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Be Careful Who or What You Follow 1-21-25

Betty A. Burnett

Updated: Jan 21

Just recently, a situation happened that revealed many people don’t have knowledge of certain aspects of history. My advice to all of us (me too) is to make sure we know what we are sharing before posting something and making ourselves look foolish. For instance, someone sent out what appeared to be a petition, trying to influence others to protest an event. At first I was not going to respond, then I felt it would  be best to make a statement of truth since the message was sent to me.

In regard to listening to what someone says and taking it to be truth, we need to make sure it is true, which means to search for information that is reliable. How are we going to convey the truth to someone else and be able to defend the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

While looking at a daily reading on yesterday, this is what the author wrote: Evaluate (properly interpret) what the Bible says instead of looking at an issue only through the lens of personal preference [my words- or what someone else says] ask, what does God say? Instead of simply, what does this mean to me? Make scripture the cornerstone [foundation] of your thinking.

On that note, let’s get to the topic- “Be careful who or what you follow” Remember whoever it is or whatever it may be the Word of God has the final say and the utmost (highest) authority. Some people follow whoever or whatever comes along.


The person can sound really good, get people excited and hyped up on their emotions. But how much grace is there? Is the person really been graced by God for the calling, or is he or she in ministry with the wrong motives? How can we tell (discern) whether this person’s ministry is from God?

How do we discern both good and evil, through spiritual growth (Hebrews 5:14) – we know the difference, not by judging (we don’t know what’s in the person’s heart (Matthew 7:1), but by the person’s action. Do they have light (Matthew 5:13-16)?

I am not saying that some of these people do not have the grace call (anointed); what I am saying is they are not functioning in their call. Are we going to follow a carnal leader (one operating in the flesh) or someone who functions under the anointing of the grace call?

When it comes to what we are following, let’s talk about it. We hear this and we that, but is what we worth a grain of salt? Merriam-Webster defines “take it with a grain of salt” as a skeptical attitude. It’s used to encourage people to look at something with some reservation as there’s a chance it could be untrue or misleading. 

We are commanded by the Lord to be careful “who” we follow and to be careful “what” we follow.


It’s like the blind leading the blind- They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch (Matthew 15:14). These were the hypocritical pharisees, and they are in the church today. These types of people not only live a lie, but they also speak lies.

We are responsible and accountable to God for what we hear and who we follow. He has laid the blueprint (the Word) for us to follow, therefore, we are inexcusable.

His handmaiden, Betty A. Burnett ~





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