Many saved people have little knowledge about cults and how to recognize them. These are a few ways cults can be recognized. Jesus is the only way one can be born again; no one goes to the Father except through Jesus (John 14:6; Acts 4:12, 1 Timothy 2:5). Jesus was not a mere prophet, nor a god He is God in the Flesh, the Word of God (John 1:1-2, 14).

Cult- a relatively small group of people having beliefs or practices, especially relating to religion, that are regarded by others as strange or sinister or as imposing excessive control over members.
This is something else that many people are not aware of. Leaders of cults will say God gave them a special revelation and told them to start a particular movement (church, ministry). If that were true why does the Word of God say this?
For prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21). And it was given for our learning. For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope (Romans 15:4).
Why does the Word talk about the prophets of old given revelations for us to learn from. I will not name anyone, but hopefully from this message, the readers will have something that they will understand and be able to determine cults and false religion from true Christianity.
There are no extra revelations outside of the Word of God; everything that we need to know has already been written. However, there are things outside of the written Word that are to be studied, or searched out, such as history, language, and the culture of the people. This helps us to understand the Bible more fully.
As was written before, the more we know about the people, the more clearly our understanding becomes and this also helps us to be in balance when it comes to understanding what the whole counsel of God. For instance, if we would go to a foreign country, how could we relate to the people? Suppose we don’t understand, or don’t know their language, how can we communicate with them?
Remember when everybody spoke in one language and God confused them because they were so united that nothing could not stop them, but God did, and He caused them to be scattered, their language became different and they no longer understood each other (Genesis 11: 6-9). If God had not confused their language and scattered them, they would have been unstoppable because they were unified, on one accord and had the same mindset.
Something similar happened on the day of Pentecost; they were in the same place, on one accord and speaking the same language. The Holy Spirit lit on them and they spoke in different languages but were saying the same thing.
In other words, the Holy Spirit empowered them to go into the world and preach with power. He also gave them the interpretation of the unknown tongues (language) that was spoken (Acts 2:1-8).
In understanding the Word of God, it has to be properly interpreted, but the Lord has given us ways of translating through the Holy Spirit, teachers and others who have been blessed to rightly divide the Word of truth. During your personal study divine revelations can also be revealed to us.
When you grab hold of some simple truths, then you will be able to witness more affectively and defend the Gospel of Jesus Christ when and if it becomes necessary.
Remember that there is a difference in false religions, cults, and someone innocently in error, which is also not good because we are required to study (2 Timothy 2:15). But because we are humans that will happen, just as when the Bible was being translated from the original language mistakes were made.
I believe the Lord allowed us to see that no human being is perfect. Same with the Word- know it original meaning in the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek language, Sometimes the new translations are not accurate because they have taken away some of the true meaning.
Next week, Lord willing, “The Function of a True Prophet or Prophetess”
His handmaiden, Betty A. Burnett ~ burnettministries.org