ministry offices.


• Apostle: Jesus came to a foreign country and established His church (Matthew 16:18, Ephesians 2:20).


• Prophet: Jesus prophesied of future events. He rebuked, corrected, and warned the hypocritical religious leaders (Luke 11:37-54, Matthew 23:1-39).


• Evangelist: Jesus preached repentance (Matthew 4:17) and He operated in signs, wonders and miracles (John 4:46-54, John 20:30).


• Pastor: Jesus was the Shepherd over His flock (John 10:11, 1 Peter 5:4).


• Teacher: Jesus taught His disciples and the multitudes (Matthew 5:1-2), in the synagogue (Luke 4:15) and in the temple (Luke 19:47, John 7:14).


Now that you see what our Savior did for us; not only did Jesus Christ live, die, and was raised for us to be set free, He also left some awesome gifts for the church to occupy the time (Luke 19:12-13), and be a blessing to each other.


Because I was led to share with you the ministry of Jesus Christ our Messiah, I believe you will understand more fully what we have been assigned to do and why our assignments are so important.


I love sharing biblical truths ~ Betty A. Burnett


Understanding the Spiritual Gifts ~ Introduction 11-20-2021

Many of God’s children do not understand some of the gifts. Some have written books about the gifts. In these books there are errors when it comes to describing what the gifts are. Since the gifts are a very important part of our stewardship, 


I will list them and give a simple and brief explanation of each of them. As these messages are written pertaining to the gifts, hopefully you will be able to identify your gift/s. As each one has received a gift minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold [various kinds] grace of God (1 Peter 4:10).


This may take a while, but the main emphasis is for each person to become aware of theirs gift/s. There are natural gifts and there are spiritual gifts.

For instance, singing is a natural gift and the person/s with that gift does not have to be saved. However, I am writing about spiritual gifts and everyone with these gifts are saved.


The gifts are listed in three different books. When I get to the gifts that are written erroneously, it will be explained what the difference is, and how misquoting the gifts are misleading and this causes a misunderstanding which leads to the children of God suffering a loss because of lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).


I am going to do an introduction to each set of gifts, starting with the five-fold ministry office (gifts) that were given by Jesus Christ. Remember, these are administrative offices, not titles. He gave some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors, and some teachers. It takes all these offices to grow the church into maturity.


Introduction to the spiritual gifts -Five-fold ministry (Ephesians 4:11)

The reason these offices/gifts are listed first is because the church was founded on the apostles and prophets with Jesus Himself being the Chief Cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20). No building can stand without a cornerstone. Although these offices were given by Jesus, it is the power of the Holy Spirit that gives the enablement for all the gifts (1 Corinthians 12:11).


The purpose of the spiritual gifts is to encourage the body of Christ and God will be glorified.

The purpose of the five-fold ministry office (gifts) is to grow the children of God so they will not be tossed by every wind and doctrine. When they grow in their faith, they mature to the point where faith works by love (Galatians 5:6).


Caution to everyone who says the gifts are not for today. If that is the case, why are the gifts working for some people and not for others? Doesn’t that seem like a double standard? God wants us to believe every bit of His Word.


When you were in school there were requirements that had to be met. To graduate from High school or college, certain academic scores had to be achieved. If you would pick and choose what subjects you liked and concentrated on them rather than all the subjects, how far would you get? Also, there are requirements to be met when it comes to the Word of God. Like going to school, the Bible must be studied, and one must believe what they are studying for them to achieve spiritual success.


 Every gift in the Bible is for today because God put them there for us to encourage each other. The Bible does not say that the gifts have stopped, but the devil does not want God’s people to encourage each other with their gifts. It is sad to say, but many of God’s children have fallen into the devil’s trap.


Next: The Five-fold Ministry Offices


Believing the whole counsel of God ~ Betty A. Burnett

The Evidence Of A Pastor Who Is Walking In His Call (Part 4) 11-19-2021

I know these messages seem long, but it is necessary for the children of God to be aware of how He wants His church to function and how important it is for people to find their place in the body of Christ, stay in their lane, walk worthy of the vocation they were called into.


Sad to say, many of those who are functioning in a pastoral call do not realize what is involved in this role, and they are in it for the wrong reasons. There is a saying: “Some were sent (called) and some went”. This means they went out on their own.


The calling must line up with the Word of God

12) Must be humble not too proud to be corrected. Since God has given other five-fold ministry offices to the church, they are placed alongside the pastor to help grow the church (Ephesians 4:11-16). For example: God may use the prophet to bring correction or point out something God wants to bring to the pastor’s attention.


This is another experience in the prophetic in addition to the gift of discerning of spirits. The devil had set a person up in the church to come against the pastor, and the Spirit revealed to me what the man was doing. He would attend Bible study and church service regularly, and eventually he brought others with him. On this Sunday the man brought a female with him. Her weird looking eyes were fixed on the pastor as if she was putting a hex on him.


During altar call the Spirit led me to the man, he had a notebook drawing pictures. I told him to stop what he was doing. He denied doing anything; later after the service was over, there were witnesses to confirm what was going on.


On Tuesday of the following week, the Spirit told me go to the pew where the man had been sitting. I obeyed the voice and when I got to the pew, the man had left a piece of paper that he had drawn on and it was that of a man and a casket and the grave, and the inscription was: Phase 4 of assignment meaning what he was sent to do was almost finished. And perhaps it would have been finished if the Spirit of God had not intervened.


13) Grow the people rather than grow the numbers - God adds to the church those who are to be saved (Acts 2:47). Except the Lord builds the house, those who build on their own labor in vain (Psalm 127:1). If a ministry is truly called by God, no one will use worldly ways and gimmicks to draw the people. Many churches use certain kinds of entertainment to draw people. Since the pastor is the lead person, he has been placed in charge and if the head is off the entire body is off.


14) Names/titles of positions must line up with what is listed in the Bible – no substitutes. Example: You will never see assistant pastor, associate minister, or campus pastor in the Bible. Some people come up with these names for various reasons; they have not studied and understand who the Bible says are the administrative offices, or they reject the truth.


A Title should not be important; if one is truly called, it will be recognized by matured saints who understand the gifts. Please stop using titles and especially a title that is not biblical. The Roman Catholic church uses many titles as a means of exaltation, which stems from pride. Do you remember what Lucifer did? He wanted to be like God (Isaiah 14:12-14). For your own sake, only God’s name is to be reverenced (Psalm 111:9). Regardless of our call, we are brothers and sisters in Christ.


Fellow-laborers, I am reiterating how serious it is to function in the right call, because God has put people in your lives to help grow the church and not to harm them. If the call is not on your life, please be humble and step down. God still has a ministry for you, and He wants you to discover what your gift is. Many people have left the church for various reasons; you do not want the blood to be on your hands.


Walking in my call ~ Betty A. Burnett


Are you in the right lane?











A Matured Pastor Who Is Walking in His Call (Part 3) 11-18-2021


In these series of messages, you see the heart of a true pastor. I believe there are many people who are functioning in the position of a pastor, who do not realize the seriousness of this call.


The calling must line up with the Word of God

7) Must have a heart for the people: Although God was talking to Israel, the principal is the same for all His children. I will give you a shepherd according to My heart who will feed you with knowledge and understanding (Jeremiah 3:15). Those who have a heart for the people are concerned about their spiritual walk and will do nothing to hinder their growth.


8) Does not show partiality/favoritism: Cliques in the church are evident; some groups think they are better than others and they set themselves apart from others. There are also pastor cliques within the church, he has a group of his select people that will do what he says.

Some leaders turn their cliquish followers against someone that is in ministry with him. This causes division in the church. These are some scriptures showing that that God does not show partiality (Romans 2:11, Acts 10:34, Galatians 3:29), and neither should we (1Timothy 5:21).


9) Does not manipulate – A true pastor is not in this for his own gain or use people for his advantage. A true pastor has a desire for his flock to mature and succeed in the call God has on their lives. He does not drain them of their resources, such as money and overworking them in ministry.


10) He does not scatter the sheep. When the Lord said “WOE” to the shepherds who scatter the sheep of His pasture, this meant trouble was going to come upon them. (Jeremiah 23:1, Ezekiel 34:2-3, Zechariah 11:17).


How does a pastor scatter the sheep? Some are hurt because the pastor was partial toward some, and others felt as if they were not a part of the church. They may have had a valid need that was not met. They may have felt that nobody cared about them, or it could have been that they did not feel loved, needed and accepted. They could’ve felt that they were looked down upon and was not as good as others.


11) Fellow-laborers, this is serious because God has put people in your lives to help them, not to harm them. If the call is not on your life, please be humble and step down. God still has a ministry for you, and He wants you to discover what your gift is. Many people have left the church for various reasons; you do not want the blood to be on your hands.


This story is about a friend I met in New Jersey who humbled himself and was open to the Holy Spirit’s voice. He went to Texas and pastored for five years, and the Spirit told him that was not his call. My friend stepped down from being a pastor, he left Texas and moved back to New Jersey. The prophetic call on his life was awesome and God used him to be a blessing to so many people, including me. You see what happened when he obeyed God?


The truth brings freedom ~ Betty A. Burnett


Characteristics and Qualifications of a Pastor Who Is Walking in His Call (Part 1) 11-16-2021


So many people are not functioning in the right call. I am going to share what the Word of God says, and your eyes will be open to the truth. The calling must line up with the Word of God. There are many scriptures relating to the characteristics and qualifications of a pastor called by God. I am going to point out some key facts that will help the readers. Please read 1 Timothy 3:1-7 or Titus 1:5-9 for additional qualifications.


1) Must have the heart of a servant: Jesus did not come to be served (Matthew 20:27-29). The purpose of a pastor along with the other administrative offices is to help the flock grow into spiritual maturity, so they can be equipped to help others (Ephesians 4:11-16).


2) Knows how to rule well; if he cannot rule his own house by having his children in subjection with all reverence, how can he take care of the church of God (1 Timothy 3:4-5)? There are some churches where certain people rule the pastor, and some of them are ruled by their spouse and their children.


3) Must not be a novice; lest being puffed up with pride, and he fall into the condemnation of the devil (1 Timothy 3:6). A novice is a person who is a new Christian. How does one fall into condemnation of the devil? Satan was puffed up with pride to the point where he wanted to exalt himself above the stars and be like the Most-High God (Isaiah 14:12-14).


Satan fell and so will those who think they are higher than others. Some people put their pastor on a pedestal by telling how good he preached: “Pastor, you sure preached today”. A novice wants to hear more complements, whereas a seasoned/matured pastor would say: “All glory belongs to God”.


4) Feeds the people the Word: Jesus said to Peter, if you love Me, feed my sheep (John 21:17). Shepherds are to feed the flock (1 Peter 5:1-4). They do not try to profit by dishonest gain; do not cheat or take away from the church but goes all out to be a blessing to the church. Not being lords over, means that the shepherd does not take ownership over or treat the flock as if they are his slaves.


With that kind of attitude, they feed the flock dessert that is full of sugar to get them hyped from his whooping and hollering. The flock is not being fed a proper diet to keep them spiritually nourished, instead the pastor is making them malnourished.


5) He must be able to teach (1 Timothy 3:2). This does not mean that the pastor is a five-fold ministry teacher, yet he must be polished in the Word of God from being taught so he can teach others what he has studied and learned. Teaching is also done by example. A pastor does not tell the people this: “Don’t do as I do, do as I say do”. A good pastor will tell the flock to follow him as he follows Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1).


Getting fed more spiritual food everyday ~ Betty A. Burnett

Did God Call Women To Be Pastors? 11-15-2021


So many people are not functioning in the right call. I am going to share what the Word of God says, so your eyes will be open to the truth. The calling must line up with Word of God.


For those who say women can be pastors because there is no difference between Jew or Gentile male or female, but we are all one in Christ (Galatians 3:28-29), this does not mean we have equal positions; it means that God sees us all equal when it comes to who we are in Him.


Look at the operative (most important) words- rule over his house. Who did God place in charge of the family, and who has been placed in charge over the church? But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God (1 Corinthians 11:3). That is God’s divine order.


Many of you have seen this in some of my previous messages, but the Spirit of God is taking me back the same way, because He wants you to digest it. Faith comes by hearing [reading] and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17). The more one hears and read, the more the Word sinks in.

Even though a woman’s role is not that of a pastor, they are minsters with leadership roles; many of them are listed in Romans, chapter 16. 


God has not called women to be pastors, and there is no such thing as a co-pastor. One minister said it like this: “Two heads are a freak”!

However, there are the five-fold ministry offices of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher who are the administrators/overseers, elders, and bishops of the church.


God used this married couple to complement each other in ministry. Aquila and Pricilla helped Paul in ministry (Romans 16:3), and they gathered in their home for church meetings (1 Corinthians 16:19). They took Apollos and expounded on the Word of God in a more perfect way (Acts 18:26).


Women can function in the five-fold ministry office; but they should never have the stand-alone position as pastor. Neither does the pastor have a stand-alone position, but he has the lead role. It takes all five offices to help the children of God to grow (Ephesians 4:11-16).


Some have used excuses for women being pastors, that there is a shortage of men in the church, therefore God uses the women in this capacity. That is contrary to the Word of God, and why would God contradict His own Word?


Example: Elijah was standing at the entrance of the cave and a Voice came to him and said, what are you doing here Elijah? And he said, I have been very zealous for the Lord of hosts because the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars and killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left, and they seek to take my life. [Skip to verse 14 where the Lord speaks]. Yet I have reserved seven thousand in Israel whose knees have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him (1 Kings 19:13-14, 18).



There is always a remnant of people God has reserved. Like Elijah, we do not know who they are, we just need to trust God and not do things our way.


To all my female co-laborers in Christ, I get no better joy, than knowing I am functioning in the call God has on my life. And to all of you in a stand-alone pastoral position, please do not think I am targeting or attacking you; I am a female myself, just doing what the Spirit has directed me to do. For those who take heed to the message, God will be pleased with you.


When anyone who is off track gets on track, all they must do is ask our Father to forgive them; not only that, the Spirit will reveal your true call if you yield to His voice. I love my sisters and want to see them functioning in their call so others can be blessed by their ministry. Whatever your ministry is, may God be glorified! 


Called by God as evangelist/prophetess ~ Betty A. Burnett


Who is the head of the church?

God’s Standards for His Church 11-14-2021


I am so excited for some of the responses about the messages being informative. The whole purpose is to open the eyes of the children of God.

To be born-again is the greatest privilege of all. It means to be changed from the old life to a new life in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17). The song writer says it in a way that bring joy to my soul: “He changed my life and now I am free”. Although it takes time for growth, our desires should be to please the Lord.


Being set free does not give us the liberty to do what we want to do. In fact, when we became free from the bondage of sin, we became a slave to Christ, which means to do what our Master/Jesus tells us to. It is a good kind of slavery because, it makes us feel good knowing that our Master would not treat us like a worldly master would treat slaves. Jesus has our best interest at heart, which should make us willing to do what He says.


Does that sound like a contradiction? Not really! Doing what the Master says brings us freedom. With that being true, we should not be bound to those things that make us miserable.


If that is true, why are some of you still doing the same things you used to do that keeps you in bondage?


