New Orleans, Loaded with Voodoo

· For those who have been reading the messages about witchcraft, the evils of it and how God detests it, I pray that they have been beneficial to you. As I conclude, look at what I consider the Voodoo capital.
· Voodoo and witchcraft, while both encompassing spiritual and magical practices, have distinct histories and belief systems. Voodoo, primarily associated with regions of West Africa, the Caribbean, and the southern U.S., centers on the veneration of spirits and ancestors.
· It's deeply embedded in the cultural traditions of these regions and combines elements of African religious practices with influences from other faiths. On the contrary, witchcraft, a more general term, refers to various practices across different cultures and periods that involve magic or the use of supernatural powers.
· Voodoo is not simply a way of casting harmful spells and curses; in fact, it is actually a religion whose spells and rituals were a form of helping people connect with their gods and improve their lives.
· If these people have other gods, this indicate they are not born-again. The Word of God says: You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them (Exodus 20:3-5).
The Voodoo That New Orleans Can Do - ORIGINS OF VOODOO IN NEW ORLEANS
· Synonymous with New Orleans, voodoo first came to Louisiana with enslaved West Africans, who merged their religious rituals and practices with those of the local Catholic population. New Orleans Voodoo is also known as Voodoo-Catholicism.
· It is a religion connected to nature, spirits, and ancestors. Voodoo was bolstered when followers fleeing Haiti after the 1791 slave revolt moved to New Orleans and grew as many free people of color made its practice an important part of their culture. Voodoo queens and kings were spiritual and political figures of power in 1800s New Orleans.
· The core belief of New Orleans Voodoo is that one God does not interfere in daily lives, but that spirits do. Connection with these spirits can be obtained through various rituals such as dance, music, chanting, and snakes.
· Today gris-gris dolls, potions and talismans are still found in stores and homes throughout the city – a reminder of the New Orleans fascination with spirits, magic, and mystery. Voodoo practices include readings, spiritual baths, prayer, and personal ceremony. It is used to cure anxiety, addictions, and feelings of depression or loneliness, as well as to help the poor, hungry, and the sick.
My personal experience: I was in New Orleans with a friend, and while she was in a workshop, I would drive and explore city. After she was finished for the day, we would ride out together. By that time, it was easy for me to travel throughout the city. The lower ninth ward was an area I went to, and it was totally destroyed by hurricane Katrina.

Another instance, while walking on Bourbon Street, I was on my cell phone talking to someone and during the conversation, I told the person“ I am coming back on Bourbon Street and preach”- what a sight to see!

I was also in and out of the Voodoo stores in the French Quarter, this was a normal way of living for the people. I believe they are in darkness because of their religious belief.
· Every experience that the Lord allowed me to go through as it is with any of us, there is purpose. The purpose of my New Orleans trip is to do what I am doing today; sharing about things that that God hates, which is influenced by Satan.

Breaking the chains ~ Betty A. Burnett