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Betty A. Burnett’s Role and Function as a Prophetess 1-30-25

Betty A. Burnett

Updated: Jan 30

·         Prophets are called with the grace anointing to edify and strengthen the church- they are also called God’s mouthpiece, because true prophets speak what the Lord tells them.

·         Internet- Prophets serve as God's chosen vessels to deliver His messages, call His people to righteousness, and reveal His plans for the future. Through their words and actions, they provide insight into the character and will of God, underscoring the enduring authority and truth of His Word. Every child of God is chosen and special to him. Just want to make it plain that the prophets were and are not better than others. God knew and knows what all of are capable of doing, therefore in choosing us, God knew what are abilities were and are.

Remember this, regardless if we have the same call, we minister differently; that is, by the grace (ability) anointing that God has given to us.

There has been much confusion when it comes to the role and function of a prophet. Many people think that the prophet foretells something in the future. Never ask the prophet if the Lord has given them a word for you. When that question is asked, the person is looking more to the prophet than to God, and that is not good.

First and foremost, we hear from God through His Word, through the Holy Spirit, teachers of the Word, and if the Lord chooses for us to hear a word from the prophet, it is to confirm that the word from the prophet was true. 

There is a difference between the gift of prophecy and someone who is the five-fold ministry office prophet. The person with the gift of prophecy usually speaks about something that will happen in the future. Whereas the prophet brings forth a message to warn, correct and correct the church which equals encouragement; he or she foretells of something in the future, intercedes, have dreams and visions.

Apostles, prophets, and evangelists are not always functioning in the church. Apostles establish churches, and the prophets assist the apostle; they hear from God and if something goes wrong during time the apostles are establishing the church, they give the warning. The warning stops something or even somebody from causing future problems.

The prophet warns, corrects, and protects, which brings edification. If somebody cautioned or warned you not to do something that could be catastrophic, wouldn’t that be encouraging?

My function as a prophetess is to bring correction in whatever way the Spirit of God shows me. The history of my prophetic call started around 1983. Even though I was functioning in the call, there was not much understanding.

The Spirit of God led me to a church, and it was there that my initial training began- as time went on, I understood more and more as my gift developed; this along with walking intimately with the Lord had greater effectiveness.

I went to certain leaders and told them what the Lord had given to me to say to them; one laughed and didn’t receive what was said; some others were not receptive either. As time progressed, and I moved to New Jersey, the gift was more pronounced.

Upon moving back to North Carolina, it was even more pronounced, because I was continually growing in my spiritual walk and my gift. The gift is being used in the messages that are posted on the internet (social media) and my ministry blog. That’s the main way the Lord is using me to bring warnings and correction to edify and change the mindsets of people.

To you who do not understand the gifts, please don’t judge whatever assignment God has graced and anointed someone else with, because you are judging them wrongly.

His handmaiden, Betty A. Burnett ~

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