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Lie/Bondage - Truth/Freedom

Betty A. Burnett

African American History – Stolen Legacy and the Lie

This message is a continuation of African history from a Biblical perspective. Although we celebrate African American or Black History, there has to be a foundation, and I believe if one does not start from the beginning, much is missing. The reason I usually say African American History is  everything started on Africa (the Motherland).


If you were attending grade school, and you were skipped several grades, you didn’t get something that would make things easier later on in life. Example: God created everything step by step and day by day for six days. Since everything started with God, we should His follow His plan. 

My point is, much have been left out when it comes to African history and its connection with American history. Once we know the whole story, the truth and the truth will set us free.


Stolen Legacy - The book is an attempt to show that the true authors of Greek Philosophy were not Greeks, but the people of North Africa, commonly called the Egyptians; and the praise and honor falsely given to Greeks for centuries belong to the people of North Africa. Consequently, this theft of the African legacy led to the erroneous world opinion that the African continent has made no contributions to civilizations, and that its people were naturally backward. This is the basis of race prejudice, which has affected all people of color.


The early Greeks studied the Egyptians and took numerous of their ideas and philosophies and incorporated them into their own culture. Egypt has been considered the place of all knowledge. God gave them amazing skills.

Another internet source - Some Caucasians have said that this is not talking about our people  because this happened fifty years before America was discovered.


My statement - This was prophecy and they understood it, but they refused to accept the truth that the people of color were so intelligent and God gave them all kinds of abilities.


The reason they knew about prophecy is they accepted certain parts of the Bible prophecies. For instance, Daniel prophesied (foretold) many things that are in the book of Revelation that have not come to pass yet. So, to make a statement like that shows that they don’t accept this particular prophecy because it’s about people of color. The truth is most people that the Word of God is written about are people of color.


Adam was created from the earth. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being (Genesis 2:17); his name means reddish complexion in the Greek. 


Adjective red, ruddy, of Esau as newborn babe Genesis 25:25 of youth David was also called ruddy, meaning reddish complexion 1 Samuel 16:121 Samuel 17:42. People with that kind of mindset also say that Jesus was Caucasian- not true!  The archeological findings proved that Jesus had colored features. And when Joseph was told in a dream to to flee to Egypt with Jesus, they blended right in with the Egyptians (Matthew 2:13-15).

Internet - They say that this verse in Deuteronomy 28:68 refers to the transatlantic slave trade where black people were taken from Africa by ships and taken to America where they were sold unto their enemies as slaves. Deuteronomy 28:68 proves that the Israelites were black?


If the verse was not fulfilled during Biblical times or by any previous slave shipment which the Hebrew Israelites will state, then there is NO reason (unless you have already accepted that the Israelites are black) to assume that this verse has indeed yet been fulfilled.

If we cannot point to the fulfilment of the verse at anytime if we don’t presuppose that the Israelites are black then it is JUST as viable to state that the verse has not yet been but will be fulfilled at a future time when the actual Israelites are in their land.

That does not make any sense at all. It's a shame how so many people do not accept the truth. Why not accept the truth and you will be moving forward, instead of being stuck with the racist mindset.

I'm so glad that I'm not in bondage to anyone; Jesus brought me out and I am moving on.

Betty A. Burnett ~

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