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Taking the Kingdom of Darkness by Force

Betty A. Burnett

Advancing the Kingdom of God

  • Truly I say to you, among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist! Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. From the days of John, the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force (Matthew 11:11-12).

  • What does violence takes by force mean? We should be so consumed with the Spirit that we will put forth every effort to press in and onward, despite the opposition. We press in and on, despite the opposition. We are in God’s army; therefore, we are militant (combative and aggressive). Weaklings cannot win anything, taking the kingdom means being trained in the Word and using spiritual strategy.

  • It takes one being equipped! Do you think John the Baptist was weak and unlearned?

From the internet - Because of John’s patience in the wilderness throughout his childhood, he was strong and ready to step out and lead the Israelites when the appointed time had come. He was courageous and not afraid to say what he needed to. Like Elijah, he was bold in his speech. Read 1 Kings, chapter 18.

  • Each of us has different callings (assignments), and we minister according to our call. Even with that being so, we are still called to advance the kingdom of God, according to the grace that given to us.

Willing and ready to advance the Kingdom of God.

~ Betty A. Burnett ~

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