To my Facebook friends, family, tenants, and others, I am so grateful for the outstretched heart of love you extended to me in various ways. My blessings have been so great that it is difficult to express with love because of the goodness of God and the love shown toward me through others. I know that each person that poured their heart to me was coming from the Lord.
Most people see me full of laughter and always speaking life words (not negative), yet I am confessing to you wonderful people today that I get weak, feel depressed and unloved, which happened to me just before Christmas. It could have been due to the loved ones and friends who passed on in 2024, and a recent tragic situation with a close family member.
The good thing about it is, God knew what I was going through. Just when I was at my lowest point, the Lord used some people that were unexpected, that is to my finite mind to be a blessing in different ways. He knows just what each of us needs.
I am profoundly grateful each of you for the way you expressed love to me, whether it was in
words or deeds. I was encouraged and lifted out of my slump. I am reminded of the verse that says: Let the weak say I am strong (Joel 3:10:b). Again, thanks be to our Father the Lord God Almighty who used you to strengthen and boost my faith.
God bless. Love you!
Betty A. Burnett