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  • Betty A. Burnett

Stirring the Soul

Just Another Day that the Lord has Kept Us

·       When I got up this morning, the song that Sam Cooke recorded was ringing in my head “Just Another Day”


·       Once I read over the lyrics, and saw that the words were biblically correct, I felt strongly that Sam Cooke had a divine connection. I am not talking about Father Divine, I’m talking God our Father, the DIVINE ONE. 


Some of the lyrics

·       The song began with just another day that my Lord has kept me. God is my Keeper (Psalm 121:5). No matter what we go through, we are kept by our loving Father.

·       I’ve been in my Savior’s care (God, the Sovereign Savior -Psalm 18). He alone has the attributes in this Psalm. God protects us – He is our Rock and our Fortress; therefore, we trust Him.

·       He threw His loving arms around me (Deuteronomy 33:27). We are so safe in the arms of our loving God.


·       I found peace (John 14:27) and joy right there (John 15:11). Only Jesus can give true peace and joy.

·       Another day, I’ve been working in God’s vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16). Fulfilling our assignment results in what kind of rewards we will receive (gifts and calling).


·       When I get home in my God’s kingdom (we are confident that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord – 2 Corinthians 5:8).


·       Sit down and rest awhile (from labors- Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. Yes, says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them (Revelation 14:13).


·       I’m gonna hear Him say My servant welcome home (well done, good and faithful servant – Matthew 25:21).

·       After reading the words penned by the late Sam Cooke, please consider where you are in your walk. Allow these words to convince and motivate you to do what you’ve been called to do, so you too will Him say “Well Done”

Thank the Lord that He has given us  another day to be in His service; to be about His business.

~ Betty A. Burnett ~  






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