Let each remain in the same calling which he was called. Were you called while a slave? Do not be concerned about it; but if you can be made free, rather use it. For he who is called in the Lord is the Lord’s freedman. (1 Corinthians 7:20-23). In other words, we are free in the Lord, therefore, we should walk in freedom. We are no longer being bound by sin, but free in Christ Jesus.


Since you are freed from sin, why are some of you still doing the same things you used to do?


Getting drunk, hanging out at the clubs and bars, house partying, dancing, boozing, and having sex should not be a part of our new life.

This also should not be named among Christians - dressing scantily; daisy dukes length clothes, shoulders exposed and most of the breast being revealed and clothes so tight, you wonder how they got them on- help them Lord. The focus is on these half-naked women, and some men should be ashamed of some of the clothes they wear -tight pants and body shirts - the church is not a gym. 


All of this is from the devil, and he has always attempted to take the focus off Jesus in every way he can.


There are two extremes when it comes to dressing: Pentecostal women wore long dresses and cotton stockings. Lord I am glad that was not me. What is worse than the women wearing long dresses, is dressing where certain body parts are revealed. At least the Pentecostals bodies were covered. To come to the house of God the way some people dress is a shame and disgrace. In many churches today, it’s come as you are.


That saying about “Come as you are” does not mean people can come in the house of God any way they want to. And they use the excuse like; “They may not have any other kind of clothes”. Whatever happened to the morals back in the day when the law had stipulations on how to dress in public places. And most certainly people respected the house of God.


Let me ask you this: “How would you dress if you were with Jesus? If you were going before a king, wouldn’t you adorn yourself with the best that you had. Wouldn’t you want to be like a bride preparing to meet the groom. Would you want to be like the person who was shamed when he met Jesus, because he had not prepared himself? Why not rehearse meeting our King Jesus so we can be properly adorned to meet Him?


Music is another way of drawing attention to themselves rather than to Christ. The bottom line is this, what is supposed to be the church is nothing but a Christian club. The church is not for entertainment; it should be different from the world. A change means to be different, so has a change really taken place in your life? If not, you are still in bondage. Anything that takes the focus from Christ is ungodly.


Excuses like we are living in different times are inexcusable, because God's standards do not change.


Striving to live according to God’s Standard ~ Betty A. Burnett

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Exposing Hypocrisy in the Church 11-13-2021

Does the Word of God say anything about speaking of or endorsing politics in the church? Let’s find out!


There are so many things going on with people who profess to be born-again, and God is sending warnings to those who are covering up or masking their hypocrisy. He also wants to open the eyes of His children who are not aware of this hypocrisy.


Several ministers compromised their walk, by being involved in politics and publicly endorsing their party. The person they endorsed was a Mormon (Mormonism is a cult). Prior to the campaign, they had two major cults (Mormons and Jehovah Witness) on their site to let others know they opposed those beliefs. Then suddenly, they compromised by taking the cults off their site.


The ministry endorsing or campaigning for someone running for office who is in a cult is wishing them God speed when the Bible tells us not to bid them God speed (2 John 10-11). And to be a partaker with the cult is damnable. 


This has nothing to do with who you vote for; it should be a personal preference. I am talking about the ministry endorsing the man and taking the cult off their site. This is certainly evident that the ministry compromised.


They raised politics above Christ. If the Spirit of God told them to let others know about these cults, do you think the Spirit would have told them to take the message about these cults off their site? Sounds like a double standard. Not only that, because these were well known ministers, how do you think that would have affected their followers?


The Word of God tells us to be separate and come from among unbelievers, which means not to do what they do (2 Corinthians 6:14-17). How can two people walk together unless they agree (Amos 3:3)? This does not mean that we cannot be around sinners, we are there to be lights to them (Matthew 5:13-16).


I read later where the leader who compromised told his son not to be involved in politics. I also read that he repented from being involved in politics. Praise God that he got convicted for compromising. One leader started this whole political movement and many others followed. Can you believe that one person had that much influence?


Politics should never be talked about from the pulpit, ministers should only promote the kingdom of God. Talking about politics in the church takes away from the gospel of Jesus Christ. Endorsing politics is putting a person on a pedestal, - Jesus said: And if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me (John 12:32). Promoting politics is the same as ministers using the platform as an advantage to get money, airplanes and so on.


Anyone has the right to vote for whoever they choose to. But promoting or endorsing a person from the pulpit carries a lot of weight and others will follow their leaders. What does the Word of God say? Follow me as I also follow Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). Therefore, follow God as dear children (Ephesians 5:1-2).


The only politics that edifies the children of God is promoting King Jesus whose governmental rule is eternal, and He will be the one world leader.

By the way, regardless of who approves of politics being promoted in church, whether it is a pastor or the president of the United States, be like Paul when he wrote to the church at Galatia about them allowing someone to come in and pervert (alter from its original course) the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

But even if we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed [cursed] (Galatians 1:8).


Standing up for the Gospel and not falling for the devil’s lies ~ Betty A. Burnett


Ripping up the Word of God-Taking Jesus out of the Church


Unmasking Hypocrisy in the Church 11-12-2021

As I continue writing, much must be said about the church and how she does not live by God’s standards. This message as with the previous ones are to help the children of God to be aware of the evils that are invading God’s house.


Excerpts from an article written July 7, 2014: This is just one of many stories about several ministers who visited the pope and in his written statement released after the Papal meeting, one said he was "blessed to be part of perhaps an unprecedented moment between evangelicals and the Catholic Pope."


He described the Protestant delegation's private meeting with the leader of the Roman Catholic Church as "an intimate circle of prayerful discussion and lunch to discuss not only seeing Jesus' prayer answered, but that every believer would become a bold, joy-filled witnesses for Christ.

In describing the ecumenical gathering as a miracle, he said, "This is something God has done. God wants his arms around the world. And he wants Christians to put his arms around the world by working together."


That is a lie from the devil!


How can Christians justify embracing the Roman Catholic’s false beliefs? What could they agree on when one is supposed to be a light, while the other is in darkness? What fellowship does darkness have with light? We are to be separate or different from those who are not born-again (2 Corinthians 6:14-18). The Roman Catholics profess Jesus with their lips, but they worship Mary, and the pope equals himself with God and people worship him, this is called papal worship.


The Bible says we are to worship God and we shall serve Him only (Matthew 4:10). They pray to saints, when the Word tells us to pray to the Father- Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name (Matthew 6:9). They confess their sins to the priest and ask him to forgive them, when no one can forgive sins but God..


The Romans Catholics call the pope holy father, the Bible tells us not to call any man father (Matthew 23:9-11)- (this doesn’t mean our earthly fathers). Roman Catholics believe that Mary was born without sin. The Bible tells us everybody that was born sinned (Romans 3:10, 23). Jesus Christ was the only one without sin (Hebrews 4:15). If He had sinned, then we would be lost.


Watch out for hypocrites.


Uncovering the evils in the body of Christ ~ Betty A. Burnett


The Masquerade in the Church 11-11-2021

Some of you may know this already, the Bible talks about evil being men and imposters shall grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived (2 Timothy 3:13). You may think, “But I thought they were saved”. Some can be saved and allow the love for the things of the world to cause them to get off course.


These leaders supposedly have been in the Word for years and do not know any more than they know. They have compromised their spiritual integrity, but their evil deeds are unjustifiable.


2) Hypocrisy

Another way they compromise is by showing partiality, which was goes back to the beginning of the church age. The Greeks were upset because their widows were being neglected; this was showing partiality or having respect of persons (Romans 2:11). The Hebrews/Jews thought they were better than the Greeks because they were special to God. The apostles confronted this, and the church chose deacons to serve all the widows (Acts 6:1-7).


Moving forward, Paul confronted and rebuked Peter for showing partiality. Peter was fellowshipping with the Gentiles and when he saw the Jews coming, he separated himself from the Gentiles. Peter did not want the Jews to see him with the Gentiles who were “second class believers” in the eyes of some Jewish believers. This also caused Barnabas to separate himself from the Gentiles.


It was Peter who had a problem with the Gentiles when God was sending him to carry the gospel to Cornelius, a Gentile. The Jews and Peter considered the Gentiles to be unclean, but God said what He cleansed, they were not to be called unclean (Acts, chapter 10).


Although the issues are different, how does contemporary churches create boundaries which push some types of Christians out of fellowship, or consider them as second-class Christians? Excerpt from Philip J. Long.


That paragraph was my experience, and my eyes became open even wider to the hypocrisy in the church. Additionally, what about racism and treating those of higher status better? You talk about a divided church, that kills/destroys the whole purpose of what the church is about.


It reminds me of Solomon and the two ladies that laid claim on one baby because one of their babies had died. Solomon being a man of wisdom was going to cut the baby in half, but the real mother was willing to give up her baby rather than let it die (1 Kings 3:16-28). What would you give up to keep your church from being divided and good for nothing?


This is what Jesus prayed about us: “I pray that they are one even as We are one” (John 17:11). Jesus brought both Jew and Gentile together; He brought unity. In a sense Peter was undoing what Jesus had done. The devil is the root of division. Denomination means a divided people, and there are many denominations because one group think they are better than the other group or that they know more, and they are the only ones who are right. It is okay to think different, but it is not okay to be divided.


I have news for anybody who thinks like that, all of us are imperfect people and none of us know it all.


Standing for unity ~ Betty A. Burnett


How to Know When People or Ministries are Lining up with the Word of God 11-10-2021


Greetings saints of the Most-High God, our Father. Before proceeding with today’s message, I want to share how serious these messages are. Please do not take these messages lightly like the illustration of the man who went to the wedding improperly dressed He was not prepared to meet the King (Matthew 22: 11-12). 


We are responsible for making ourselves ready by utilizing what God has given us to manage. When it comes to the wedding, we who are the bride of Christ should do our very best to be prepared to meet Him so we can rule and reign with.


Yesterday’s message was like an introduction for today’s post. As we continue, I am going to challenge the reader to think about the church today and if it is functioning according to the will of God. There are some things that will be pointed out to sharpen your awareness. I am sure there are many more than I am naming, but this will give you a jump-start.


It is important for the readers to understand and to be aware of all the ungodliness that is going on among those who profess to be born-again. I will continue until the Holy Spirit prompts me to stop.


1) Look at the Fruit –

When the Bible says you will know them by their fruit, it is talking about false prophets and teachers. Yet, there are some leaders in the Christian community who do not produce good fruit.


When they go according to their own desires, this causes them to ignore the Holy Spirit’s directions. At that point it is difficult to distinguish these leaders from false teachers and false prophets. They live extravagant and immoral lifestyles. They are not feeding the flock the Word, they are giving the people just enough to make them feel good, and the flock is feeding them money and etc.


These leaders are using gimmicks to draw a certain group of people, especially the young people, so they can manipulate them because of their lack of knowledge, which makes them vulnerable. Using gimmicks will not keep the people, the Word of God is our keeper and sustainer. God adds to the church those who will be saved (Acts 2:47). These leaders do not care about peoples’ souls, their motive is to become a mega ministry to make themselves look important.


There are other mega ministries that got sidetracked; they compromised. This is not to damage anybody’s reputation, because many of them have already been exposed, but it is to bring awareness so you will not get caught up in or swayed by these types of people.


There is a difference in someone making errors; (I make them myself) and someone being ignorant which causes them to suffer loss; than someone deliberately deceiving people for their own gain. I must admit that there are some dead denominational churches, but at least some of them are morally upright.


Remember the message about allowing the Lord to lead us in whatever we do. That is the only way any ministry will prosper spiritually.

Also, the closer it gets to Jesus’ return, the more wicked times are going to be, not only with demonic activity on the rise in the world system, but also in the church. I am writing these messages to keep people from being deceived. And, if you love the Lord, you don’t want to get caught up in all these evil things that are going on in the church.


The next message will be about someone in the Bible who compromised, as well as some of our national and international ministries who got side-tracked.


Striving to stay focused on Jesus ~ Betty A. Burnett


Understanding What is Good (True) and What is Evil (False) 11-9-2021

Yesterday the message was pertaining to being sure of your calling and election. I felt this would help those who are not sure of their call, or they may be functioning in the wrong call, and to be able to discern (understand) if someone is not functioning in a call that they say is what God called them to do.


Someone might say “That’s judging”. Let me tell you what the Bible says:

 For though this time you ought to be teachers you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God, and you have need of milk and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their spiritual senses exercised to discern both good and evil (Hebrews 5:12-14)..


Let’s sum up what the writer is saying: He says by now you should be further along, and with that being so, you need to go back and learn the elementaries. The reason some people who have been saved a long time are still babies in Christ, is because they never learned the elementaries (basic) or foundational principles. So, what does that mean?


Many got saved and did some hop, skip and jumps. They didn’t sit still in the right place long enough to be taught properly. Sadly, many born-again believers think they are spiritually mature when they are not. This stems from pride.


All of us are required to teach what we learn, but how can we instruct others properly if we have not learned. It does not matter how long one has been saved, if they have not learned the elementaries of the Word, they are still babies.


How are we going to teach others when we don’t know how to rightly divide the Word of truth? We hurt ourselves and others. Now that you understand, we will move on to those who are mature enough to discern both good and evil. This is referring to sound and unsound doctrine.


Caution: Those who are not spiritually mature can be deceived. 


Can an infant feed himself? Of course not! So, whoever feeds him, is the one he begins to trust. There are others who are continually being spoon fed, which causes them not to mature.


Hopefully something will be gained from the message that will cause immature Christians to have a yearning to grow.


Tomorrow, I will continue with Part 2 of this message.


Helping others to know the truth ~ Betty A. Burnett 

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Being Sure of You Calling and Election 11-8-2021

The next few messages will be related to the rewards and the marriage supper of the Lamb. The reason being is because so many people are not functioning in their calling. 


Since God has a particular assignment for each of His children, it is important that we pursue what He has called us to do.


In the last message, John spoke of the righteous acts of the saints. They did what they were called to do, therefore they had made themselves ready to receive their rewards (Revelation 19:7-8).


The scripture for this message is: I therefore the prisoner of the Lord beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation that you were called (Ephesians 4:1). Paul urges the believers to earnestly pursue their call and walk in their specific calling.


The walk and service of the believer is a righteous and holy one. What do I mean by that? We have been placed into righteousness/holiness by God. That is our position in Him, and we did nothing to get this, and nothing can ever change our position in God.


However, after we are born-gain we are called to walk in holiness/righteousness by managing what God has called us to do; that is our assignment/gifts and calling. How do we walk holy and righteous?


 By seeking the Lord for whatever we pursue. For instance, did you seek the Lord for the mate that He wanted you to have, or did you seek the mate you wanted? And did you choose the church you wanted to join and certain people to be your friends because of their status, or their looks?


Better still, did you ask the Lord what He called you to do, or did you seek a call that was not given to you? This is what the Word says about the children of God who seek to have their way. For no other foundation is laid than that which is Jesus Christ.


Now, if any man builds upon the foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; every man’s work shall be made manifest [everybody will know what the person did], for the day shall declare it because it shall be revealed by fire, and the fire shall try every man’s work to seek what sort [kind] it is.


If any man’s work abides [stay stable and fixed], where he has built upon, he shall receive a reward. If any man’s works shall be burned, he shall suffer loss, but he himself shall be saved, yet so as by fire (1 Corinthians 3:11-15).


