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Spiritual Growth Challenge 1-6-25

Betty A. Burnett

Updated: Jan 6

There are many professed born again believers; that is, those who have a relationship with Jesus who feel that their walk with Jesus is pleasing to Him. This week the challenge will determine how close or intimate one is with our risen Savior.

Below are the various challenges as to how committed, intimate, or sold out one is; and it will reveal how spiritually mature people are. Some people are still in the infant stage, but

they think they are mature. I caution you to be careful. Even if you had Biblical training, or gone to seminary, or you may be an eloquent speaker. If you are not seeing the Word from God’s perspective, you have missed the entire meaning of His Word. I personally know many people who have attended seminary and they don’t know about God’s perspective, or the difference between God’s and men. I plan to share it from an elementary point of view soon.

The challenges below will identify what spiritual level you’re on. I want to caution those who try to challenge me. The only way to rightly divide Word of God is to look at it from His perspective. The reason being is, you only see from your natural (carnal) senses, therefore your understanding is clouded, whereas God sees everything clearly because He is Sovereign.

When we look from our natural understanding, it is not possible to rightly divide God’s Word. In other words, these types of people are acting like unsaved people (the natural man). But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned (1 Corinthians 2:14).They are leaning to their own understanding rather that trusting God (Proverbs 3:5-6).

With that being so, not only do they divide the word of truth wrongly, but they  also cannot hear what the Spirit is saying because they are not open to the truth. Yet, because of their mindsets they think they are more mature than they are. Therefore, let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall (1 Corinthians 10:12).

All of the statements below are commands. Some people say that we should obey the ten commandments in the Old Testament, which was the law written by Moses, but the Law could not save anyone, it only let them know they were wrong they were.  For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ (John 1:17).

Example: Go into the world is a command that means, “You go;” Study to show yourself approved to God, means “You study” The Lord is not asking us to go or study, He is commanding us to go and to study, and so on.

The challenges are listed below, and they are meant for us to be honest and open to the truth, and then do what is required. The list will be broken down individually, beginning tomorrow, Lord willing.

1)      Rightly dividing the Word of truth 

2)      Tithes and Sowing seeds

3)      Attending a local assembly

4)      Loving others

5)      Helping others in various ways

6)      Encouraging others

 7) High-minded

His handmaiden, Betty A. Burnett ~


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