Albert, a Mighty Man of God 7-12-24
The message yesterday was an initial one to bring awareness to Albert’s friends and bonus family of his departure from this earth to be present with the Lord. This story dates back to 1991 when I met him in Camden, NJ (he was from New York).
The message yesterday was an initial one to bring awareness to Albert’s friends and bonus family of his departure from this earth to be present with the Lord. This story dates back to 1991 when I met him in Camden, NJ (he was from New York).
As was stated yesterday, by me knowing Albert all those years, I was the person God had ordained to have a very personal friendship with. However, because of a physical attraction, we allowed that to take precedence over God’s will.
Once we realized God (years later) had ordained him to be my personal teacher/trainer, and it was God’s will for me to be a major support that was necessary to help Albert fight the demons that were trying to destroy him, things shifted in the right direction. Our relationship reminds me of iron sharpening iron. As iron sharpens iron,
So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend (Proverbs 27:17).
We had an awesome bond of brotherly sisterly love (phileo) that became absolutely amazing, and our Agape love for each other was amazingly incredible!
Very quickly Albert was accepted by my family to be his family; it was the same with Albert’s family and me. With that being said, Albert and I did quite a few things together regularly. He even traveled with my Camden family and me to various places.
Albert taught Bible study at my sister and brother and law’s house in Camden, and a friend from Philly would join us. Albert’s gift (teacher) to the church to the church (body of Christ) was immediately recognized by those who understood the gift.
Next- Albert’s North Carolina Connection
Grace and Peace ~ Thanks for praying for all of Albert’s family and those who loved him so dearly.
Betty A. Burnett ~