Have you ever heard someone say, I just want to make it in by the skin of my teeth? That is a shame and disgrace for any child of God to say that, as much as Christ did for us. Also, this is not talking about salvation, but about works we are called to do after we are saved.


I want to go back to verse thirteen, where the Word says the day shall declare it. The day is the Judgement Seat of Christ. Those who were not faithful stewards will be naked (exposed) because they did not prepare themselves with righteous robes. They will be like the man who did not have on his wedding garment.


This is a warning to all of those who are not seeking God’s will for their lives. Jesus Christ never sought to do His own will; He did the will of the Father who sent Him. Jesus said: Not My will but Your will be done (Luke 22:42-44).


My question to today is: Would you want your child to do what he or she wants to do, or would you set the rules for the child to abide by? Think about it! Any loving parent would want what is best for their children, because children do not know what is best for them, that’s why they have parents.


When a child disobeys the parents, there are consequences. At the Judgement Seat of Christ, those who disobeyed what God told them to do, will lose rewards.


Preparing to meet Jesus ~ Betty A. Burnett


Conclusion of the Rewards and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Part 3) 11-7-2021

This is the last message on the illustrations of what happened with the ones who were rewarded for their stewardship when they met Christ and those who did not receive rewards. The same applies for all the children of God; for each of us will stand before the Judgement Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10) and give account of what we were given to manage. This is what affects our ruling and reigning with Christ in the eternal realm.


As I conclude on the rewards and the marriage supper of the Lamb, let’s look at


Illustration #3

This is about the man who came to the wedding without being properly dressed. The first verses (1-7) are talking about the judgement and destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. Now to the wedding feast: Then He said to His servants, the wedding feast is ready, but those invited were not worthy. Therefore, go into the highways, and as many as you find, invite to the wedding. So those servants went out into the highways and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good. And the wedding hall was filled with guests.


But when the king came in to see the guest, He saw a man who did not have on a wedding garment. So, He said to him, friend how did you come in here without a wedding garment? And he was speechless. Then the King said to the servants, bind him hand and foot, take him away and cast him into outer darkness; there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are called, but few are chosen (Matthew 22:8-13).


The many are the born-again believers who make up the church, the few are those who choose to have an intimate walk with the Lord.

Think about it, this is an illustration of a marriage festival which is like the marriage supper of the Lamb. So, who is at the marriage supper but those who are born-again, whether they did the will of the Father or not, they were chosen by Him? This illustration shows how many are called but few are chosen to rule and reign with Christ. The illustrations are about ruling and reigning, it is not talking about salvation.


This is the same as the servant with the one talent who buried it in the ground and did nothing with it. He too was cast into outer darkness (Matthew 25:30). My dear brothers and sisters, when we stand before Christ to be judged for our works, we will have no excuse.


Only the ones who were the most intimate with the Lord will rule and reign with Him. Those who are intimate Christ, will have greater rewards, and the greater our glory will be when we rule and reign with Jesus.


The acts of the faithful: And I heard as if it were the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters, as the sound of many thunderings, saying Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready. And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. And He said to me, write; “Blessed are those who are called into the marriage supper of the Lamb!” (Revelation 19:6-7).


Some of the laws of the land were being properly dressed when people went to certain public places. For instance, men had to wear a shirt/top; shoes had to be worn by everybody. And at certain functions depending on what they were, a specific type of attire was required. At a wedding the attire was formal.


If we can obey the laws of the land, why not obey the Word of God. Saints one day we will stand at the judgement to be tried.

All three parables, along with the outer darkness are about stewardship and what we did with the gifts and calling God gave us.


Next: Being Sure of Your Calling and Election


Called to stand on the Truth ~ Betty A. Burnett


The Rewards and the  Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Part 2) 11-6-2021

These messages are to help the readers to understand there is a difference between eternal life and the kingdom of heaven. We do not work to get eternal life; salvation is by God’s grace through our faith, not by works lest anyone should boast (Ephesians 2:8-9), but good works (our stewardship-what we have been given to manage) are required to rule and reign in the kingdom of heaven.


When the Bible gives parables about the kingdom of heaven, it is talking about Jesus’ governmental rule on earth as King of kings and Lord of lords. To rule and reign with Him, one must do the will of the Father.


Today, I will continue with another illustration about the five virgins who did not prepare themselves.


Illustration #2

Then the kingdom of heaven shall be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now five of them were wise and five of them were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil with their vessels in their lamps. But while the bridegroom delayed, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight the cry was heard “Behold the bridegroom is coming, go out and meet Him!”


Then all the virgins rose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, give us some of your oil for our lamps are going out. But the wise answered and said no, lest there shall not be enough for us and you. But go to those who sell and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came and those who were ready went in with Him to the wedding and the door was shut.


Afterward the other virgins came also saying “Lord open up for us”! But He answered and said, ‘Assuredly I do not know you.’ Watch therefore, for you do not know the day or the hour when the Son of Man is coming (Matthew 25:1-13).


Take note, when the bridegroom came, the five foolish virgins wanted some of the five wise virgins’ oil. Everybody is given the same measure of faith (Romans 12:3). No one can give another part of their faith or part of their works, nor can they give anyone else their light. We must grow in our own faith by adding to it (2 Peter 1:1-11) and we are to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). Our walk with the Lord is personal.


All the virgins started out with the same light, however, over a period of time, some continued in their growth, and their light was bright. They were like a city sitting on a hill that could not be hid (Matthew 5:16), because they continued to yield to the Holy Spirit. We have one hundred per cent of the Holy Spirit living in us, but we must continue being filled. All the virgins had oil, which confirms they were saved, the oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit.


If we continue to yield to the demands of the world our lights will diminish just as those who were foolish. They were like a candle hidden behind a bushel (Matthew 5:15). The five foolish virgins did not have an intimate relationship with Jesus. They did not have a light to present to Him. What if you were invited to a birthday party and you did not bring a gift. Wouldn’t you feel ashamed?


They were ashamed, but it was too late, because the door to ruling and reigning was closed. Their glory in the eternal realm will not shine as those who were faithful. The Word of God tells us not to be ashamed when He appears (1 John 2:28).


“Be ready, when He comes, He’s coming so soon” Will you be ready to meet Jesus, or will you be ashamed when He comes?


Waiting to hear my Lord say, “Well Done”! ~ Betty A. Burnett


Do you have oil in your vessel, and is your lamp burning? 


The Rewards and The Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Part 1) 11-5-2021

The Rapture has taken place and we are in heaven with Jesus Christ to receive our rewards, which will determine how glorious our eternity will be; some will have a greater glory than others. This depends upon how faithful we are. Remember the servants with the talents? Two of the servants were faithful; they maximized what Jesus gave them to manage. But the other servant who hid his talent did not receive a reward, although he was saved.


This is something about the servant with the one talent that some readers may not know. The servant said: Lord, I knew you were a hard man….and I was afraid and went and hid Your talent in the ground (Matthew 25:24-25). The reason he buried his talent in the ground was because of the terrible things he had heard about Jesus. Just like with us who are truly living a life that pleases God, there are people the devil will use to destroy our reputation.


Are you going to hide what God has given you because of what others say about you? Are you ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16) when you are around certain people?


There are three more illustrations I am going to use, in addition to the outer darkness. As with the outer darkness, many people think these illustrations are also talking about people going to hell. This should really open the eyes of the readers.


Illustration # 1

Not everyone that says Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father. Many will say to Me that day, Lord, Lord have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name? And then I will declare unto them, I never knew you, depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness (Matthew 7:21-23).


These people wanted to be seen by others. Jesus will only honor and reward those who glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31). The connecting scripture is about those who built on the wrong foundation. (1 Corinthians 3:11-15). These types of people were operating in the flesh, instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to have control (Galatians 5:16).


When Jesus says everybody that says Lord, Lord will not enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father, He is talking about having a position of ruling and reigning in the eternal kingdom, which is His eternal governmental kingdom where He will govern on the new earth (Revelation 20:6).


When Jesus said depart from Me, I never knew you, He meant they were not intimate with Him. The degree or level of our rulership with Christ is determined by how intimate we are with Him in the here and now.


Each of these illustrations that Jesus gave to His disciples was more like words of caution to show them how they must sell out and do not get caught up in the flesh and the ways of the world. Like the servant with one talent, they will not be rewarded because they were not faithful. Therefore, their glory in the eternal realm will not shine as those who were faithful.


Put your time in (make preparation), payday is coming. Be ready, because we do not know the day or the hour of Jesus’ return (Matthew 24:36).


Waiting to receive my reward ~ Betty A. Burnett


Jesus is coming! Will you be ready to meet Him?


The Rapture 11-4-2021

You have read and hopefully it was understood that we have assignments (gifts) to fulfill while on this earth, to build the kingdom of God. When all is finished here, we are going to be with the Lord. We will be caught up (raptured, snatched away) to meet the Lord in the air and we will be with Him forever.


There are different views of the Rapture; some say that all Christians will not be caught up to meet Jesus in the air, that they will go through the tribulation, but what does the Word of God say? And why would God take some Christians and leave others to go through the worse times in the history of mankind. The moment we are taken from the earth, the tribulation will begin.


If some Christians were left behind to go through the tribulation, there would two judgment seats of Christ and two marriage suppers of the Lamb. That makes no sense at all. Always remember that it is not about man’s interpretation or his opinion, but it was by holy men of God who spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:20), it is about facts and the Word of God is based on facts.


There are scriptures that are supported by, related to, and connect with other scriptures to confirm God’s Word. The scripture that confirms a type of rapture is in the Old Testament, it is written about Noah and his family being called into the ark.


Noah had preached how the flood was coming and that it would destroy everything on the earth; no one would listen. Wouldn’t it seem logical that the people would not listen to Noah when it had never rained? (Genesis, chapters 6-9). When God called Noah and his family into the ark, everybody else was left behind and destroyed.


Today is different than it was in the days of Noah; we see all kinds of signs confirming what the Bible says about Jesus and His soon return. The warning is going out, but millions are not listening and some who profess to be saved are not taking it to heart about Jesus’ return.


All the born-again believers will be caught up to meet Jesus in the air- both dead and living (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). Not only that, but we will also be changed from these mortal and corruptible bodies to incorruptible bodies; our bodies will be perfect (glorified) and imperishable (1 Corinthians 15:51-58).


Those of us who are born-again should be praising God and looking forward to what some call “That Great Gettin’ Up Morning”. We do not need to wait until we get to heaven to shout the victory, because we already have the victory. Knowing that should cause us to be steadfast and unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, which means to fulfill our purpose. Glory to God! I felt like shouting while writing this message, because there is so much to look forward to.


Regardless of the pain and suffering that we endure here, what we see over yonder through the eyes of faith supersedes anything we go through on this earth.


Next: The Rewards and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb


Praising God, no rocks crying out for me ~ Betty A. Burnett


"Goin' Up Yonder to Be With the Lord"


The Gifts Continued (Part 2) 11-3-2021

I am picking up from yesterday’s message about the Master distributing gifts to His servants. He distributed five talents to one servant and two to the second servant.


Now to the third servant.

Then he had received the one talent came and said “Lord, I knew you were a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed [he was using an excuse] I was afraid and went and hid your talent in the ground.

Look there, have what is yours. The servant gave back to Jesus what was His.


But the Lord said to him, you wicked [because of the way he was thinking] and lazy servant [he didn’t do anything], you knew that I have reaped where I have not sown and gathered where I have not scattered seed.


So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest. So take the talent from him and give it to the one with ten talents. At least he could have invested in someone else’s ministry.


To everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance, but from him who does not have, to him who has will be taken away. And cast the unprofitable servant into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing [in pain or rage] of teeth.



The servant with the one talent did not manage what was entrusted to him and as was said in the previous message, he was the one who was weeping and gritting his teeth.


This is a scripture that some think the unprofitable servant went to hell because he was cast into outer darkness:

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was cast into the sea and gathered some of every kind, which when it was full, they drew to the shore; and they sat down and gathered the goods into the vessels but threw the bad away.


So will it be at the end of age. The angels will come forth and separate the wicked from the just and cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing [in pain or rage] of teeth (Matthew 13:49-50).


Why was the servant weeping and gnashing his teeth? He saw how he could have been rewarded if he had used what was given to him. My oh my, what a loss!


There is a great difference between cast into outer darkness and being cast into hell. Outer darkness is a place of obscurity [a dim place]. This will be more detailed when the marriage supper of the Lamb is illustrated in a future message.


Now to you who believed the servant with one talent went to hell, let me explain.

The Master was illustrated as Jesus who came from a far country [heaven] and gave gifts to men [women], and after a long time, He came back, and the three servants stood before the Judgment Seat of Christ to give account of their stewardship: that’s us standing before the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10).


Only born-again believers will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ. All those who are not born-again will stand before the Great white throne judgment. They will be cast into hell and hell will be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:11-15).


This is further confirmation about the two judgments. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgement, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish (Psalm 1:5-6).


Also, we will only give account of their stewardship because Jesus took care of our sins. However, sinners will give account of their sins.


You must come back tomorrow and read about the Rapture, then the Judgement Seat of Christ (gain and loss of) rewards, and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.


Passionately sharing ~ Betty A. Burnett 


Where are you going when you leave this earth?


The Gifts 11-2-2021

I am picking up from yesterday’s message about the Master distributing gifts to His servants. He distributed five talents to one servant and two to the second servant.


Now to the third servant.

Then he had received the one talent came and said “Lord, I knew you were a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed [he was using an excuse] I was afraid and went and hid your talent in the ground.

Look there, have what is yours. The servant gave back to Jesus what was His.


But the Lord said to him, you wicked [because of the way he was thinking] and lazy servant [he didn’t do anything], you knew that I have reaped where I have not sown and gathered where I have not scattered seed.


So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest. So take the talent from him and give it to the one with ten talents. At least he could have invested in someone else’s ministry.


To everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance, but from him who does not have, to him who has will be taken away. And cast the unprofitable servant into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing [in pain or rage] of teeth.



The servant with the one talent did not manage what was entrusted to him and as was said in the previous message, he was the one who was weeping and gritting his teeth.


This is a scripture that some think the unprofitable servant went to hell because he was cast into outer darkness:

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was cast into the sea and gathered some of every kind, which when it was full, they drew to the shore; and they sat down and gathered the goods into the vessels but threw the bad away.


So will it be at the end of age. The angels will come forth and separate the wicked from the just and cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing [in pain or rage] of teeth (Matthew 13:49-50).


Why was the servant weeping and gnashing his teeth? He saw how he could have been rewarded if he had used what was given to him. My oh my, what a loss!


There is a great difference between cast into outer darkness and being cast into hell. Outer darkness is a place of obscurity [a dim place]. This will be more detailed when the marriage supper of the Lamb is illustrated in a future message.


Now to you who believed the servant with one talent went to hell, let me explain.

The Master was illustrated as Jesus who came from a far country [heaven] and gave gifts to men [women], and after a long time, He came back, and the three servants stood before the Judgment Seat of Christ to give account of their stewardship: that’s us standing before the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10).


