History was a subject that I did not like during my school days. Maybe it was because we only had one kind of history. However, during the early nineteen nineties,; the Lord used a friend to perk my interest in African American History. Also, Biblical history became of great interest to me.

When it comes to African American history, and my ancestry line, I feel this way “If you don’t know where they came from, how do they know where you are going?”
In 1994, shortly after moving back to Greensboro, North Carolina, I was prompted to search my ancestry line from my mother’s father’s side of the family. Days, weeks and months were spent traveling to and from the slave owners property, searching for records in a couple of counties where I was told that some of my ancestors came from. The Lord used a man to point me in the right direction and that encouraged me to move forward. Despite the time and effort was put into the search; it was well worth it.
Knowing certain aspects of history continues to affect us today. How do we know how much we are affected unless we know our history? We would be able to understand why certain people suffer more than others. It’s in the Word of God (Deuteronomy, chapter 28). Search it out for yourselves. History is important, and without having knowledge of it we suffer loss (Hosea 4:6).
As I continue sharing about people you may never have heard of, this is important because some you never heard of could have been instrumental in the ones many have been heard of.
For instance, nowhere in Biblical history, or any other kind of history people do whatever is done without the help of someone else. Example: as famous as Billy Graham, the evangelist was, he always told others how his ministry would not be what it was without people like George Beverly Shea, one of the music artists and those who accompanied him; prayer warriors and other staff.

This month I will share stories about some of my family and if you have a story that you would like to have posted on social media and my ministry blog, please let me know. You may see Harriet Tubman in some of the future messages about “African American History”

But, what about the ones that Harriet Tubman and others helped; to gain their freedom. I call them the “Run-Away- Slaves!” They risked their lives to keep from being enslaved; they said before they would be a slave, they would be buried in a grave. That’s deep and they were determined, for real.
I probably would have said the same thing.
Guess what? Harriet Tubman was never caught during her missions to lead slaves to freedom. She used disguises, trusted allies, and various modes of transportation to avoid detection. Hallelujah! She was one smart woman, glory to God!!
Tomorrow, I plan to resume with a slave story of my family.
His handmaiden, Betty A. Burnett ~ burnettministries.org