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What a Fellowship!

Betty A. Burnett

Are You Going to Church today?

· I am writing this in reference to an experience at Family Dollar a few days ago. While at the check-out counter, a man asked if I went to church and he said he wanted prayer, yet he was using foul language. I believe he thought he could get over on me (take advantage of).

· My answer was, I go to church every day because I fellowship with some saints every day. Since the children of God are the church, we should be in constant fellowship with each other. I go to church (the physical building) regularly and to Bible study or Sunday morning services.

· If we are able, there should be no excuse not to assemble with other saints (Hebrews 10:25). The devil will deceive you into thinking you are okay watching TV or whatever means to listen to a message.

· The Word of God says that two are better than one (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10). After God created Adam, He said it was not good for man to be alone, so He made him a helpmate (Genesis 2:18).

· How do you think Satan deceived Eve (1 Timothy 2:14)? She was alone. Proof- the devil did not go to Adam and Eve; he went to Eve (Genesis 3:1). Why do you think God has so many children in His family? Because we need each other!

· By the way, please don’t say the church is in you, Christ is in you, and it is because of Him, that we are the church (Ephesians 1:22-23). If it was not for born-again believers, there would not be a church.

· If you plan to assemble with other saints at any given time, you are not forsaking the assembly. So, let’s be the church that we’ve been called to be and connect with other saints. Remember this, we’re not in this alone; we have the Lord and we are blessed to have each other.

· By the way, please don’t say the church is in you, Christ is in you, and it is because of Him, that we are the church. If it was not for born-again believers, there would not be a church.

Blessings ~ Betty A. Burnett

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