Only born-again believers will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ. All those who are not born-again will stand before the Great white throne judgment. They will be cast into hell and hell will be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:11-15).


This is further confirmation about the two judgments. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgement, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish (Psalm 1:5-6).


Also, we will only give account of their stewardship because Jesus took care of our sins. However, sinners will give account of their sins.


You must come back tomorrow and read about the Rapture, then the Judgement Seat of Christ (gain and loss of) rewards, and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.


Passionately sharing ~ Betty A. Burnett 


Where are you going when you leave this earth?

Family Love 11-1-2021

Yesterday was a tremendous blessing being with four generations of family members from Camden, NJ, Pleasantville, NJ, Greensboro, NC and Charlotte, NC. The north and south came together in sweet fellowship, and most of us worshipped together at church.


Although I had to get on the interstate around seven AM to go to church with them, it was worth it. I went out of my comfort zone to support the family. In other words whatever it takes to encourage someone else is worth all the effort. As the oldest one in our immediate family, I am called to be an example and a role model.


As a matter of fact, my logo is “Send me Lord, I’ll Go” (Isaiah 6:8). I desire to be a light to the family and to all the others He sends me to.

The more I am with my immediate family, the more I yearn to be with them on a regular basis. My desire is to live closer in proximity with the ones who live in the same area. These scriptures came to mind as I was meditating: Delight yourself also in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4).


Now this is what the scripture means, delighting oneself in the Lord is doing what His Word says. The Lord does not just give anyone the desires of their heart, their desires must line up with His will. And how does anyone know God’s will? It is absolutely necessary to study His Word (2 Timothy 2:15).


It is not wrong to long to be with those you love, especially your immediate family. The closer the kin, the closer the bond is in many families. Even if some choose not to be as close, those who have a love for the Lord feel differently and they will do whatever is possible to keep the bond of unity. Paul longed to see Timothy, whom he considered as his own son (2 Timothy 1:4).


Whatever your desires are, keep delighting yourself in the Lord, and your desires will be fulfilled.


Come back tomorrow and read about the “Gifts”


Spreading Love ~ Betty A. Burnett


Together we stand, divided we fall.


Being Grateful ~ The Lord is Good! 10-30-2021



Do you have a roof over your head? Do you have food on your table? Do you have clothes on your back?


Are you walking in health and prospering as your souls prosper? What do I mean by walking in health and prosper as your souls prosper? You must study the Word of God and be obedient to what the Word is saying (3 John 2).


Why does the Word of God say that we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who loved us (Romans 8:37)? If you do not know that you are more than conquerors, you will not walk in victory. The Word of God says: My people are destroyed (suffer loss) for lack of knowledge, and some reject knowledge. Why? Because they are not open to the truth (Hosea 4:6).


Do you complain because you do not have certain things? Some people cannot handle a million dollars. Whatever the things are that you are desiring, seek God first and He will add the things according to His will (Matthew 6:33). An intimate relationship with God should always be your number one priority. He does not want you to desire anything that does not line up with His will (Psalm 37:4, 1 John 5:14).


The Israelites murmured and complained because of their lack of faith and they wandered in the wilderness for forty years (Joshua 5:6). Even though they did not make it to the promise land, their shoes and clothes did not get old those forty years, because God still took care of them (Deuteronomy 29:5).


Some people are the same way today. They complain for different reasons and they miss the best that God has for them. I do not have a million dollars; don’t even have one thousand dollars, yet I have everything because I am a child of the King who owns everything (Psalm 24:1, Psalm 50:10-11). God made me His heir and a joint heir with Christ (Romans 8:17). This applies to every child of God.


Do you worry? God takes care of fowls of the air and the lilies of the field; He certainly takes care of us who He made in His image (Matthew 6:25-34). Tomorrow is not promised; life is but a vapor (James 4:14). You can be here today and gone the next moment, so why worry?


I am sure we can look around and see that someone else is worse off than we are. That should make us even more grateful. God’s been good to all of us, and He keeps on blessing all of His children.


Even if you lost a loved one, praise Him! Your beloved has been done with the troubles of this world.


Grateful ~ Betty A. Burnett


Praises belong to our God!


Keep the Love Aflame - A Marriage According to God’s Standards (Part 3) 10-29-2021

We are moving on with some essentials about marriage and what is required by God in 1 Corinthians, chapter 7. These are some words of caution to help those who have not experienced what is listed. For those who have made mistakes, by not knowing it was wrong or even those of you who chose to do what you wanted and went against the will of God.


The Don’t Do List

If a person is married and they are in the process of getting a divorce, they are not supposed to date anyone. Jesus said: Whoever puts his wife away, let him give her a writing of divorcement (Matthew 5:31). The law of the land also stipulates that a person is not freed from the marriage until there is a written decree of divorcement.


And Pleeeease do not say God showed you a future mate if you are not divorced from your present mate.


Keep the Marriage Vows

A wife is not to depart from her husband, but even if she departs, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband. And a husband is not to divorce his wife. [As long as the person is still married, there is a possibility of restoring the marriage].


A woman that has a husband who does not believe, if he is willing to live with her, let her not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband. But if the unbelieving departs, let him or her depart, a brother or sister is not in bondage in such cases, but God has called us to peace.


I would like to add this to inform the readers that according to statistics, the divorce rate is higher in the Christian community than it is in the world system. Brothers and sisters that should not be. We are to model Christ as lights which include marriage.


What about those who choose to remain single?

Although God instituted marriage and reproduction, there is nothing wrong with those who choose to be celibate. A married person has to take care of his family; therefore he minds the things that pertain to his family. A celibate person has more time to focus on the Lord. He or she is free to do more extensive ministry. But to the person who has a family, that also is ministry.


Suppose you didn’t do according to the Word because of ignorance or if you wanted to fulfill your own desires. Confess it to our Father, He is faithful and just to forgive (1 John 1:9).


Thankful for His faithfulness ~ Betty A. Burnett


Marriage is till death do us part!


A Marriage According to God’s Standards (Part 2) 10-28-2021

In picking up from yesterday’s message, it has been established marriage is to be called by God. I want to say that this has not been my experience, having been married two times (before I was saved), I still stand on the truth of God’s Word. Just because I have not experienced being in a Christian marriage, it does not make the Word of God null and void.


Since I am writing about marriage according to God’s standard, let’s see what the Word says about deacons. As with the bishop, the deacon should be the husband of one wife. This scripture is also misunderstood. In many churches because a man had been in a previous marriage, they said one could not be a deacon because he had been married more than one time.


According to some scholars which seems likely to be true, being the husband of one woman means a one-woman man.



During those days polygamy existed in that culture, and it still exists among certain groups today. Because of polygamy (having more than one wife), when people accepted Christ, they could not hold a certain position in the church. He must presently be married to only one woman, that is, he must not be a polygamist. The church did not force them to divorce because the women could not take of themselves; it was a man’s world.


Prior to a woman getting married, her father took care of her. Example: Jesus took care of His mother and before Jesus died, He said this to Mary and John: When Jesus saw His mother and the disciple, He loved standing by, He said to His mother, woman behold your son. Then He said to the disciple, behold your mother. And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home (John 19:26-27).


There are other qualifications for bishops and deacons, but the marriage is the focal point for today’s message (1 Timothy 3:1-13).

Moving on to the church at Corinth and how Paul wrote about marriage (1 Corinthians, chapter 7).


Information had been sent to Paul as to what was going on in the church. He told them in order to avoid fornication, it was better for them to marry. Paul did not mean to go out and marry whoever. After all, it was Paul who told the church not to be unequally yoked.


This is a verse that has been misunderstood by many: It is better to marry than to burn. Some think Paul is talking about hell; it means to burn with desire.


Paul states how the husband and wife should treat each equally because they both have power over each other’s bodies. He goes on to say if one is fasting and the other is not, that it is to be consensual, and for a limited time; to keep from being tempted by Satan to fall into a sexual sin.


If you are married and you are unequally yoked and the unbelieving spouse chooses to leave, then you are no longer bound to that marriage. However, if the unsaved spouse chooses to stay, then let him or her stay. What if the unsaved spouse is abusive? 


Hold it! Someone may ask, what if the saved spouse is abusive? That should not be, if God called the marriage. Two people can be saved and still be unequally yoked in a marriage. If there is abuse and one leaves, they are still bound to the marriage.


Romans 7:1-6 is an illustration of being freed from the law and married to Christ. 1 Corinthians 7:38 is saying that a woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives, when he dies, she is free to marry another man. This is the key; she is to marry a person who is born-again.


Lastly, do you see how a scripture could mean one thing in a sentence and it could something totally different in another sentence; depending on the context.


Liberated ~ Betty A. Burnett


Serving in every capacity, whatever the role may be.

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A Marriage According to God’s Standards 10-27-2021

Since the last message was about marriage and divorce and what Paul so eloquently wrote in Romans, chapter 7, illustrating being married (bound) to the law before we were saved and being married to Christ after we became saved, I am continuing with marriage according to God’s standards.


I am starting off with what Jesus wrote and will use what He said as the foundation of the message. Why is that? Regardless of how anyone feels or even if they do not understand, whatever Jesus said is true.


Jesus said: And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife except for fornication [sexual immorality], and marries another commits adultery, and whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery (Matthew 19:9).


The sacred union of marriage is used to illustrate the relationship between Christ and His church (Ephesians 5:21-25). That is the reason marriage is not to be taken lightly. I am going to share how God ordained a marriage to be.


The story of Isaac and Rebecca: Their marriage is an illustration of us being married to Christ. Abraham sent his servant back to his own country to get a wife for his son, Isaac. The story is in Genesis, chapter 24.


Abraham was symbolic of God, the servant was symbolic of the Holy Spirit, who was sent by Abraham to get a wife, Rebecca (us) for Isaac who was a type of Christ.


To all you ladies who are desiring a husband, let God send him to you. Principle: God created the woman for Adam (Genesis 2:21-22), and He made them to complement each other, because He knew how to match them up. Adam and Eve were help-mates (Genesis 2:18).


The Word of God also says: What God has joined together let no one tear it apart (Mark 10:9). In essence, every born-again believer should allow God to choose their mate.


This is another scripture that supports other scriptures pertaining to marriage: He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord (Proverbs 18:22). A man has to be seeking the Lord for the scripture to be written like this. Otherwise, how would he obtain favor from the Lord?


Caution to those who desire to be or are planning to be married and you did not understand how sacred marriage is prior to today, please rethink what you were planning and follow God’s guidelines. God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16).


A born-again believer should not marry a person who is not born-again. Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers, for what fellowship does darkness have with light? (2 Corinthians 6:14) I want to remind you that if you choose to marry a person who is not saved, the commitment is permanent, and there are consequences for being out of the will of God.


And no minister of God should perform a marriage ceremony to an unequally yoked couple because the Word of God tells us not be unequally yoked with unbelievers and that definitely includes marriage.


Years ago, I was asked to perform two wedding ceremonies in different states. Each would include six months of counseling. Both situations ended up with me not going through with the counseling and the weddings, because the couples were not equally yoked. It caused a strain in the relationship between them and me initially, but I obeyed God.


How would it look when the marriage did not work? I would have not been guiltless by knowingly performing an unequally yoked ceremony. As Dr. Charles Stanley says it: “Obey God and leave the consequences to Him”.


Please continue reading these messages about marriage. You will see near the end, that God will clean up what you messed up.


To be continued: A Marriage According to God’s Standards (Part 2)


Obedience is better than sacrifice ~ Betty A. Burnett


Two become One


Understanding Marriage and Divorce 10-26-2021

Romans is the richest book when it comes to doctrinal truths, such as everybody being guilty before God, how and why we can never lose our salvation, God’s Sovereignty, how to conduct ourselves as Christians and so on. However, the book of Corinthians goes further when it comes to how we should conduct ourselves.


The church was in a baby stage, and they were carnal (acting like unsaved people). So, Paul wrote letters to the church to address the condition they were in, and he wanted them to grow up spiritually.


In continuing with the church of Corinth, marriage is another topic that is misunderstood and there have been erroneous doctrine pertaining to it. 


Let’s start off with what Jesus said when it comes to marriage-it is sacred and binding. Jesus said: You have heard that it was said to those of old, you shall not commit adultery, but I say to you if a man looks at a woman with lust, he has already committed adultery with her in his heart.


Furthermore it has been said whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificate of divorce. But I say to you that whoever divorces his wife for any reason except for fornication [sexual immorality] causes her to commit adultery and whoever marries a woman who is divorced commits adultery (Matthew 5:27 -28, 31-32).


My brothers and sisters, God’s Word does not contradict itself. Why would Jesus Christ say the only way a divorce is valid is because of fornication? It is important to know what the scripture is saying and what it is not saying.


The reason that Jesus used the male in divorcing his wife was because in the days of old (Old Testament), a woman could not divorce her husband; she only had what he provided for her; she was in subjection to her husband and inferior to him but not before God.


This next scripture sounds contradictory to some, and it has caused some controversy. That is the reason scriptures should be searched out and rightly divided. This is a prime example of isolating or singling out a scripture, which causes confusion.


In Romans 7:1-6, Paul is talking about no longer being under the law, and he is using an analogy of a marriage. He said as long as the woman’s husband was alive, she was bound to her husband, but when he died, she was free to marry another man. Before we were saved, we were bound by the law which brought wrath. When we accepted Christ, we were crucified with Him and that freed us from being bound to the law. When we married Christ, He provided grace for our eternal life.


In the Old Testament, just like in a marriage they were joined to the law. Paul illustrates dying to the law and being joined to Christ. He uses an important component, death. Death frees us from that relationship. Why did we die? So that we would be free to be joined to Christ. We died with Christ when we were crucified with Him. Just as Christ was raised from the dead, we are raised into the newness of life.


Paul is not talking about a physical death, but he is using a physical relationship to illustrate a spiritual one. We are free to be married to Christ, and we are freed from being married to the law. Before our salvation, we were married to the law, and it only brought condemnation. When we accepted Christ, we were crucified with Him, and this severed our relationship with the law and allowed us to enter into a relationship with Christ.


Next: A Marriage According to God’s Standards


Desiring to understand more of the whole counsel of God ~ Betty A. Burnett


Freed from the enslavement of ignorance and  set free by the truth


The Evils of Being in a Clique – Absolutely Ungodly 10-25-2021

In writing about “Communion” and “Love”, I forgot to add this in the message, but the Spirit of God brought it to my remembrance. Now that I think about it, the part that was left out would have made the message too long.


So, today I am going to share with you one of the most evils of all that causes division in the church (body of Christ). Remember how the church of Corinth was carnal (acting like unsaved people) and there was envying, strife and discord among them (1 Corinthians 3:1-3). They took Communion unworthily because of being cliquish and selfish (1 Corinthians 11:17-34), which showed that they did not have Agape Love (1 Corinthians, chapter 13).


Now to the evils:

The Word of God says there are six things the Lord hates, yes and the seventh is an abomination [detestable] to Him. The seventh is sowing discord among the brothers [and sisters] (Proverbs 6:16-19). Why is this so?


God is One - The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit are One (1 John 5:7-8). Sowing discord among people is the exact opposite of the Trinity of God. He made us in His image to be just as the Trinity is. God created man in His image, and He did not want man to be alone (Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 2:21-22). Therefore, to be in disharmony with our bothers and sisters is totally against the nature of God.


