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The Godly (Good) Shepherd [Jesus] versus an Ungodly Pastor 12-4-24

Betty A. Burnett

Dear beloved readers, this is a difficult task and it was a hard decision to make when it came to writing some messages. I started writing on Thanksgiving Day and thought about deleting the message.

However, as I was watching a pastor deliver a sermon about the prophet Micah’s warning because of corrupt leaders who wanted power and they were filled with greed and that it is happening in the church today.  That was my confirmation to continue writing, and from that, I started writing the message again.

For many years, I have heard of people in pastoral positions running down (talking against) certain leaders to others. They even talk against others to members  of their congregation to other members of the congregation. This is evil and it is not the attributes of a true shepherd/pastor.

These are some things I experienced with my own eyes and ears. There is much more that could be written, but the Lord has not released me to tell yet, if ever. Nevertheless, all experiences whether good or not good have benefitted me, and others can learn and be encouraged. Also, I pray that your spiritual senses will be awakened- enlightened (Ephesians 1:18).

These are some things that were said: “This is my church”- According to the Word, God owns the church and Christ is the head of the church (Colossians 1:18 ); in fact, He owns everything including everybody (Psalm 24:1, 50:10-11), which is shameful for anybody to have that kind of mindset (attitude) -a person like that is prideful, and it goes before destruction….. (Proverbs 16:18). Example: King Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 4:28-33).

What about them saying “Listen to your pastor” When someone has the nerve to say something like that, they don’t want the people to listen to anybody but them; that is pride and control. Hearing words like that caused my flag to go up.

I got a check in my spirit, what about the Holy Spirit, especially when those kind of words come from someone’s mouth. That’s scary; “Watch out for that Jim Jones syndrome.”

This is really craziness; “I can read your mind” that what’s psychics do and that along with trying to control someone is witchcraft. Hearing these words coming from someone’s mouth shows that they are insecure, or jealous of others, which makes me wonder if that is their call. Where is the fruit?

Question: Do you want to continue following a leader who is talking down on others; if you are not careful, you’ll be next, if you are not already. Just do one thing that he or she dislike. A person who has a true calling of shepherd/pastor is to imitate Christ.

He does not scatter the sheep: Woe [trouble] to the shepherds who slaughter and scatter the sheep of My pasture! (Jeremiah 23:1), he protects the sheep from the wolves (Acts 20:28); he is not a wolf who devours the sheep; he nurtures the sheep-feeds them the true Word (Isaiah 40:11), not just come up with a sermon title and a verse and make it what he believes it to be, or to preach something to tickle the ears- they will have itching ears (2 Timothy 4:3) or to manipulate (control) the people to keep them under his domain.

Sheep need guidance, therefore whatever is told to them, they believe it, association brings assimilation.

I would like to interject this: If the Lord has you in a place and the Spirit has not prompted you to move, please be obedient, because there is a reason for you being in that particular place. Make sure you hear the Spirit’s voice and be deceived by your own heart (Jeremiah 17:9). Many people are so loyal the pastor and to the church building. For instance, I heard some say: “This is my church and I am not going anywhere- that’s flesh (carnally minded)!

Let’s remember Who and what our walk is about and stop following after people who are following after God. Paul said: Follow me as I follow Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1).

His handmaiden, Betty A. Burnett ~

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