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  • Betty A. Burnett

Who Cursed You?

Medical History ~ Cursed Because of Genetic Heredity? 10-2-23

· This has been a concern of mine from the time I was diagnosed with high blood pressure about seventeen years ago. Prior to that, when I had a doctor’s appointment, a form had to be filled out asking your father, mother, or siblings who had the list of diseases on the form. I would say this: My parents or my sister may have it but that doesn’t belong to me.

· Well, that silent killer high blood pressure did strike me, and I still stand on the Word of God, even though I take medicine, for cholesterol and hypertension. I know the devil will use this against me, but The Almighty God who is my Father is greater than any devil, any disease, or any affliction.

· As is known to many, years of taking certain medicines lead to greater health issues. That’s exactly what happened to me; I’ve been diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease. I am also being watched by a nephrologist (kidney specialist). He says as long as I keep doing what I am doing, I can live to be a hundred years old. My doctor is amazed at my age, my energy and he is pleasantly surprised that I only take three prescriptions, along with some vitamins.

· This is an important point I need to make, I do almost everything that is required of me in order to walk in victory. My body is not being abused by a lot of unhealthy foods, and I exercise.

· And when it comes to generational curses; Jesus took the curse when He hung on the tree (Galatians 3:13). Let’s be realistic, although the curse has been removed from God’s children, we live in a cursed environment (fallen world), because of what Adam did, his sin fell on every human being (Romans 5:12).

· You may ask, why do I still suffer with hypertension and cholesterol. My answer is, I walk in health and I prosper as my soul prosper (3 John 2). Although John wrote that particular scripture, every Word was inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16).

· The Word of God says as a man [woman] thinks in his [her] heart, so is he [she]- (Proverbs 23:7). I speak life over my situation daily and it works because the tongue is powerful and whatever we speak is what we will get (Proverbs 18:21).

· And the Word of God says I am healed by Jesus ‘stripes (Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24). I’m standing on the promises of God (2 Corinthians 1:20). I encourage you to develop a new mindset.

· My days are numbered- God knew my beginning and my end (Isaiah 46:10), therefore, I am not leaving this world until God says so. Plus, God has called me into ministry and it is not over until He says it is over (Philippians 1:6). My race is not finished; when it is, I will receive my reward (Matthew 25:21, 23; 2 Timothy 4:6-8).

· By the way, when people don’t receive their healing while on this earth for whatever reason, please don’t say they will get it in heaven. Why would they get their healing there when heaven is a perfect place?

Walking by faith, not by sight ~ Betty A. Burnett

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