David: So, I said, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away to be at rest. Indeed I would wander far off and remain in the wilderness. I would hasten my escape from the windy storm and tempest. For it is not an enemy who reproaches me; then I could bear it. Nor is the one who hates me who has exalted himself against me; then I could hide from him. But it was you, a man my equal, my companion and my acquaintance. We took sweet counsel together and walked in the house of God in company (Psalm 55:6-8, 12-14).


David’s words were also prophetic; the same thing happened to Jesus. He was betrayed by Judas, one of His fellow companions (Matthew 26:47-50, Mark 14:18-20).


This really hits home with me.

Some people came against Paul, and he was bold enough to name this one: Alexander the coppersmith did me great harm, the Lord will repay him according to his deeds. Beware of him yourselves, for he strongly opposed our message (2 Timothy 4:14-15). Notice that Paul did not retaliate, but he said the Lord would repay Alexander (Romans 12:19).


Some of you know that to live godly, you are going to suffer (2 Timothy 3:12) and: Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be glad for great is your reward in heaven, for they persecuted the prophets who were before you (Matthew 5:10-12).


The worse thing that happens is when someone talks down on a person to other believers and cause them to think bad of them and they even stop speaking to the person that did nothing against them. Whoever falls into that trap will not be innocent.


I am reiterating that if you are going along with this kind of evil, I strongly advise you not to take communion. Have you ever wondered why you are sick? Because you are tearing your brothers and sisters apart.


Question to those who get caught up in this evil cycle. Have you thought about how you are bringing bad things on yourself?


Joyfully sharing in obedience to the Spirit of God ~ Betty A. Burnett

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LOVE! 10-24-2021

Since a message was just posted about “Communion” yesterday, I felt impressed to write about “LOVE”.


Notice that chapter 13 is between chapters 12 (the gifts) and chapter 14 (prophecy being the greatest of the gifts). The bases for everything we do should be done out of LOVE. Love is an action word; and it not to be spoken with the lips without action. When I wrote about Communion, the church was not operating in love.


How can you love unconditionally if have respect of persons? God does not love us because of who we are or what we can do; He loves unconditionally, that is with no strings attached. As a matter of fact, God is LOVE! And as children of the Most-High God, we are called to love everybody the same, just as God does.


Love is listed as the first fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22); everything hinges on love. As with all the gifts and fruit, there is a growth process.


Now to chapters 12-14. I call them a sandwich. There are two pieces of bread with meat on the inside. Look at it like this, one slice is the gifts, and the other slice is how we use the gifts. The meat/love in chapter 13 is what makes the sandwich. I do not know of anyone who likes just two pieces of bread as a sandwich. That is not really a sandwich.


The Love chapter:

It does not matter how well or how much one speaks in tongues or if they have the gift of prophecy, without love it does not mean a thing. And because one prophesies or speak in tongues, it does not make them more spiritual than others.


One can have a lot of knowledge and faith to move mountains, without love the person is nothing. Although the person is a liberal giver and gives his or body to be burned, it profits nothing without love.


This is what agape (unconditional) love is:

Love is patient (longsuffering), love is kind, does not envy, does not parade itself, is not puffed up with pride, does not behave rudely, does not behave unseemly, does not seek to have things its own way, is not easily provoked, does not think evil of others, does not rejoice when there is sin, but love rejoices in truth. Love believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.


There is a lot of meat inside the LOVE sandwich. Let’s check ourselves and see if we have the proper ingredients required for the love sandwich.

Prophecies (foretelling and forthtelling) and tongues will cease, knowledge will vanish away, but love never fails. We know in part, and we prophesy in part, but when that which is perfect comes, all that is in part will be done away with. Everything in the natural is temporary, but in the eternal realm everything will be perfect.


You can have faith that move mountains, you can have the blessed hope of things to come, but the greatest of these is Love. A person who does not walk in love is not a mature Christian. Faith came into existence and hope came into existence, but Love is the only one of these that is eternal, because God is eternal.


[Love is authenticated; it shows whether something is true or genuine. Love is the defining characteristic of God’s presence among His people. Therefore it should be the defining characteristic of God’s people. NKJV Spirit Filled Life Study Bible]


Sharing love with everybody because everybody is somebody ~ Betty A. Burnett


What's LOVE Got To Do With It? Everything!


Communion 10-23-2021

I am continuing with communion and what the consequences are if it is taken unworthily. In the church at Corinth, full meals were served. The church was made up largely of the poorer class, including slaves. Apparently, the wealthier members were not willing to share the supper with the others. 


They got there early and ate food; Paul told them if they were hungry, they should have eaten at home. He addressed the church about them being selfish and divided. They were a clique, some were thinking they were better or superior because of their prominence, therefore they looked down on those of lower status.


Taking communion means you’re testifying of being in unity, but if you are not in harmony with the other brothers and sisters, this is what people call testilying.


How to know we are not in oneness with each other:

You avoid being around certain people because of the color of their skin, you are in a certain group of people who think they are better than others, you turn your head to keep from speaking to another person.


What do you think of those who may not look as good as you or they do not dress well or smell good? When you snub your nose at someone this can cause them to leave and get so turned off that they do not want to go to church. This leaves them open for the devil to devour them. You are guilty of breaking the body.


This is an evaluation for whoever is reading this message; it can also be called a spiritual check. Do you alienate yourself from others because they are poor? Do you think more highly of yourself instead of humbly esteeming others by honoring them and letting them know how valuable they are?


If you are not affectionate, if you are cold-hearted, and separate yourself from certain people because of their race, you definitely should not take communion.


When the children of God are divided, this is total disrespect to Jesus Christ, who loved us so much that He died for us, He shed His precious blood for us, and His body was broken for us! Since Jesus Christ did all this for us, why are we tearing His body apart by being selfish and divided? How would you feel is somebody disrespected you like that? 


Think about it! This is serious and the children of God should take heed to what they are doing to Christ and to each other. Taking communion unworthily is so serious that it causes sickness and death.


We are commanded by Christ to love each other, then all people will know we are His disciples (John 13:35). Who told anybody they were better than somebody else in the first place? It had to be the devil because it certainly was not God!


This also causes division: Some look up to one person while some may look to another, when the focus should be on Jesus. By the way, there are many pastors and other leaders in cliques. Why? They set themselves out to be above others, and some people look up them and put them on a pedestal.


Did those people you look up to die for you? Bottom line is the focus should be on Jesus whose body was broken for us.

Also those who preach love, must live love; it is not how you preach but it is how you love (1 Corinthians, chapter 13).


Taking my life with Jesus Christ seriously ~ Betty A. Burnett


Do you want to die before your time?


Communion 10-23-2021

I am continuing with communion and what the consequences are if it is taken unworthily. In the church at Corinth, full meals were served. The church was made up largely of the poorer class, including slaves. Apparently, the wealthier members were not willing to share the supper with the others. 


They got there early and ate food; Paul told them if they were hungry, they should have eaten at home. He addressed the church about them being selfish and divided. They were a clique, some were thinking they were better or superior because of their prominence, therefore they looked down on those of lower status.


Taking communion means you’re testifying of being in unity, but if you are not in harmony with the other brothers and sisters, this is what people call testilying.


How to know we are not in oneness with each other:

You avoid being around certain people because of the color of their skin, you are in a certain group of people who think they are better than others, you turn your head to keep from speaking to another person.


What do you think of those who may not look as good as you or they do not dress well or smell good? When you snub your nose at someone this can cause them to leave and get so turned off that they do not want to go to church. This leaves them open for the devil to devour them. You are guilty of breaking the body.


This is an evaluation for whoever is reading this message; it can also be called a spiritual check. Do you alienate yourself from others because they are poor? Do you think more highly of yourself instead of humbly esteeming others by honoring them and letting them know how valuable they are?


If you are not affectionate, if you are cold-hearted, and separate yourself from certain people because of their race, you definitely should not take communion.


When the children of God are divided, this is total disrespect to Jesus Christ, who loved us so much that He died for us, He shed His precious blood for us, and His body was broken for us! Since Jesus Christ did all this for us, why are we tearing His body apart by being selfish and divided? How would you feel is somebody disrespected you like that? 


Think about it! This is serious and the children of God should take heed to what they are doing to Christ and to each other. Taking communion unworthily is so serious that it causes sickness and death.


We are commanded by Christ to love each other, then all people will know we are His disciples (John 13:35). Who told anybody they were better than somebody else in the first place? It had to be the devil because it certainly was not God!


This also causes division: Some look up to one person while some may look to another, when the focus should be on Jesus. By the way, there are many pastors and other leaders in cliques. Why? They set themselves out to be above others, and some people look up them and put them on a pedestal.


Did those people you look up to die for you? Bottom line is the focus should be on Jesus whose body was broken for us.

Also those who preach love, must live love; it is not how you preach but it is how you love (1 Corinthians, chapter 13).


Taking my life with Jesus Christ seriously ~ Betty A. Burnett


Do you want to die before your time?


Continuing with Christian Order: Communion 10-22-2021

Communion is one of the most misunderstood ordinances in the church. For many years during my early walk with the Lord, on communion Sunday the pastor would say prior to taking communion: “If you have any unforgiveness, you need to get it right before eating the bread and drinking the wine” (grape juice).


Since this is so misunderstood, it is of the utmost importance that the children of God understand what the Word says about communion and the results of taking it without having the proper understanding. Today you will learn how serious it is to take communion unworthily by not discerning the Lord’s body. The Seriousness of taking communion unworthily can cause weakness [sickness] or death (1 Corinthians 11:7-30).


Before getting to the matter at hand, I am writing what Paul said: For I received from the Lord that I also delivered to you. That the Lord Jesus on the same night He was betrayed He took bread. When He had given thanks, He broke it and said, Take eat, this is My body which was broken for you, do this in remembrance of Me.


And after the same manner He took the cup and when He had drank saying this cup is the new testament [a new covenant] in My blood, as often you do this, do it in remembrance of Me (Matthew 26:26-29, 1 Corinthians 11:23-25). Notice that Paul said he received this from the Lord.


Do you remember when he was with Christ in the desert of Arabia for three years (Galatians 1:11-18), and Paul wrote about being caught up into paradise which was the third heaven and how he heard unspeakable words that were unlawful for him to utter (2 Corinthians 12:1-4)?


I am writing this sentence like this. Whoever drinks this cup in a disrespectful (unworthy manner) manner is not using proper judgment (discerning or understanding) and they are bringing judgment (damnation) on themselves.


Now to what communion means and the danger of taking it unworthily. The word communion means to have things in common, being in oneness or on the same accord. The opposite of communion is alienation, disaffection, estrangement, coldness; all of these mean to separate or be divided from others.


The church of Corinth was divisive and selfish. Although Paul was writing to the church at Corinth, the message is still for today, just in case the church is divided for various reasons. Many do not realize how serious it is for us to be divided.


There are two things that Paul addressed to the church at Corinth and a word of warning and correction went out because they were taking communion unworthily which caused severe consequences. Because communion is so sacred, the consequences are greater.


Tomorrow there will be a breakdown of what communion is and why it is so sacred, and a list of things people do to suffer consequences.


Walking in unity ~ Betty A. Burnett


The silent Killer!


Order in the House ~ No difference Between Jew or Greek, Male or Female 10-21-2021

After posting yesterday’s message, I felt prompted to do a follow-up. It needs to be understood that even though both male and female may operate in the same gifts, their roles are different. There are two scriptures I am concentrating on:


And it shall come to pass afterward I will pour My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. Also on My menservants and My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days (Joel 2:28-29).


When Peter preached on the day of Pentecost he said that Joel had prophesied  what would happen in the last days (Acts 2:16-18). When did the last days begin? On the day of Pentecost. It is known that there were prophets and prophetesses in the Old Testament.


It was the prophets who wrote many books in the Old Testament: Isaiah - Malachi. Moses’ sister Miriam was a prophetess (Exodus 16:20), Deborah was a prophetess and a judge (Judges 4:4), Anna the prophetess (a female foreteller) was praying in the temple (Luke 2:36), Philip, the evangelist daughters were prophetesses (Acts 21:9). The people with these gifts whether male or female, speak under divine inspiration.


So what does prophesy mean? It means to proclaim the gospel and to foretell future events. Some function in the prophetic (foretell, forthtell, warn and correct). So what is the role if the gifts are the same?


Let’s bring further clarity to this. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ (Galatians 3:28). We are all one and the same in God’s eyes, but our roles are different.


There is a difference between the male and female roles. When you see the names of some of the gifts, they are masculine and feminine. Example: No one calls a prophet a prophetess. I have never heard a deacon (minister, servant) being called a deaconess.


Let’s see what the scripture says about the deacon and deaconess. Deacon: An officer in the early church; one who has charge of the alms (whatever is given out) in the church; an overseer of the poor and sick (Acts 6:1-6, Philippians 1:1, 1 Timothy 3:8, 12).


Deaconess: A female who has charge of the female poor and sick. When you see Phoebe as a servant in Romans 16:1, it means deaconess.

Stephen was an example of a deacon/minister/servant (Acts 6:1-6). Stephen’s sermon is in Acts, chapter 7).


To all my wonderful sisters in Christ, we are so blessed to have such important roles and it is absolutely awesome how our Father loves us just as much as He loves our brothers. Therefore we are not in competition with them by trying to usurp [dominate] authority over them. After all, Adam was first and then Eve (1 Timothy 2:12-13). 


Praying that this will help all those who are confused as to who they are and what their roles are.


Setting the Captives Free ~ Betty A. Burnett

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Christian Conduct ~ Paul’s Letter to the Church at Corinth 10-20-2021

I am moving forward continuing with the church of Corinth that Paul wrote to about Christian conduct. One of the things is, who is the head of the church. What does that have to do with conduct? The church is out of order when it is not submitting to God. Paul addressed the order, which is God, Christ, and man.


Christian order:

Who is the head? Paul told the church to keep the ordinances as he delivered them. But I would have you to know that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of every woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. He said that any woman praying or prophesying (preaching) should have a covering, and who is her covering? Man of course. Every woman prophesying without a covering dishonors her head (1 Corinthians 11:1-12). And who is her head? The man!


The woman is out of place or out of order when the role has been reversed: A man praying or prophesying having his head covered dishonors his head. So what does this mean? It means that the man is under the authority of a woman. For a man ought not cover his head since he is the image and glory of God, but a woman is the glory of man.


For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. That is why the wife ought to have a symbol of authority over her head because of the angels [these most holy and submissive creatures watch the church]. Nevertheless, in the Lord a woman is not independent of man, nor man of woman; for as a woman was made from man, so man is born of woman.


This does mean a man wearing a hat or having long hair, nor does it mean that a woman wears a physical covering like a net or a hat; this is spiritual.

Although this order is for the church, God also made man the head from the very beginning of time; Adam was made and Eve was made from Adam (Genesis 2:7, 21-22), and He has not changed (Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8). It was not Adam who was deceived, it was Eve (1 Timothy 2:14).


For those who use there is neither Jew nor Greek, neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28), this does not say that God calls females to pastor as well as males; it has to do with all of us being equal. The roles have already been established.


