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Latter years greater than my former years!

Betty A. Burnett

Updated: Oct 12, 2024

Youth Being Renewed 10-12-24

I purchased this dress at a pop-up event about eighteen months ago, and never wore it until recently (Friday, October 4, 24). I absolutely adored the dress and was waiting for the right occasion to wear it. It was so ironic that all the accessories were already in my possession.

This dress is called the “Butterfly” and there is definitely a story behind it. In my messages the butterfly has been used often. For instance, when it comes to one losing salvation, which is impossible, I use metamorphosis (transformation) as one example that one can never lose their salvation.

Metamorphosis- the transformation like this: An ugly caterpillar, which is symbolic of our old sinful life, turns into a beautiful butterfly which symbolizes our new life. That beautiful butterfly can never turn into a caterpillar again. Once the transformation takes place, it cannot be reversed (Romans 11:29).

For many years I have used this scripture pertaining to myself: Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s (Psalm 103:5).

Me -So, my friends, out of all the health challenges I have experienced since my transition to New Jersey, victory is still mine. Every time the enemy shoots a fiery dart (Ephesians 6:10-18) or afflicts my body (Psalm 34:19); the Lord raises me back up. Why? Because I believe and stand on His Word for healing to manifest in my body. I also know how to handle spiritual warfare through the power of the Holy Spirit.

My faith in the Word of God causes me to overcome whatever the mountainous situation may be (Mark 11:23-24). I fly (soar) like an eagle, as my butterfly (transformed) life helps me to continue to be transformed day by day my renewed mindset (Romans 12:1-2), which is crucial to overcoming and walking in victory!

Thank the Lord for the energized person that He created me to be.

His handmaiden, Betty A. Burnett ~ 

Ps. It stands to reason why I am a Philadelphia Eagles fan; it’s a Philly thing! Fly (soar) Eagles, fly!


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