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Loss of Power!

Betty A. Burnett

Power Outage 8-11-24

On Friday, August 9th, there was a national weather advisory for several counties in New Jersey and parts of Pennsylvania. Winds were at 40 miles an hour, trees were blowing really hard, heavy rain off and on throughout the day. And then, around 5PM, certain areas lost power.

The area where I live the loss of power lasted about two hours, before it was restored.

This is the point I want to bring home today. There is a vast difference between the world’s power and the Holy Spirit’s power.

There are many worldly powers, but only One Almighty Power of God. There are different kinds of powers, like power (electric) companies, but there is only one kind of Power that never goes out, and that is what some call “The Holy Ghost” Power.

Regardless of what kind of powers may be, none can supersede the Almighty power, praise God. We witnessed how various kind of power pertaining to the world will lose its power, but the power of God never goes out.

As children of the Most High God, we are assured that the Power of God never stops working. Praise the Lord for the ever illuminating power and presence of the Holy Spirit.

Have an awesome day giving the Lord God Almighty all the praises He deserves.

His handmaiden, Betty A. Burnett ~


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