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Attending a Local Assembly (Church) 1-10-25

Betty A. Burnett

Updated: Jan 10

I pray that all those who are reading this message will understand that these are not Betty’s words, but they God’s Words, and these messages are encourage the readers to line up with God’s will (His Word). Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching (Hebrews 10:25). The day approaching means Christ’s return.

All of God’s children have ministry in some capacity. Some are called to lead a congregation of people are the local assembly. While others function another capacity. Since  my ministry is to write and post messages by way of the internet, (outside the walls), I attend a local assembly. At this point, I am not traveling to different places, and until then, I fellowship with the saints at a local church. For those who have ministries outside the church, they are still considered to be in an assembly with saints.

There is an exception for those who are incapacitated (sick, physically unable, and so on. Thank the Lord for technological means of blessing people who cannot get to a physical assembly. But, for those who are not gathering and fellowshipping with the other saints, the Lord will not accept unjustifiable excuses.

Benefits for assembling with other saints- There is a need for local pastors and elders (fivefold ministry)-(Ephesians 4:11), who are also bishops, overseers (1 Timothy 3:1); the sick should call for the elders of the church (James 5:14-15). Do you think those TV evangelicals are traveling long distances to pray for you; they don’t even get on the phone with you. All of God’s children are empowered to pray for others, but this is the context of the message.

At that time, a Jew named Apollos came to Ephesus. He was an educated man from Alexandria. He knew the Scriptures very well.  Apollos had been taught the way of the Lord. He spoke with great power. He taught the truth about Jesus. But he only knew about John’s baptism.  He began to speak boldly in the synagogue. Priscilla and Aquila heard him. So, they invited him to their home. There they gave him a better understanding of the way of God (Acts 18:24-26).

If you are connecting with other saints some way or the other, sharing the Word ad praying for one another and other, that is an assembly, but if you are a church hopper and always see something wrong with a church, the biggest problem just might be you. There is no perfect church, if that were true, we’d be in heaven. I always encourage others to ask the Lord to guide them to a specific church, because that’s where you will have various kinds of experiences to help you grow. Church hopping doesn’t work, we need stability (balance) which causes spiritual growth. We need local fellowship to keep the bond of unity (Psalm 133).

Did you not know that the devil loves to catch us alone (Ecclesiastes 4:9); look what he did to Eve (Genesis 3:5). Not only that but Jesus Himself said: where two or three [more] are gathered in My name, I am in the midst (Matthew 18:20).

Next week, Lord willing, “Loving Others”

His handmaiden, Betty A. Burnett ~

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