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Betty A. Burnett

Freedom Balances the Scales

Updated: Oct 11

The Joy of Being a Senior and a Seasoned Saint 10-11-24

An eventful week:

1)  Two Bible study classes  (both on Tuesday), One at the Church in Lindenwold,; the other was a conference call.

2)  Five o’clock AM prayer (Tuesday- Friday),

3)  Annual “Health Fair” pertaining to Breast Cancer Awareness Month (Tuesday) in Voorhees New Jersey.

4)  Annual Senior Health Fair (Wednesday) in Blackwood, NJ

5)  Borough council meeting (Wednesday evening) in Lindenwold- they are doing a great job on behalf of our community.

6)  Senior Center (Thursday) in Lindenwold

7)  Sip- (sparkling juice!) and paint (Friday)

Although I keep moving, this week was a little different because two of the events were annual with added benefits. There were several benefits offered at each place. For instance, both health fairs had  vendors that offered tons of information and free samples that blessed us; at both places, food was provided.

One event had different facilitators,  the other event there was a band at the entrance of the building, inside there was more live music and those seniors danced! At each event I left with three large bags full of a variety of goodies. With all the blessings, what more could one ask for?

Well, at the beginning of the message, Bible study and prayer were included. With all the other information, entertainment, food, nothing is greater than the Word of God and prayer. If those two spiritual benefits were not in my life, I can’t begin to imagine what my life would be like.

What a blessed and enjoyable week where the scales were balanced. An unbalanced scale is like this. When Christians are in the company of sinners, how do we conduct ourselves? Do we participate in ungodly things? Do we know the difference between ungodly and godly? My answer is this: If the Lord sends us, or allows us to go anywhere, it is always for Him to be glorified. We can stand (shine) out in the midst of darkness.

I am definitely enjoying senior years, getting older and stronger; and definitely enjoying being a seasoned saint.

His handmaiden, Betty A. Burnett ~



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