This does not mean that a man is to think he is better than the woman, this is in position only. There will be more pertaining to this when we get to the role of the bishop and the deacon.


Let’s go to who was behind this attempt to reverse the role that God ordained. Who other than the devil, himself. The devil was behind the women’s liberation movement; they went as far as calling God, she; they are working on jobs that were designed for men to do.


I want to share about roles and how important they are. Since we know that God does not have respect of persons, what does this mean when it comes to roles? We are all equal, but our roles are different.



The Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Spirit are equal, but the Godhead’s functioning is different; the Son submits to the Father and the Spirit submits to the Son.


Another example: 

Is a born-again son equal to his father before God? Of course he is, it’s just that their roles are different, but the son submits to the authority of his father.


Remember this, I did not write the bible; I am only writing what has already been written. Some of these messages will not be received by certain people, but I am obeying my Father.


I would rather obey God than people ~ Betty A. Burnett


One in Christ

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Paul’s Letter to the Church of Corinth 10-19-2021

As I continue with Paul’s letters, you will see that there is no new thing under the sun. As a matter of fact when it comes to a lot of peoples’ mindset, you will see good and evil throughout the sixty-six books.


Paul wrote and addressed the church at Corinth about Christian conduct:

The church was divided because they were operating in the flesh; another word for being in the flesh is carnal, that is acting like unsaved people.

This caused deepening divisions and increasing contentions among the Christians. They were not living according to God’s standards. They were acting as though they were loose and untamed, with no spiritual training; they were babies (1 Corinthians 3:1-3).


The same issues are in some churches today; people dressing provocatively (sexually), and they are high profilers (capturing the attention of others). Paul also talked about this in the book of Romans and some other letters.


This definitely needs to be reiterated, because some people may not know how serious the Word of God is. Those who think this is Christian liberty, have it wrong. The Word of God tells us not to use our freedom as a cloak of lasciviousness (driven by lust).


Carnal Christians like to be entertained, they put more focus on music than they put on the Word of God. Some act as if they are in a nightclub, when the music is playing, they get their holy dance (shout) on, and when the music stops, they stop.


Paul warned the church about dealing with known sin; this is the scripture that tells us we can judge our brothers and sisters sins. This scripture does not talk about fornication only, it mentions covetousness (lusting after something that goes beyond what God has determined for us), idolater (to worship a physical object as a god), or a reviler (verbal sin such as slander, angry outbursts, and foul language), or a drunkard or an extortioner. We are told not to eat with such a person (1 Corinthians, chapter 5).


Have you heard the saying “Birds of a feather flock together”? We are called to be lights (Matthew 5:13-16) therefore we should separate ourselves from those who practice these evils (2 Corinthians 6:14-17). How are we going to be distinguished from the world if we are doing the same things sinners do?


If you are in a church that allows these ungodly standards, I advise you to leave.


Serious about my walk with Christ ~ Betty A. Burnett


Nuggets From the Apostle Paul’s Letters 10-18-2021

As I begin writing nuggets from Paul’s epistles (letters), the entire reason is for the children of God’s eyes to be opened to more of His truth. Some of you may already know this, but you will be able to see something that was not revealed before.


 I wrote apostle Paul because we can call him apostle, but he never called himself apostle. He said I Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ.


This is what we encourage at Burnett Ministries, the scriptures are to be read over and over again in order to retain what has been read. Also in studying, remember that scriptures are not isolated, or one scripture is singled out. It is necessary to read what is before and after to get the full meaning. There are other scriptures that connect, relate to, and support each other and this brings confirmation.


Now to the apostle Paul and his writings. Luke wrote about Paul’s experiences and ministry in the book of Acts. To some scholars he was known as the apostle of apostles, yet Paul himself said he was the least of the apostles because he persecuted the church. He went on to say, But by the grace of God, I am what I am (1 Corinthians 15:9-10a).


He did not walk with Jesus as the other disciples, but he had a spiritual encounter with Christ, His teacher, that went beyond anything imaginable. This three-year encounter with Christ took place in the desert of Arabia (2 Corinthians 12:1-7, Galatians 1:11-18). Paul Wrote more books than anybody recorded in the bible. Of course we know that all scriptures were inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16).


Don’t you find that three years seem to be interesting? The disciples walked with Jesus for three years. He started His public ministry when He was thirty years old (Luke 3:23). Scholars have calculated Jesus was thirty-three years old when He died.


Paul spread the gospel throughout the Roman empire more than anyone else. Why is that so? God chose and graced all of us to fulfill our destiny. Some people had more responsibilities than others, but it never meant than the person was greater. Paul said this: For there is no respect of persons with God (Romans 2:11).


God knows what each of His children is capable of: 

The Spirit distributes to each one as He wills (1 Corinthians 12:11). This is what matters, whoever is faithful to their assignment will receive the same reward as the one who was given greater responsibilities (Matthew 25:14-30). “Well done good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over a few things, and I will make you ruler over many things, enter into the joy of your Lord”


Waiting to see Jesus and to hear Him say “Well done” ~ Betty A. Burnett

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Overview of the Apostle Paul’s Life 10-17-2021

As we go into Paul’s ancestry line or what is called the tribe he was from, this will be some essential information to help us with knowledge about our rich heritage.


Our heritage would not have meant anything if it had not been for Jesus Christ. He was the only one who suffered more than anybody, and He was the only One who died for our sins (Matthew 27-45-49). As Paul was a partaker of Christ’s sufferings, so are all the children of God (1 Peter 4:12-13).


I do not want to give anybody the impression that more emphasis is on Paul than Christ. The emphasis is on how much Paul suffered without complaining. But when we hardly go through anything, we complain.



Paul’s Ancestry:

He came from the tribe of Benjamin (Romans 11:1), who was the youngest son of Jacob (Genesis 35:16-18, Genesis 43:29). The tribe of Benjamin was prophesied to be as a ravenous wolf (Genesis 49:27). In other words they were fierce.



God created us with personalities, but we inherit our forefathers’ traits. On that note, because the tribe of Benjamin was known to be fierce, Paul inherited those traits. For instance, before Paul was born-again, he did not have a problem going strongly against the church of God. Whatever he set out to do it was done wholeheartedly. He was fierce when it came to dealing with the kingdom of darkness and he did not let the enemy intimidate him (Ephesians 6:10-18).


New Life:

When his life was turned upside down through coming into a relationship with Christ, Paul’s personality did not change, but his character was built.


Example: Paul was true to whatever he believed in and even though he was a Pharisee (Acts 23:6, Philippians 3:5), he was not hypocritical. He did not say one thing and do another.


Have you ever heard some leaders say, “Don’t do as I do, do as I say do”? True disciples learn from the actions of people they follow. Paul said: Follow me as I follow Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). Paul followed the law to the fullest; there was no deviating.



Paul was educated by the best teachers; the Jewish rabbis and Gamaliel, another teacher of teachers (Acts 22:1-3), because he was so knowledgeable his head could have been way up in the air. Many people allow their intellect to get in the way of spiritual things and they miss out on what is most important. We are told to walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Galatians 5:16-26).



Before he was born-again, Paul had zeal without knowledge, he thought what he did was right. However, during his new life, he had zeal according to knowledge of the Word of God.


Next: Nuggets From the Apostle Paul’s Letters


“A Heritage to be Proud of” ~ Betty A. Burnett

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Paul’s Experiences (Part 2) 10-16-2021

Yesterday it was said that I call myself Pauline because of all the people in the Word of God, Paul is the closest to what fits my personality. And the letters that he wrote were called the Pauline epistles. When I post what it is believed to be my ancestry line, hopefully you will have a desire to learn what tribe of Israel you came from.


Continuing where I left off yesterday. Since our culture is different and we are living in modern days with advanced technology, it is highly unlikely that our experiences would be similar to Paul’s. Yet, the principle is the same because we are talking about how something comes about.

Nevertheless, I believe if we were living in Paul’s time, we still would not have been able to endure what Paul experienced.


As was said in the previous message, God has made each of us different (Psalm 139:14); our assignments/callings are also different, and He gives us grace for our specific call.


Let’s continue with Paul’s experiences.


14) Have you ever been in danger on the sea?


15) How did you feel when you were endangered by false brothers and how much harm they could or would do to you?


16) How did you feel when there were toils (pains, labor, trouble) and hardships?


17) How many sleepless night did you have due to fear of your life?


18) Have you been hungry or thirsty because of lack of food?


19) Were you ever cold because of exposure to weather conditions, which would be like a homeless person?


20) How did you feel about the concerns you had for your church?


21) Were you ever betrayed and abandoned by those who you thought were true brothers and sisters and you never thought they would do anything against you?


Now that you have read many of the circumstances surrounding Paul’s life, how do you feel about what you’ve gone through? I am sure we can identify with some of the things Paul went through, but can we honestly say we experienced everything Paul went through?


Paul must have been left with physical scars; it is without a doubt he was affected mentally, but God’s grace overshadowed his suffering. These challenges, obstacles and persecutions caused him to grow spiritually.


Next: Overview of Paul’s Life


Called to write messages to whomever God ordains them to be sent to ~ Betty A. Burnett

Paul’s Experiences 10-15-2021

Before I break down the circumstances that took place in Paul’s life, I will give you some of his background. He was from the tribe of Benjamin (Romans 11:1, Philippians 3:5), and they were known to be ravenous as a wolf, they were fierce (Genesis 49:27). This makes it more understandable as to why he did such evil deeds (chief of sinners) prior to his born-again experience (1 Timothy 1:15).


Each of us came from backgrounds that fit our personality. I call myself Pauline, of all the people in the Bible, he is the main person I identify with when it comes to being like-minded. It could be that I also came from the tribe of Benjamin.


Now to Paul’s experiences, and let’s see if any of us have gone through something similar to what Paul went through without throwing the towel in and remained steadfast.


1) How many times have you been imprisoned for something you didn’t do?


2) Did you ever suffer countless beatings?


3) What group of people gave you thirty-nine lashes?


4) Have you been beaten with three rods?


5) Who stoned you?


6) Were you ever shipwrecked and came near to death?


7) Have you been adrift at sea?


8) Were you in danger from being on a boat in the rivers?


9) Have you been robbed?


10) Did you feel like you were in danger because different races of people hated you?


11) What about being in danger from your own people?


12) Did you feel like you were in danger when you were in certain cities proclaiming the Word of God?


13) Were you ever in the wilderness and felt that you were in danger?


Because of technology, the culture has changed, but look at the principle. The means of transportation and weapons that were used in Paul’s days were not the same as today. Example: We have several means of transportation such as airplanes, cars, buses, trains and so on.


Also there are several ways of beating someone today, weapons are common like guns and knives.


Part 2 coming up


Being steadfast in the faith ~ Betty A. Burnett


I Won’t Complain 10-14-2021

I was going to share my testimony and did not know what the next messages were going to be, but after writing about some people who did not compromise, my little biddy testimony is nothing compared to what they went through, especially Paul the apostle. By the time each one of the many situations that were in Paul’s life was read, I was led to go another way in writing, which brings me to today’s message.


Before getting into the message, I want to do a comparison with Job and Paul.


When people use the story about Job and what he went through, they say “God is going to give me double for my trouble” because Job was restored twice as much as what he lost. Well, that is not a principle. In other words, that story does not show how something works. Example: Job was an upright man, and he did not do anything to lose everything he had (Job, chapters 1 and 42:12).


But with Paul’s situation the principle of sowing and reaping is evident. God told Paul that he would suffer much for His sake (Acts 9:16). Before Paul was born-again, he persecuted the church and consented to them being killed (1Timothy 1:13). Although these terrible acts were done out of ignorance, Paul still had to suffer. This is the principle of sowing and reaping (Galatians 6:7).


This message is to caution us to stop complaining about what we are going through or asking God “Why are You allowing me to go through this”? Instead of complaining, we should rejoice that the sufferings are temporary compared to spending eternity with Jesus Christ (Romans 8:18).


Regardless of what we go through, our suffering cannot be compared with what Paul went through. So, when we look at the life of Paul, there is no way of comparing him with Job, because Job received twice as much as he lost. However, Paul was in prison for many years, and his death was by execution.


Even though Paul knew he had to suffer, there were times that things got so hard for Paul that he asked the Lord to remove the thorn in his flesh, meaning he was being buffeted (assaulted with attacks from the enemy). God told Paul His grace was sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:7-9). God knows what it takes to keep us from getting big-headed.


Paul learned to be content with whatever state he was in (Philippians 4:11). This was a process in his spiritual growth.


I am led to challenge the readers and myself about complaining and for a conviction to come on all of us. The messages will be written for us to examine ourselves to bring us to the point where we will stop complaining. Remember what happened to the Israelites when they complained? They suffered! (Numbers, chapter 14) Remember what happened to Moses’ sister who complained against him? She was stricken with leprosy (Numbers 12:1-15).


Tomorrow I plan to share some of Paul’s many circumstances so we can compare and see if we ever went through what Paul suffered through and endured.


I have no doubt that all of us had experiences that can be used as a testimony to encourage those God has ordained for us to minister to; we have different callings/ assignments. Instead of being quick to think that we went through so much as if we are the only ones who had some horrible experiences, let’s not do like Elijah the prophet; he thought he was the only one going through something. God told Elijah there were seven thousand prophets who had not bowed to Baal (1 Kings 19:18). 


After writing the messages about Paul I will share my experience, Lord willing.


No pain, no gain ~ Betty A. Burnett


Paul and John, Some Apostles Who Did Not Compromise 10-13-2021

I am continuing with the message pertaining to some men of God who did not compromise; they were “Sold-Out”! These messages are to encourage God’s children to remain faithful and true, because your reward will be great (Matthew 25:21, 23, Revelation 14:13).


You read in yesterday’s message how John the Baptist, Peter and Stephen were faithful and true regardless of them not being perfect. Today you will learn about Paul and John, both apostles and how they refused to compromise.



1) Paul’s teaching and preaching caused him to suffer just like God said he would. The Lord said this to Ananias about Saul: He is a chosen vessel unto Me, and he will bear My name before Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel. For I will show him how much he will suffer for My name’s sake (Acts 9:15-16).



Paul was imprisoned many times, he suffered countless beatings, five times the Jews gave me thirty-nine lashes, beaten three times with rods, stoned, shipwrecked three times often near to death, night and day adrift on the sea, on frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brothers, in toil and hardship, through many a sleepless night, in hunger and in thirst often without food, in cold and exposure. And apart from other things there is the daily pressure on me of the anxiety for all the churches (2 Corinthians 11:23-28).


Most of Paul’s letters were written in prison until he was executed. Through it all, Paul remained faithful until death (2 Timothy 4:6-8). Paul was never ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16).


2) John the apostle was exiled on the isle of Patmos because he wouldn’t stop preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was on the isle that he wrote the book of Revelation. I John who also am your brother and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:9).


What would you do if you were put in a situation like these men were?


“Sold Out” ~ Betty A. Burnett

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What Happened to Some of Those Who Did Not Compromise 10-12-21

How many of you want to become more intimate with the Lord? I am sure most of God’s children would say yes! But are you willing give up your life like some of the people in the Bible. That is what it means to be “Sold-Out”!


Recall- Do you remember how God spared Daniel and the Hebrew boys (Daniel, chapters 3-4), but what about others who died because they “Sold Out”?


