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Laodicea, the Lukewarm (High-Minded) Church in the Book of Revelation 12-31-24

Betty A. Burnett

Updated: Dec 31, 2024

This church is the one listed about the seven churches in the book of Revelation. However, on New Year’s Day I want to finish with the church of Philadelphia which was called the true church of the professing churches. The warning is for the church today. Every church (born again believers) fit into one these categories. Once you’ve read the messages pertaining to the seven churches, see which one you can identify with.

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Christ’s rebuke to the church - Christ’s language indicates that being lukewarm is worse than being totally cold. On the surface, this contrast seems strange. Certainly, being lukewarm in relationship to Christ is worse than being totally hot, but wouldn’t a mixture of at least some hot and cold be better than being totally cold?

An examination of what Christ meant by hot, cold, and lukewarm indicates that this is not the case. It appears that Christ used the term hot to refer to true believers, those who have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit and therefore possess genuine spiritual life that gives them a zeal for Christ. Paul and Stephen were examples of those who were hot.

So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither [a]cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.  Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked— (Revelation 3:16-17).

The Exhortation to This Church (vv. 18–20) - Because the Laodiceans lived in a banking-commercial center, they were accustomed to having financial advisors counsel them about investing their wealth wisely. In like manner, Christ counseled them concerning wise spiritual investments.

He advised them to “buy” three things from Him: refined gold (true, unadulterated spiritual riches) in order to be spiritually wealthy; white clothing (the absolute righteousness of God) in order to cover their spiritual nakedness and thereby make themselves acceptable to God; and eye salve (the work of the Holy Spirit, which would remove their spiritual blindness) in order to see spiritual reality.

The Reward to the Overcomer (v. 21) - Christ promised a reward to the person who would overcome. In this context, it appears that the overcomer was the individual in the Laodicean church who overcame the pressures of that church to remain in its condition of lukewarm unbelief and reject Christ’s appeal. He was the person who opened the door to Christ. In other words, he was the true believer (cp. 1 Jn. 2:13–144:45:4–5).

The reward that Christ promised was the future (the verb “will grant” is future tense) privilege of sitting with Him in His throne, just as the Father granted Christ the privilege of sitting with Him in His throne because Christ overcame the world (Jn. 16:33Phil. 2:89Heb. 1:3). Thus, Christ promised that He will reward church saints with the privilege of reigning together with Him in the Millennial Kingdom (2 Tim. 2:12).

The Command to Readers (v. 22) - Christ commanded readers to heed the convicting voice of the Spirit through these letters to the churches. In light of this letter to Laodicea, churches and readers today should heed the warning about shutting Christ out through a self-sufficient attitude that amounts to lukewarm belief.

My word- Saints, take heed to what Jesus told John to write about the seven churches in the book of Revelation. The next chapter after the commendation and warning to the church, the rapture takes place. Will you be ready to meet Jesus when He comes?

His handmaiden, Betty A. Burnett ~


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