Church Hurt 10-18-24

This was a long title, but it has a lot of meaning to it: “If being hurt by the church causes you to lose your faith in God then your faith was in people, not in God”
If I didn’t have faith in God, I would have left the church a long time ago. I am not naming anyone, but church hurts come from different types of people, and those who were on different levels in their walk with Christ. Whatever the case, the people are immature. What about hurt coming from leaders who definitely should be mature? That is one of the worst kinds of hurt.

A leader has the greatest influence, people look up to him or her, and they are influenced by them. So, if the leader comes against a member, it shows where he is on his walk (journey). From my experience, I will share what is beneficial to the readers. If you are in a church and the Spirit of God led you, or even if you are not sure if the Lord wants you in a particular church, there is a reason for you being where you are.

The Lord uses various circumstances for our benefit, even when we do not feel comfortable. And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
I would not be where I am today if the Lord didn’t allow challenges to come into my life. How would I have learned to help someone else if I had not experienced some out of the comfort zones?
Although God does not like it when we mistreat others, everything still happens for a reason. And it is not always for us to minister to someone else, but we must go through the pruning (painful) process to be able to help others. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes that it may bear more fruit (John 15:2).

So, my friends, even when church hurt is wrong, always remember that it is beneficial; and remember that the devil attacks God’s people through other saints (weaker saints) and influence them. You can take this away from the message- whatever you’re doing when it comes to ministry, or wherever you may be, it’s for your good. Even when we are outside of God’s will a lesson can be learned.
Grace and Peace
His handmaiden, Betty A. Burnett ~ burnettministries.org