Today, I am sharing with you about some men of God who gave up their lives because of what they stood for. In other words, they did not compromise.


1) John the Baptist, who was the forerunner of Christ came preaching repentance and baptizing people, preparing the peoples’ heart for Christ. Please read John 1:15-34. As a prophet John pointed out that the king was for taking the wife of his brother. This infuriated Herod and his wife. They had John arrested and put in jail. Eventually this led to John the Baptist’s death.


Herod could not put John to death for fear of the multitude, because they counted him a prophet. There was a celebration for Herod’s birthday and Herodias’s daughter danced before him, and he had promised with an oath to give whatever she asked. And she, being instructed by her mother said give me his head on a plate. The king was sorry but nevertheless for the oath’s sake he sent and beheaded John the Baptist in prison. Please read Matthew 14:1-12.


2) Peter and other apostles were said to have turned the world upside down (Acts 17:6). Peter’s evangelism upset the Jewish leaders who threatened to kill him if he did not stop preaching and turning people to Christ. Jesus predicted how Peter would die (John 21:18- 19). It would be similar to how Jesus died, by way of the cross. They would come and arrest him and hang him on the cross with his hands stretched out.


Some historians have said that Peter died hanging upside down because he did not feel worthy to die hanging like the Lord.


3) Stephen who was appointed a deacon (Acts 6:1-7), also was called to preach. And he did great wonders and signs among the people turning their hearts to Christ. Stephen was falsely accused of blasphemy (Acts 6:8-15). Stephen had a lengthy message and by the time he finished, the peoples’ hearts were cut, and they gritted their teeth.


But he, being full of the Holy Spirit gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God and said, behold I see the heavens open and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.


Then they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears and ran upon him with one accord and cast him out of the city and stoned him and the witnesses laid their clothes at a young man’s feet, whose name was Saul. And they stoned Stephen calling on God and saying Lord Jesus receive my spirit.


And he kneeled down and cried with a loud voice, do not lay this sin to their charge, and when he had said this, he fell asleep. Please read Acts, chapter 7. This is an amazing story; Stephen and Paul are the only ones who asked God not to lay the sin to their charge except, Jesus Christ who said Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing (Luke 23:34).


To see Jesus stand up and welcoming Stephen into His presence had to be absolutely wonderful. It is noteworthy when we do not compromise.

Something to think about, even though these men did not compromise, they still were not perfect.


Sharing the truth and loving it ~ Betty A. Burnett


What is your level of commitment?

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Consequences of Leaders Who Take God’s Glory and Whoever Follows Them (Part 2)


The message yesterday had different twists, and at various times in the message, God was glorified by His people because they did not compromise. At the end of the story God was glorified by the king who had taken God’s glory. Please read Daniel, chapters 3-4.


Today, I will share about three leaders who took God’s glory, and their demise was deadly. Their story was so sad and pitiful that even though these three leaders did evil acts, I still felt sorry about the demise of so many people who followed them.


Jim Jones was very charismatic, which was his drawing card. He wanted people to worship him to the extent that he veered away from the scriptures. People in his congregation looked to him as their role model because he took care of them. He always came across as a person who tried to help others. This stands to reason why the people followed him to Guyana where they met their demise.


David Koresh, cult leader of the Davidian Compound, used evil tactics to draw people in. Koresh said that he was the one who was going to open the seven seals that John wrote about in Revelation, chapters 5-8. Because he was able to explain the seven seals, the people held him out to be the second messiah.


He believed that the same spirit of God that embodied Jesus; the same spirit that embodied the prophets, was the same spirit that resided in him but in a special way.


Eddie Long was the most recent one. He was flamboyant and dressed to kill (showmanship) and he was a high profiler. Long got so into himself that he posted pictures profiling in his body suits so everybody could see him.


The worse thing I have witnessed to, was a service where Eddie Long was being honored as a king. He was sitting in a chair and the people put a crown on his head, picked up the chair with him in it and carried him around and said he was a king. While this bizarre celebration was going on, the people in the congregation went wild. It tells what kind of people they were.


That was one of the most sickening things I had had seen for someone who had gotten so big-headed and took God’s glory. Have you ever heard of somebody dying like a dog? Well, this man was an example; he was sick, in pain and his demeanor was horrible.


All leaders should be pointing people to Christ (John 12:32); Jesus pointed people to God (John 10:25), and the Holy Spirit pointed people to Christ (John 16:1). Jesus Christ even washed the disciples’ feet (John 13:5). He took on the role of the lowest servant in the house. Jesus came to serve, but each of those leaders came to be served.


With that having been said, I am cautioning the readers to search for yourselves to see if what you are posting on Facebook is correct. That is, when you are posting scriptures that someone else came up with, make sure they are what the Word of God says. I encourage you to go to the scriptures for yourself to see if what someone else is writing is true. Check me out too.


The Word of God says: These were more noble than those in Thessalonica and searched the scriptures daily to see if those things were so. Didn’t God tell us to study? (2 Timothy 2:15).


Posting what another person is saying is not studying. I cannot understand how someone can take all that time to see what someone else is saying, rather than reading the Word for themselves.


Paul had much knowledge, but his listeners still searched to see what he said was true. My brothers and sisters, this is not to embarrass anyone, but it is to bring conviction upon any of God’s children who are not studying His Word. There are many false prophets and teaches sent to lead you astray (Matthew 7:15-16, 1 Timothy 6:3-5). Test their fruit by the Word of God!


Sharing and caring about others’ spiritual state ~ Betty A. Burnett


The Consequences of Taking God’s Glory (Part 1) 10-10-2021

Yesterday, the message was pertaining to Jesus not taking God’s glory. Also, Paul and Barnabas refused to let the people call them Jupiter and Mercurius who were gods. On that note, when somebody is lifting a leader up or putting them on a pedestal, the leader should stop it. There are some who get puffed up or big-headed.


Today I am giving you an example of a person who took God’ glory and had a great fall.


 Example of a king who was high and lifted up.

Nebuchadnezzar: I am giving you an overview of a king who accomplished much, he was a great man of renown, but he worshipped other gods and he thought that He was high and mighty. He had the Hebrew boys thrown into the fiery furnace because they refused to worship him. Nebuchadnezzar also saw God deliver the three Hebrew boys out of the fiery furnace, and he literally saw a fourth person in the furnace. He praised their God and promoted the Hebrew boys (Daniel, chapter 2).


But the story does not end there. Before going to the rest of the story, I would like to ask you a question. Have you ever witnessed to how God moved mightily in a situation that it caused the person to glorify God? And sometime later the person reverted back to his or her old ways? Well, this is the next part of the story.


Daniel, chapter 4 - Nebuchadnezzar had a dream and the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans and the soothsayers could not interpret the dream. Nebuchadnezzar sent for Daniel who was able to interpret the dream. In the dream the king saw a tree that grew and became strong and whose height reached the heavens, was cut down to the stump, “but leave the stump and roots of the tree and that his kingdom shall be assured to him after he had known that the heavens rule”.


This is what happened to Nebuchadnezzar: At the end of twelve months, he was walking about the royal palace of Babylon. The king spoke saying, is not this great Babylon that I have built for a royal dwelling by my power and for the honor of my majesty.


While the word was still in the king’s mouth a voice fell from heaven: “King Nebuchadnezzar to you is spoken, the kingdom has departed from you! And they shall drive you from men and your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. They shall make you eat grass like oxen and seven times shall pass over you until you know that the Most-High rules over the kingdom of men and gives it to whomever He chooses.”


That vey hour the word was fulfilled concerning Nebuchadnezzar; he was driven from men and ate grass like oxen, his body was wet with the dew of heaven until his hair grew like eagles’ feathers and his nails like birds’ claws.


And at the end of the time I, Nebuchadnezzar lifted my eyes to heaven and my understanding returned to me; and I blessed the Most High and praise and honor Him who lives forever. Skipping to verse 36b: And to those who walk in pride He is able to put down.


After reading this story, I believe Nebuchadnezzar is with the Lord. Why? He was humbled to the point where he truly honored God as the Most High, because his heart changed. Not only that, he also saw the light of the Hebrew boys and Daniel; how they did not compromise their belief in God, even if it would cost them their lives.


Doing my best to walk in humility ~ Betty A. Burnett


Don't be like Humpty Dumpty

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A Pastor Who Is Walking in His Call (Part 2) 11-17-2021

I am continuing with part two of characteristics and qualifications a of pastor who is walking in his call. So many people are not functioning in the right call. I am going to continue sharing what the Word of God says, and your eyes will be open to the truth. I want to let you know that everybody needs to grow, and just because the gift is there, it does not mean that a person is mature in the call.


However, people should not be quick to jump into ministry. If they are listening to the Spirit of God, they will know the right time. Caution: I have heard many people over the years say they heard God speak when there was no evidence that it was true.


The calling must line up with the Word of God

6) Protects them from the wolves: Therefore, take heed to yourselves and to all the flock among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. For I know this that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you not sparing the flock. Also, from among you, men will rise up speaking perverse things to draw away the disciples after themselves. (Acts 20:28-30). I have seen this happen.


On one occasion, while living in New Jersey, I visited North Carolina and on New Year’s eve, a friend I and went to a “Watch Night service”. A guest preacher was ministering, and the Spirit revealed to me that he was trying to take the church from the pastor. The man was charismatic and really talking over many peoples’ heads with his vocabulary. But the people were excited because what he said sounded good to them, even though many of them did not understand what he trying to convey.


About six months later a friend who was a member of the church called and told me that the man was exposed for trying to take the church from the pastor.


Something similar happened in New Jersey. During a Sunday morning service, a man was sitting on the podium with the other ministers. His eyes looked normal at first and when I looked again his eyes were blood red, I shook my head as if in disbelief, and the next time I looked his eyes were back to normal.


I went to the pastor and told him what the Spirit had revealed to me and later the man was exposed for who he really was. He knew that I had picked up on who he was and what he was about, and he would not speak to me. By the way, that was the gift of discerning of spirits (1 Corinthians 12:10). The gifts will be in future messages.


Everybody in the church is not saved although they pretend to be. These evil people are set up in the church by Satan to destroy the church. That is one of the main reasons it is necessary to have prophets in the church. The Spirit reveals things to them to warn and protect the church.


John wrote about false teachers and false prophets: There was a group of people called the Gnostics who claimed they had higher knowledge of spiritual matters and they elevated themselves above everybody else. They were teaching people that Jesus did not come in the flesh because flesh was evil. Scripture: And every spirit that says Jesus did not come in the flesh is not of God (1 John 4:1-3, 2 John 1:7).


These are some scriptures that tell us in the last days perilous times will come, skip – they will have a form of godliness, but they deny the power of God (2 Timothy 3:1-5). There will be mockers walking according to their own ungodly lusts. These people cause division because they are worldly and do not have the Spirit of God (Jude 1:16-19). Please read the scriptures.


People will be characterized by all kinds of self-centeredness and unnatural perversions. Some will maintain an outward pretense, speaking the vocabulary of Christianity, but refuse the reality that Christian faith expresses. Footnotes-NKJV Spirit-Filled Life Bible.


Accepting God’s truth only ~ Betty A. Burnett

Jesus Did Not Take God’s Glory and Neither Should Anyone Else 10-9-2021

Yesterday the message was about reverencing God and how the Word said He would not give His glory to another and that He would not share His glory with no one. Since God said He will not share His glory with another, that means whoever is using His glory, is taking something that does not belong to them. It’s the same way when God says He will not give His glory to anyone.


Even Jesus Christ who was God in the flesh did not in any way at all try to share or take God’s glory.


When Paul and Barnabas were in the town of Lystra, there was a certain man who had been impotent from his birth and had never walked. Paul believed that the man had faith enough to receive his healing.


Paul said with a loud voice, stand up and walk, and he leaped and walked. The people lifted up their voices saying the gods have come down in the likeness of men. And they called Barnabas Jupiter and Paul Mercurius. When Paul and Barnabas heard this, they tore their clothes and ran among the people saying why are you doing these things? We also are men just like you (Acts 14:6-19). He told them to turn away from believing in the gods, because it was Almighty God the Creator who caused these things to happen.


Now, what did the Son of God say? I have glorified You on the earth, I have finished the work that you gave Me to do (John 17:1-3). Jesus answered, if I honor Myself, My honor is nothing; it is My Father who honors Me (John 8:54).


During a conversation with the Jews, Jesus said: Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day and when he saw it, he was glad. And the Jews said to Him, You are not fifty years old, how have You seen Abraham?


Jesus said to them, verily, verily [truly, truly] I say to you, before Abraham was I am. They took stones to cast Him out (John 8:56-59). Jesus was not trying to take God’s glory; He was revealing to them that He was God. In the beginning was the Word [Jesus], the Word [Jesus] was with God and the Word [Jesus] was God (John 1:1).


If anyone thinks that Jesus was bragging, that would be a contradiction, and this is why. Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God. But He made of Himself no reputation and took on the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men. And being found in fashion as a man, became obedient to death, even the death of the cross.


Wherefore, God also highly exalted Him and gave Him a name above every name, …. that is Lord (Philippians 2:6-9).


Jesus even said to call each other brothers. So how do these leaders come up with these titles? They are doing the same thing Lucifer did.


Battling against the forces of darkness to help set the captives free ~ Betty A. Burnett

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Who is to be Reverenced? 10-8-2021

Today I am sharing what the Word of God says about reverend. In case someone does not know this about God, this is what His Word says. It is God Only who deserves to be reverenced: Holy and reverend is His name (Psalm 111:9); He is a jealous God, and His name is Jealous (Exodus 34:14).


Someone may say, the bible did not say God is reverend, but it said holy, and reverend is His name. If you read the sentence above the last one, God not only said He was a jealous God, but He also said His name was Jealous!


Therefore, no person, regardless if they are in ministry, has the right to call himself reverend; that is saying these people are equal with God, and it is taking God’s glory.


It started off with Lucifer who wanted to exalt his throne above the stars, and be equal with God, his Creator (Isaiah 14:12-14). I hope you know that was absolutely absurd; how could that which was created want to be equal with God? It happened then and that same spirit is influencing people today. As was said in a previous message, Satan tried to get Jesus to worship him, and he influences people to worship in various ways.


For instance, Satan influences different religious leaders to be equal with God. In the Roman catholic church, the pope is called holy father, as if he was God. This is what Jesus meant when He said call no man father (Matthew 23:9). Jesus certainly could not have been talking about your earthly father because that would be a contradiction. Jesus said if a son ask bread of any of you that is a father, will you give him a stone? (Luke 11:11).


Another example is a group using names like the Most excellent high priest that belongs to Jesus only. They also use the title Grandmaster. Many people in these religious groups are not saved, but what about the children of God who are involved with groups such as these? The Word of God tells us to come out from among them and be separate (2 Corinthians 6:14-17).


This is what God says about those who take His glory. I am the Lord; that is My name, and My glory I will not give another, neither My praise to golden images (Isaiah 42:8).


For My own sake, even My own sake, I will do it, for how shall My name be polluted? And I will not give My glory to another (Isaiah 42:11). People who take God’s glory are treading on dangerous grounds.


When God says His name has been polluted, He meant the people were praising images and were practicing acts of worship instead of worshipping Him. So, my brothers and sisters, if you are using titles, it’s time to stop. Some people use titles because it makes them feel like they are important. You are important to God and belonging to Him is much greater than trying to feel important to others.


When anyone knows who they are in the Lord, that should give them the greatest feeling of all. Titles are not what make people, it is God who makes people what they are.


Reverencing God to the highest ~ Betty A. Burnett

Who or What is Your Object of Worship? 10-7-2021

From the beginning of humanity, Satan has twisted the Word of God with Eve. He said: Did God say? And you shall not surely die if you eat the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:1-5). He went as far as trying to trip Jesus Christ up in an attempt to get Jesus to worship him (Matthew 4:1-11). 


Satan is so puffed up and blinded with pride that he will destroy everything he can. He destroys the testimony of God’s children; he feeds them lies because he hates God and whoever belongs to God.


Satan even has the children of God competing against each other in the church through singing and preaching. He influences ushers to entertain with a marching dance preceding the offering. He influences the choirs to march to the choir stand with their groovy movement to the music.


And oh, how he gets a laugh at the pastor’s anniversary when he and his wife march in and everybody stands up praising them. Who do any of us think we are? Why is the church being treated like a place of entertainment? And who is the attention being focused on?


Before I was born-again, the night clubs, boozing and high fashion were the biggest part of my life. When I became saved, being fashionable was still a part of me. But as I grew in my spiritual walk, that gradually changed.


As a matter of fact, I lost almost all of my material possessions. I was upset and did not understand why that was happening to me. Again, as my eyes opened to more spiritual truths, I understood that it was all for a purpose, for my good and the good of others (Romans 8:28). Because of the call on my life, it was necessary for me to go through the process of being purged from focusing on materialistic things and trying to keep up with the Jones’.


I thank the Lord that all this caused me to depend on Him, and it increased my faith. There is a greater testimony when one knows that it was God who provided for them, and they did not seek to get popular or materially prosperous by operating in the flesh.


The reason I am recapping is because many of the readers may not have understood how serious it is to go against the word of God and do what is pleasing to their flesh. What is even more serious is that many of the churches have become cultish. So, what does cultish mean? One who exhibits a great devotion to any person, idea, object or movement other than God.


There are churches today who are so far off in their doctrinal beliefs that it is scary. Many leaders get filthy rich by using spiritual manipulation for their personal gain by preying on ignorant followers. Look what happened to Jim Jones and David Koresh; they had many followers and they perished.


If you are guilty, please repent for following after anyone who is not living according to God’s standard. God is definitely going to deal with ministers who have led people astray.


If you will humbly confess and repent from these evil acts, God will heal and restore you. Because I have not reached perfection, I repent daily of missing the mark (falling into sin). Yet I am still doing what God has called me to do.


Saying yes to His will ~ Betty A. Burnett


Recapping Some of the Messages Pertaining to What is Not Pleasing to God 10-6-2021

I am going to share certain parts of my past messages to reemphasize how important they are and how the readers should know and understand the seriousness of what displeases God. All of the erroneous quotes are displeasing to God, but titles are the worse because they bring attention to the person, which is the world’s way, not God’s way. 


Titles is one of the worse things a child of God can add to their name. Lucifer wanted the title of God, the “I Am” (Isaiah 14:12-14). I believe the Spirit of God led me to this article from Christian Truth Center; the topic was: “True Servants of God do not Give Themselves Titles in Their Names” it is more in depth than what I had written previously.


In the movie “Color Purple” they sung “Maybe God is Trying to Tell You Something”. From the article I just discovered, there is no maybe about it; it is a fact that “God is trying to tell His church something”.


Let’s start with some of these servants that the article named. The first name was Jesus who humbled Himself and became a servant. Therefore, we are to let this mind be in us that was in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:6). Jesus said: “I do not seek my own glory” (John 8:50).


As a true servant of God, people may use a title when referring to you, but you do not use a title to your name. We are not to esteem ourselves more highly than we ought (Romans 12:3). When it comes to the children of God, no one is better than the other.


As a matter of fact, the Word puts more emphasis on this. When something is repeated that means the same thing, we should take heed to it. Let nothing be done through strife and vainglory, but in lowliness of mind, let us esteem each other more highly than ourselves (Philippians 2:3). I will word it like this. Let nothing be done by being contentious or jealous, not self-conceit or pride, but with humility,  let us consider others before ourselves.


God referred to Moses as His servant (Numbers 12:7-8, Joshua 1:12). And the Lord came and stood and called as at the other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered and said, speak Lord for your servant hears (1 Samuel 3:10).


You will not see anywhere in the New Testament where any of the men and women of God had titles to their names. Anna was called a prophetess, but she did not call herself prophetess Anna (Luke 2:36), Paul was an apostle but he spoke of himself as Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ in several scriptures (Galatians 1:1, Ephesians 1:1, 2 Timothy 1:1).


Jesus Christ was an apostle who established the church; prophet that gave warnings to the religious leaders, predicted the future and protected His sheep; He came as an evangelist with the good news and preached repentance; Jesus was a pastor to His disciples, and He was their teacher.

Jesus was never about entertainment; He taught principles for the disciples and us to learn and grow spiritually (Matthew 5:1-2).


To be continued


Exposing the devil’s influence in the church ~ Betty A. Burnett

I’m a Sinner Saved by Grace? 10-4-2021

God can be glorified through His Word, which is truth (John 8:32) and when we are praising Him through the right kind of songs.Today I am going to share another error when it comes to comparing what somebody sung or said with what the Word of God says. Many people say and believe that they are sinners saved by grace.


One cannot be a saint and a sinner at the same time. People can only be in one state of being, they are either in a lost state or they are in a saved state. No one can have two natures; if anyone is in Christ, he [she] is a new creature, old things are passed away and behold all things are new (2 Corinthians 5:17). This does not mean that the person is perfect; it means we have been given a new life.


By nature, we were the children of wrath. But God who is rich in mercy because of His great love in which He loved us even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ. By grace you have been saved (Ephesians 2:3b-5a). We are saved from the old nature and given a new nature.


Since everyone is born with a sinful nature, it took Christ’s death on the cross to give us a new life and the old life no longer belongs to us, even when we miss the mark (fall into sin). The difference in the new life opposed to the old life is when we fall into sin, we have an advocate with the Father (1 John 1:8- 1 John 2:1), whereas the unsaved person does not have an advocate.


So, the song “We fall down but we get up” is sending two signals.


We do fall down, and we get up (by the help of the Lord), but “For a saint is just a sinner who fell down”, is not correct. Some of these recording artists are pastors and to come up with that kind of error is sad. It certainly indicates that they are not studying (2 Timothy 2:15).


The church allows these songs to be sung, which makes it worse. That tells us something about the leaders. It makes others who are knowledgeable of the Word of God, wonder about these peoples’ calling.


This is why the Word of God tells those who call themselves to be teachers need to go back and learn the first principles (Hebrews 5:12).

No one is perfect, yet we should be growing in our walk with Christ. When someone quote errors like a saint is just a sinner who fell down, it takes away from what is true.


Someone told me years ago that songs can bring salvation. Songs will not bring salvation; they are to edify the body of Christ.

This message is for everybody who reads it and especially for recording artists. Please make sure you study the Word of God before publishing half-truths.


God can be glorified through His Word, which is truth (John 8:32), and when we are praising Him through the right kind of songs.


Doing my best to help others ~ Betty A. Burnett

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How can They Hear Without a Preacher? Who is the Preacher? 10-3-2021

I don’t know of a better time for this message to be posted than on this Sunday, since it about preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


I heard a pastor say publicly that it is the pastor who extends the gospel to the lost. He used this scripture “How can they hear without a preacher”? It really doesn’t make sense for a pastor to make a statement like that when every child of God is commissioned to take or spread the Gospel (Matthew 28:18-19, Acts 1:8).


If the pastor, quote on quote is the only one to extend the Gospel what are the other saints supposed to be doing? In addition to that, we are commissioned to go into the world which is outside of the church. This does not mean if a sinner is attending a church service that he or she cannot receive Jesus when the altar call is given.


I truly believe because of ignorance; the pastor was confused as to what the meaning was; “How can they hear without a preacher”. The word preach means to proclaim the Word. “And how can they preach unless they are sent”? Every child of God is sent, when Jesus said go, He was talking about all of us (Romans 10:14-17).


I will say this, that in my experience it has been said, if you want to know anything ask your pastor. That gives the impression that the pastor is the only one to talk to if one has a problem or if someone needs prayer, they need to go to the pastor. Watch out! That is misleading and it could cause someone to think it is the pastor only that they should go to. Maybe, just maybe he wants people to look up to him.


I was traveling with a minister, and we went to visit a member of the church to check on her and see how she was doing. The lady’s two daughters did not attend church, so the preacher asked them to come to church the next Sunday and get saved. When we got in the car, I asked him what prevented them from hearing the Gospel while we were in the house with them?


Suppose their salvation depended on them hearing the Gospel and accepting Jesus that very day; they would have been lost.


On another occasion, I was with some pastors and this person walked in, pulled out the little New Testament bible from his back pocket and asked how he could get saved. This reminded me of Philip the evangelist and the Ethiopian eunuch. God set it up by sending Philip into the desert to witness to the eunuch; the eunuch also had a bible and as he was reading from Isaiah, chapter 53. He did not understand, and Philip explained to him what it meant (Acts 8:26-39).


God orchestrated circumstances for the man with the bible to receive Jesus as his Savior, as He does with all of us. What joy, unspeakable joy it is to see another soul come into a relationship with Christ. The angels in heaven rejoice over one sinner that repents (Luke 15:10).


Lastly, how can they hear without a preacher and how can they preach unless they are sent? Emphasis is, if one is sent, he or she will know what to say.


Shouting from the housetop ~ Betty A. Burnett


Pass Me Not O’ Gentle Savior 10-2-2021

Saints of the Most-High God, these messages are posted to help us walk in truth and come out of the tradition of men. Regardless of who wrote whatever is written, if it does not line up with the Word of God it is not acceptable. 


The reason I continue to put emphasis on what is not accepted by God is because whatever is not profitable God does not accept it. No one has the right to take the Word of God and make it suitable to whatever they want it to be.


In going forward with the erroneous way God’s Word is being slung around, this song should not be sung by born-again believers. If you are saved, why are you singing, save me by Your grace? Is it because the song sounds good?


I used to sing the song too. Then it was brought to my attention and the light came on; from that time to this day, I do not sing “Pass Me Not O’ Gentle Savior”. With all the biblical resources, there should be no reason for churches to sing this song.


The history of this song is biblically connected, but it does not apply to born-again believers.

The song by Francis J. Crosby is about supplication and the scripture that is supposed to connect is: My Lord if I have found favor in Your sight, do not pass by Your servant (Genesis 18:3). It is relating to Abraham’s encounter with the angels. This is certainly a misconnection, because nobody could be saved before Jesus died and rose from the dead. Even though men have always had God’s grace (favor), this kind of grace is different from saving grace.


Another scripture came from another source relating to these words in the song- “Savior, Savior hear my humble cry, while on others Thou art calling, do not pass me by”, and “Save me by Thy grace.”


The story of Blind Bartimaeus a blind beggar paraphrased (Mark 10:46-52)

He sat by the road begging, and when Bartimaeus heard it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, Jesus son of David, have mercy on me. When they tried to make him be quiet, he cried louder. Blind Bartimaeus had heard about Jesus and the miracles He performed, so he was interested in getting his sight which was physical. He was not crying out for Jesus to save him because no one seeks after God (Romans 3:11).


Another situation happened that proves the person was seeking to see Jesus, but not for salvation. Zacchaeus was little in statute, he was a publican, and he was rich. Because of his short statute he ran and climbed into a sycamore tree so he could see Jesus. When Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw Zacchaeus and said to him, Zacchaeus hurry up and come down, for today I must stay at your house. Zacchaeus made haste and came down and received Him joyfully.


When others saw it (the religious people), they all complained saying, He has gone to be a guest with a man who is a sinner. Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, look Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor, and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold. And Jesus said to him, today salvation is come to this house because he also is the son of Abraham; for the Son of man came to seek and save that which was lost. (Luke 19:1-10).


What is the meaning of these two stories?

Blind Bartimaeus did not want Jesus to pass him by because he wanted to receive his sight; this had nothing to do with salvation. Zacchaeus was not seeking for salvation; he wanted to see this Jesus whom he had heard about. Zacchaeus did not even need to be healed, nor was he seeking to get anything from Jesus, but he received salvation.


I want to say this, no one has to say to Jesus “Do not pass me by”. We do not call Jesus because He is calling us. Although the Word says whoever calls upon the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13), God caused us to call upon the Lord by the faith He put in us.






Proclaiming the Word of God ~ Betty A. Burnett


Breaking the chains of the tradition of men

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I Found Jesus? How did that happen? 10-1-2021

Saints of the Most-High God, these messages are posted to help us walk in truth and come out of the tradition of men. Regardless of who wrote whatever is written, if it does not line up with the Word of God it is not acceptable. 


The reason I continue to put emphasis on what is not accepted by God is because whatever is not profitable God does not accept it. No one has the right to take the Word of God and make it suitable to whatever they want it to be.


In going forward with the erroneous way God’s Word is being slung around, this song should not be sung by born-again believers. If you are saved, why are you singing, save me by Your grace? Is it because the song sounds good?


I used to sing the song too. Then it was brought to my attention and the light came on; from that time to this day, I do not sing “Pass Me Not O’ Gentle Savior”. With all the biblical resources, there should be no reason for churches to sing this song.


The history of this song is biblically connected, but it does not apply to born-again believers.

The song by Francis J. Crosby is about supplication and the scripture that is supposed to connect is: My Lord if I have found favor in Your sight, do not pass by Your servant (Genesis 18:3). It is relating to Abraham’s encounter with the angels. This is certainly a misconnection, because nobody could be saved before Jesus died and rose from the dead. Even though men have always had God’s grace (favor), this kind of grace is different from saving grace.


Another scripture came from another source relating to these words in the song- “Savior, Savior hear my humble cry, while on others Thou art calling, do not pass me by”, and “Save me by Thy grace.”


The story of Blind Bartimaeus a blind beggar paraphrased (Mark 10:46-52)

He sat by the road begging, and when Bartimaeus heard it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, Jesus son of David, have mercy on me. When they tried to make him be quiet, he cried louder. Blind Bartimaeus had heard about Jesus and the miracles He performed, so he was interested in getting his sight which was physical. He was not crying out for Jesus to save him because no one seeks after God (Romans 3:11).


Another situation happened that proves the person was seeking to see Jesus, but not for salvation. Zacchaeus was little in statute, he was a publican, and he was rich. Because of his short statute he ran and climbed into a sycamore tree so he could see Jesus. When Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw Zacchaeus and said to him, Zacchaeus hurry up and come down, for today I must stay at your house. Zacchaeus made haste and came down and received Him joyfully.


When others saw it (the religious people), they all complained saying, He has gone to be a guest with a man who is a sinner. Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, look Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor, and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold. And Jesus said to him, today salvation is come to this house because he also is the son of Abraham; for the Son of man came to seek and save that which was lost. (Luke 19:1-10).